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T3 Rules 02-19-2004 08:45 AM

Newbie. Buy Linux Legally, please assist.
I have decided I want to install Mandrake Linux. I'm not willing yet to purchase a proper release as A) I am merely testing to see whether I like mandrake linux and B) version 10 is due out soon.
However I only have a 56K modem so it would take many days to download the three ISOs!

I have seen at these things:
which are basically from what I know, someone who has downloaded the isos and is selling them on for nothing....
From what I know about linux, this is legal as you can freely distribute it. But I wanted to make sure before buying one.

So please, can you tell me if Mandrake Linuxes like the one above are completely legal and okay for me to buy.


b0uncer 02-19-2004 09:05 AM

"no you'll get jammed into jail and possibly your head shot off" :) if you pay for something by getting your isos that way, you pay for the time the dude uses when getting them and for the money that's needed to get them mailed (or whatever) to you.... the distro won't cost anything itself. :) totally legal, if that's what you mean. nobody can say you're a lawbreaker 'cause you aren't ;)

EDIT: in the "details" section, there is "Postage and Packing:" on the same line with some £'s. it means, that you have to pay something because the person who is selling these, wants some money for the packaging and sending work he does - there is not a single word about the distro itself. and that means, the distro is free - transferring it to you is not.

EDIT2: (god, why can't I remember everything in one time) just remember to check that you have a right to send them back & get new if they won't work, without further cost (unless you agree that you pay for the mailing) - when I bought some distro back in the days, one disc didn't work (was burned incorrectly)...well, I sent an email to the person who "sold" it to me, and he said he'll burn a new one (not the whole set but the unworking disc) and some days later I got it - working, this time.

everything won't always go as planned...and you have a right to get a new working disc with no extra cost for the seller, if there is something broken in the original package. and that's guaranteed by law :) at least in here...don't know how it goes in the jungles of Africa :) possibly the same way.

T3 Rules 02-19-2004 09:09 AM

Cheers man, i appreciate it :)

colnago 02-19-2004 09:23 AM

Why don't you look locally for the CDs? There are probably a lot of places to get the non-boxed set distribution where you are. Most of the times there will be a linux users group in your area which will provide distributions such as mandrake 9.2 on CD for a nominal fee.

Search for '<yourtown> LUG'.

They can be a lot of help in case you run into problems too (or just post here). My LUG has an install-fest every few months, where you can take your computer to a meeting and people will help you install and set up your linux box in case you are feeling unsusre about it.

T3 Rules 02-19-2004 09:59 AM

Great idea. I hadn't heard of such things. Unfortunately the nearest LUG to me is over 1.5hours drive away. I am very much used to forums, so I was planning on getting any support i needed from old threads on forums, or if nesseccary a new thread.

Thanks for the other info. I'll check that he'll replace the discs if they don't work.


carlywarly 02-19-2004 10:22 AM

Alternatively, ask another member of this board who lives in the UK to do you the 3 copies and mail them for a quid or two.

Oddball79 02-19-2004 11:43 AM

I've noticed a couple of folks that are buying coypies of mandrake download edition on ebay. I would suggest looking at before going the route of ebay. These people have the fixed version of Mandrake 9.2 (it no kill LG CD-ROMs) and have fixed prices. I don't know how much shipping is for outside the US, but if you end up paying about the same amount for the discs on ebay, you might want to think about using these folks instead. By the way, Mandrake is currently $4.99 + shipping.

Granted the cheapest way is still to find someone with a high speed connection, but...

frogman 02-19-2004 12:11 PM

I've used before, good quality and fast turnaround. They've changed ownership recently, so YMMV.

edit: if you're in school / uni / work and have a friendly network manager, try asking him to download you a copy - I keep a stack of linux cds ( linuces?)for (l)users seeking clues, provided they realise there is _no support_ included (from me at least)

T3 Rules 02-19-2004 04:39 PM

umm. That linux site has the 7 disc distributions for £12 instead of the 3 disc ones. What advantages have the 7 disc ones got over the 3 disc ones.? I want to spend as little as possible really, but know no-one with a fast connection atall... So I'd rather only spend £2 at ebay than £12....
Anyway are the 7 disc ones legal? I thought it was only the 3 ISO's that were free to ditribute??!! I'm getting confused!!

Skyline 02-19-2004 05:10 PM

Try Maxtux

for the 3cd Mdrake 9.2 set:

T3 Rules 02-20-2004 09:47 AM

Thanks skyline. I see they have the three cds, and then another 5 cds underneath. Do all those cds put together make up the large set of cds I was talking about earlier?
Also can someone please tell me what the benefits of getting the large cd set is. Is it worth having the extra discs? What do they do, what apps are on them etc...

b0uncer 02-20-2004 10:03 AM

at least this far it's been this way: the first discs, the three you mentioned, are the ones you need to install all the apps & the system. the rest of the set, (the two discs which seem to be "extra") include sources for the apps found in the three first discs (at least this is how RH worked out :) guess others too) so that you may compile them from sources with extra options if you wish...

I see no reason for a normal user to obtain the "extra" discs. if one needs, he can obtain the sources for the apps he needs from the net... :)

so you basically don't "need" the two extra discs, unless you are especially interested in compiling the programs from source.. (but why would you then want to have the binaries too?)

T3 Rules 02-20-2004 10:28 AM

Extra two cds? The site skyline gave had and extra 5 cds on top of the three and the MandrakeStore Powerpack consists of 7 cds. Are the extras at skylines website not the same as the extra ones in the Mandrake Powerpack?
No your correct, I don't want the sources, but if your saying the sources are two discs then thats three originals plus two equals five, maening there are yet another two discs!

MultiBooter 02-20-2004 11:22 AM

I don't know what the other 5 cds are at skyline's site, but the extra ones directly from Mandrake have always included additional software packages, some commercial. For example, 9.0 had StarOffice 6 on one of those cds. The ones with commercial programs might not be redistributable. The one with StarOffice certainly wasn't and you had to acknowledge that on a dialog when installing any of the commercial software. I would contact skyline to see if they can tell you what the cds are for sure if you are concerned about copyright problems.

wslyhbb 02-20-2004 05:12 PM

Well the PowerPack (7 CD set) consists of added video drivers, a CrossoverOffice demo, VMWare demo, and some other packages including the two source CDs.

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