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VinnySem 11-11-2004 10:43 AM

Sticky Request: YaST Update sources
I think a useful sticky in this forum would be a list of web sources for YaST, like packman's site or the ftp directories on SUSE's website. I have tried searching this and other forums, and sources are listed all over the place. A central list of sources would prove very useful, I think. Anyone else agree?

I'll start the list:

Any others, please post in this thread.


Pcghost 11-11-2004 05:21 PM

This would make a good sticky. Mods? Jeremy? Beuler?

VinnySem 11-12-2004 12:12 PM

:( Guess not.

prophet621 11-16-2004 07:09 PM

I would like to see it as a sticky. I'm waiting for the 9.2 64bit sources.

milad126 11-16-2004 07:26 PM

i think this is also a nice source for suse:

r3dhatter 11-16-2004 10:08 PM

This would make a great sticky to new SUSE users such as myself :) .

jeremy 11-17-2004 08:11 AM

Thread has been stickied - thanks all.


snakedriver 11-17-2004 03:09 PM

Here you go,
Just did KDE update,

lesnakupa 11-19-2004 06:54 AM

ok, now for the first post:

ARE all of these ftp's for the YOU?

I dont quite understand. Could somebody explain, what sources should i give to YOU and what sources are to type in the "change Source of Instalation" thing?

Tomorrow im takin my PC to friends to the city because i dont have no DSL thing here and i want to get my suse 9.1 pro updated. Previously i used apt for that and i was fine, but people say apt is bad for suse. So i want to go the suse way and do it eith YaST.

abisko00 11-19-2004 07:14 AM

How to add new sources to YaST
None of them is for YOU. The Yast Online Update (YOU) has it's own list of servers. You shouldn't need to change these.

This list is for adding installation sources to the Yast module 'Install and Remove Software'. What may has caused a little confusion is, that adding sources enables you to install 'updates' of KDE and Gnome. But it has nothing to do with the security updates and bugfixes you get via YOU.

So what you do is:

Open Yast -> System -> Change Source of Installation
click 'Add' -> FTP (or HTTP in case of the packman source)
specify the server and the directory

Note: no slashes in the server entry, no leading slash in the directory entry, do not specify a path in the 'Server' field.

just an example (don't use the main server, find mirrors here):

Directory: pub/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_9.1/yast-source/

To update e.g. KDE, add (only) the KDE source like above, open the 'Install and Remove Software' module, select the filter 'Installation Summary', check 'Keep' and click all entries that appear blue until the greenish 'update' sign appears, then 'Accept'.

From Packman you can receive a lot of recent multimedia packages, codecs etc.

kt_leohart 11-20-2004 08:53 PM

Nice post, thanks a lot abisko00 .

barrys 11-22-2004 02:30 AM


Originally posted by snakedriver
Here you go,
Just did KDE update,

Is this for the Intel or the amd64, or does it do both

thanks for the post anyway, just what i was looking for

:Pengy: :Pengy: :Pengy: :Pengy:

snakedriver 11-22-2004 06:44 AM


Well, I know that it works with AMD64 = x86-64.
I will defer to a Linux Ace to state that it will work with intel; that said, knowing that there are different kernels available to be installed by Suse at installation time, maybe it will work, if in fact, you installed to an intel system with the suse x86-64 DVD. I also know that my x86-64 yast2 won't allow me to install crap that won't work.

I guess what I'm saying is try it and see if yast accepts it(plus you can always use the DVD repair).

good luck,


LeanPudLou 11-27-2004 07:29 AM

I've been lurking about and following Abisko00's postings and so far so good...
I have been able to get to the point where Abisko00 instructs me to...go to the "Install..." but I get the following Error:

Kdebase3-Suse 9.1-10 Conflict
Conflict resolution:
Downgrade Kdebase3-Suse-9.1-18-1 to version 9.1-10

Or I can choose

Ignore Conflict and risk System Inconsistencies

Hummm...(?) I've been busy downloading aand installing all the security and most of the reccommended updates with YOU except for the Suse Kernal source (over 100 mb) and everything has installed with no problem....
So....I'm thinking that I'll choose the "Ignore..." option above.

Has anyone seen this Error before?

kt_leohart 11-27-2004 07:32 AM

Well, I see those problems all the time. Usually a package has dependencies and it requires certain versions of another package(s). Sometimes, these requirement conflict with each other. That is why Yast ask you for a solution.

It is best to avoid choosing ignore. Try downgrading or upgrading as neccessary. Sometimes you might have to try another alternative for a package as conflicts go too many.

Hope that helps.

Also, if anyone find any other good repos for Yast, please post, I am looking for even more.

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