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-   -   I cannot get solaris-desktop to work on my laptop. I'm using Solaris 11.4 x86 (

bdeg 09-25-2020 12:24 PM

I cannot get solaris-desktop to work on my laptop. I'm using Solaris 11.4 x86
I have an HP Elitebook 840 laptop.

I installed solaris-desktop.

I entered:

pkg info -r solaris-desktop

pkg install solaris-desktop

Then I rebooted.

Solaris didn't boot with graphics. It stayed in text mode or command line.

I tried startx and gdm as a user and root.

The errors I get are gdm saying not owner. Xorg gives me unable to connect. No screens found.

I'm working from memory. I tried a fresh install twice. There was no way to save logs. I had to install another operating system to get to you.

Xorg was unable to connect to the screen. It might be a permissions thing. I also think it might be a driver issue.

Regardless I have no idea how to fix this.

Please help.


business_kid 09-27-2020 08:57 AM

Welcome to LQ, bdeg.

I'm no Solaris man, but someone had better try to help you.

Xorg says 'no screens found'. That's a video problem. It usually writes a log, Xorg.0.log, every time you run it. Previous files are renamed or deleted. So search for it. If you have some version of locate
updatedb (which needs root) makes or updates a database
locate Xorg.0.log should find the file.

You can read it with 'cat /path/to/Xorg.0.log |grep EE' which gives you the errors - the juicy bits.

Otherwise, If you can, pastebin it and send the link. If you can make sense of it, great. Keep us informed.

bdeg 02-18-2021 04:23 PM

My error screens

Sorry I am the original poster getting back to you late. Life intruded.

Gad 03-03-2021 07:35 AM

Welcome back to LQ!

6 months down the line and still no progress?

Follow the same suggestion provided above and paste the output using the code tags please.


cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep EE
Or alternatively send another pic (Not ideal but if its your only means so be it)

bdeg 03-03-2021 05:10 PM

Back again. Finally got a screenshot.
Hello again,

Can anyone help me? I am posting two screenshots of the aforementioned command I ran.

Gad 03-06-2021 09:47 AM

Are you able to post the output of the following ...


I see you have provided the model of your laptop but its best to be sure what hardware you are running.

bdeg 03-06-2021 11:02 PM

snapci results

Gad 03-09-2021 07:51 AM

It definitional seems like its related to video issues as @business_kid previously mentioned. From what I have possibly established is that your system is loading the Nvidia driver where as according to the information you provided it appears your system uses the Intel HD5500 graphics, if I am not mistaken. I am not too familiar with Solaris and from what I gathered it appears there is not much promising documentation.

You can possibly use the following links as a guideline:

Its worth a shot

Gad 03-12-2021 01:42 PM

Have you managed to come right with this issue?

I had a similar issue with FreeBSD which also uses the pkg manager. You could try installing the drm-kmod package and setting the driver to intel


pkg install graphics/drm-kmod
Then set the driver in /etc/rc.conf



Worth a shot

bdeg 03-24-2021 03:29 PM

No solution
I tried to get the desktop to work. I learned some things but I couldn't solve the original problem.

Thanks for all who tried to help. It is quite a bit different than linux and there isn't much documentation.

I'll give it a go in a couple of weeks again to see if I can get it straight. :study:

Gad 03-25-2021 01:40 AM

Waiting in anticipation for the good news

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