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rmcateer 03-05-2015 10:55 AM

automatically launch bash scripts that are currently user controlled?
I have written some scripts to collect system statistics through vmstat, iostat and sar and another script that controls processes. The process control one reads information from a text file and outputs the data according to the menu option chosen. This is for a project. I have now been told that apparently all of these processes and data gathering have to run automatically and therefore need to be overhauled. I was under the impression that actual memory could only be assigned to a process through the kernel and not the command line. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 server(no GUI) edition.

How, if at all, can I modify the script so that the processes run automatically for scheduled times on startup? This is the system stats collection script(currently controlled by the user)

# Script to get sar statistics#
## ##
echo "Enter the number of intervals (seconds) for the sar statistics:"
read int
echo "enter the number of output lines (count) to process:"
read cnt
#set while

    while true; do
echo "*******************************"
echo "* Choose from the following: *"
echo "*******************************"
echo "* [1] To view process creation statistics *"
echo "* [2] To view I/O and transfer rate statistics *"
echo "* [3] To view paging statistics *"
echo "Press A to quit."
echo "************************"
echo -n "Enter your menu choice [0-15]: "
D=`/bin/date '+%B.%d'`
read mychoice
case $mychoice in
1) echo "process creation statistics";
vmstat $INT $CNT |tee /tmp/sar_proc_stat_$D
echo "This file will be saved to /tmp/sar_pc_stat_$D"
sleep 3 ;;
2) echo "I/O and transfer rate statistics"
iostat $INT $CNT |tee /tmp/sar_IO_TR_stat_$D
echo "This file will be saved to /tmp/sar_IO_TR_stat_$D"
sleep 3 ;;
3) echo "paging statistics"
sar  $INT $CNT |tee /tmp/sar_pag_stat_$D
echo "This file will be saved to /tmp/sar_pag_stat_$D"
sleep 3 ;;
A) #Quit option
    echo You have now quit. Please return to the main menu.

    *) #Wildcard option
    echo Invalid choice, please make another choice;;


TenTenths 03-05-2015 11:42 AM

What's to stop you using cron for the job?

rmcateer 03-05-2015 01:36 PM

Would cron do it ok? Can it make a script run on startup? or two scripts at the same time?
I am trying to install crontab but it can't be found. I have tried apt-get update but it still can't be found. How can I get it on Ubuntu 12.04 server and desktop versions?

rmcateer 03-05-2015 02:17 PM

I have managed to get standard cron installed, rather than crontab. Will that do all of the same things?

suicidaleggroll 03-05-2015 02:33 PM

cron is the name of the package itself, crontab is what you use to control the commands and scheduling that will be run by cron. It's provided by the cron package, which AFAIK comes pre-installed on all major distros.

Yes you can run multiple commands at a time, or on startup, or whatever you like. Use "@reboot" to run something on startup, otherwise use the five columns to set a run time in the standard crontab syntax:

rmcateer 03-05-2015 02:35 PM

ok thanks. with the above script which I pasted, is it possible to get cron to run all three options(iostat, vmstat and sar) in the background every few minutes? or does a new script need written for each one?

If I have created processes myself, can they be scheduled? Is it possible to use cron to reassign priority and virtual memory size to the processes? and to assign virtual memory to the script so that if memory is low, the lower priority processes will wait?

suicidaleggroll 03-05-2015 02:47 PM

Your script should be modified so it fits the traditional *nix format of

command [arguments]
rather than an interactive menu system in an infinite loop. That doesn't mean it can't work as-is, but it's really not optimal.

You could boil that entire prompt/read menu system down to:


and go on your way. You could even leave the menu in-place if you want, but just add command line switches so if the user (or script, or crontab) knows what it wants to run it doesn't have to jump through hoops flipping through menus to do it.

As for prioritization, no. cron runs commands at scheduled times (like Windows' Scheduled Tasks), it's not a resource scheduler. You might want to look into something like Maui/Moab and TORQUE.

rmcateer 03-05-2015 03:27 PM

Well I think that Maui is desktop based whereas I need to use the server only, i.e. No GUI allowed.
My basic objective is written as this: "this project will involve installing the selected server Operating Systems in a selected virtual environment, their configuration in a manner relevant for this domain, generation of data streams to feed into the Operating System and represent the way in which activity will take place in this domain, initiation of processes to monitor and manage collected data, and collection of a system resource footprint for each server."

I have already stressed and gathered statistics on the servers, similar to how they are gathered above. I also have a script which contains a menu with several options. the options allow the user to control processes by pressing an option which will start/stop process, give it a priority, give it a value and a memory and check all of those values. what the text in quotes though suggests is that it is all done automatically, which is my tutor's suggestion. She is asking for an algorithm that controls the files automatically and gathers the data. I already have the statistics and process values written to text files.

Is cron the best way to manage this data then? I thought it could use nice/renice to set priority?

rmcateer 03-05-2015 03:28 PM

I have a dialog menu which controls other options such as user passwords. Can cron run and not interfere with this or will the two conflict?
the processes are all intended to be recurring.

smallpond 03-05-2015 04:05 PM

If your dialog menu runs when a user logs in, make sure it only runs for interactive sessions.

suicidaleggroll 03-05-2015 04:05 PM

All cron does is run a command at a specified time with no user input, either required or allowed. You can not use cron to execute a command that requires user input. Interactive menus are a big fat no, either pull it out or add code to let you bypass it. Interactive menus are terrible anyway...they're decent learning exercises, but an absolute abomination to use. Don't make it a requirement or anybody who actually tries to use this system will curse your name.

nice/renice are the crudest possible way to approach resource scheduling. You could go that route, but you will be EXTREMELY limited in capability.

Just because it's a headless server doesn't mean you can't run GUIs, that's what X forwarding is for. Either way, I highly doubt Maui requires you to run a GUI. I have yet to find any Linux application where that's a requirement, beyond the obvious (word processors, web browsers, etc.).

---------- Post added 03-05-15 at 03:06 PM ----------


Originally Posted by rmcateer (Post 5327488)
I have a dialog menu which controls other options such as user passwords. Can cron run and not interfere with this or will the two conflict?
the processes are all intended to be recurring.

I don't understand what you're asking. Why would they conflict? Please describe your question in more detail. Chances are cron was already installed and already running other scheduled tasks before you even touched this system. The only thing you'll be doing is adding more scheduled tasks to the list.

rmcateer 03-05-2015 05:23 PM

if i already have a script though that outputs all of the process functionality through the user selecting options, then how hard is it to make it so the processes run automatically? Would I need to overhaul the whole code? is there no simple option such as put the processes in a scheduling folder?

She is asking for an algorithm to run them automatically but i don't think she really understands what that means. if they are scheduled to run automatically in cron, then does that not suffice?

What would an example of an algorithm be for processes running automatically?

suicidaleggroll 03-05-2015 05:56 PM

If it's run automatically in the background by cron, who is going to navigate through the menus to get the script to do what you want?

You'd have to write a command file and pipe it into the script as stdin to feed the answers to the menus automatically...which is slow and ugly. Interactive menus are an abomination anyway. Unless they're absolutely required, you should replace all of those prompts and reads with simple command line arguments and a help page. And even if the menu is absolutely required for some reason, you should at a MINIMUM allow the user to pass in the answers as command line arguments to bypass the menu.

This isn't an "overhaul of the whole code", this is a 5 minute adjustment to turn the script into something that's actually usable and able to be automated. You probably could have made those changes in less time than it took me to write this post.

When you write a script for automation, be it by cron or any other means, the first step is to remove all human interaction. All input needs to be grabbed from the command line, and all output should go to log files. Nothing on stdin, nothing on stdout.

rmcateer 03-05-2015 06:25 PM

well how can view the results of the files without the menu? what is the syntax?

suicidaleggroll 03-06-2015 09:36 AM

It's already written to dump the output of the commands to files, so just open them with any text editor or cat.

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