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wisdom 02-25-2004 04:09 PM

recomended games anyone???
I am not really a person to play games on pc but since i don't have my PS2 with me at UNI. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas where i can get decent games for linux, to play with standalone or online. Any ideas of where to get them from please let me know.


TigerCardeo 02-25-2004 04:34 PM

Try out Wine/ WineX
First off, I'd recommend Wine ( ) over Winex ( available through )

From that site, you can do a search to see what games they currently support, and then from there you can make your descision(s) as to which games to get. Personally, I'm thinking of getting Daoc since it seems that Daoc Gold Edition (I think) is now supported.

emperorjordan 02-25-2004 05:11 PM

if u have a pretty decent video card, go dl the UT2004 demo (google it) for linux. it runs GREAT.

courtrrb 02-25-2004 06:39 PM

Go to they have lots of games for Linux.

rufius 02-25-2004 06:41 PM

Enemy Territory, Unreal Tourny 2003, Unreal Tourny 2004 demo & the release when it comes out :), and of course Tuxracer!

Crito 02-25-2004 08:19 PM kicks Tribes' arse, and no Wine(x) required. ;)

PDR60 02-25-2004 09:33 PM

Ive been playing Diablo2 with winex. It runs great. i am also playing Jedi 2, which runs great under winex. I would highly recommend Winex. It has played every game I've tried. Ones like Counter Strike, starcraft, des eux, max payne 1and 2, Age of emporires 2, Grand theft auto, and a few others i can't recall.

rokka 02-26-2004 03:30 PM

Tactical ops. FPS- CS-style.
A bit old but still going strong + you can get it for like no money at all.
No need for winex either, download linux-installer here:

matador 02-27-2004 12:34 PM

I bought Heroes of Might and Magic III and some other games from a site I've forgotten for $9.99 each (2 years ago). You should be able to find some other game sites selling linux games if you look for it. But they're not the latest and not the best games. For that you need wine, which is not always that simple...

jkibbe 02-27-2004 07:13 PM

America's Army looks pretty cool (even if you are not from the U.S.!). It is sponsored by the U.S. Army, I think kind of as a recruiting tool, and is available for free for online play! -- info & download -- info & screenshots

sh1ft 02-27-2004 09:31 PM

The best games for linux are those based on the quake 3 engine. So i definatly recomend wolfenstein: enemy territory as its free to download, uses the q3 engine, and keeps with the linux philosophy.

PDR60 02-28-2004 10:11 PM


Originally posted by sh1ft
The best games for linux are those based on the quake 3 engine. So i definatly recomend wolfenstein: enemy territory as its free to download, uses the q3 engine, and keeps with the linux philosophy.

Not to mention its a blst to play!!

sh1ft 03-03-2004 08:56 PM


Originally posted by PDR60
Not to mention its a blst to play!!
Amen to that! Nothin more relaxing than going home after a rough school day and mowing down some Nazis. Then taking a panzerfaust and blowing the shit out of 25 guys as they come out of the spawn.

PDR60 03-03-2004 09:09 PM


Originally posted by sh1ft
Amen to that! Nothin more relaxing than going home after a rough school day and mowing down some Nazis. Then taking a panzerfaust and blowing the shit out of 25 guys as they come out of the spawn.

Lol OHHHH!!! Thats you, is it?????!!!!!!

Crito 03-05-2004 12:19 AM is also impressive.

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