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john_walsh54 09-10-2003 10:08 PM

Mandrake Package Management
I bought the boxed version of Mandrake 9.1Powerpack, which is my first experience of Linux. When Mandrake Update did not work, I used Software Source Manager (SSM) with the help of answers here and at Easy URPMI. However, I am still confused about a few terms (Main, Contribs, Updates) used by Mandrake relating to SSM. I would appreciate an answer to the following questions about Mandrake Package Management.
1) What is the difference between Mandrake Update and SSM?
2) Does SSM feed sources into Mandrake Update?
3) What is the difference between Security Updates and Updates in Mandrake Update?
4) What is the difference between bug fixes and Updates in Mandrake Update? I thought they are the same thing.
5) When I ran Mandrake Update I did not have enough space to download the update as I had a dual boot configuration. Then I installed only Mandrake 9.1 on the machine and when I ran Mandrake Update I was told there was "none". Are you only allowed to use Mandrake Update with one install, i.e. you do not get the updates when you do a clean install?
6) Is the "Main" (Easy URPMI term) source update list in SSM a list of programs that require updating on Mandrakes "standard" package i.e. first 3 CDs?
7) Is the "Main" source an update to the next version of Mandrake e.g. 9.2 or something else? What does it relate to?
8) Can I use "Main" source with my boxed version (I heard its only for D/L)?
9) I read "Contribs" is the source updates for the additional CDs in the Powerpack (makes sense), but these do not appear in Mandrake Update. Is it possible to configure Mandrake Update to have "Contribs"?
10) The "Updates" source in SSM relates to "Updates and Security Updates". Why are these Updates merged in SSM but there is a distinction in Mandrake Update?
Please answer what questions you can, but please do not answer me with the use of commands. I want to use the gui interface and not wonder what is configured under the hood.
Thanks for taking the time to read my long list of questions

LiquidZoo 09-10-2003 10:32 PM

I'll give it a shot and tell you what I know:

1) SSM is where your sources are configured, Mandrake Update is the gui frontend to install new updates.

2) Short answer: yes

3) Security updates fix major 'holes' in the software. Something that could be exploited. Normal Updates are, for example, when a newer version of a certain software is released.

4) Bug fixes are for fixing anything from minor quirks to major flaws in programs that are not able to be exploited, just a pain for the end user. See above for Normal Updates

5) There might not have been any updates available, that or you do not have many sources configured in SSM (or urpmi from cli)

6) The Main source referrs to programs that are normally installed/included with the 3 disk download edition.

7) No, only as an easy way to install programs that are included on your cd's but you might not know are there.

8) Yes, you certainly can

9) Yes, but as you said, they may not appear in Mandrake Update. They will, however, appear in Install Software and in urpmi

10) For fewer update sources for your default SSM. They are separated in Update simply so you know what type of update you are installing.

Hope this helped. If you need anything else, just ask.

john_walsh54 09-11-2003 01:21 AM

Thanks. Some clarification on my original questions and some new questions.
5) When I ran Mandrake Update for the first time I got a big list of updates. The updates failed because I didn't have enough space on my "dual boot" configuration to install the updates. When I ran Mandrake Update after the second install (erase entire disk) there was no Mandate Update list i.e. "none".
5a) Where did all the "updates" go since the first install?
5b) Surely I should get the same list again?

6a ) Does the "Main" source for SSM only include the standard/original version i.e. no updates since the original version?

10a) So the "security update type of souce" in SSM includes security updates, bug fixes and updates but there is no way to distinguish between them under "install", but somehow Mandrake Update does. Is this correct?
Thanks for your patience. I hope these questions aren't too trival.

LiquidZoo 09-11-2003 01:37 AM

Well, I cna answer 5a and 5b by saying: Not necessarily. If you didn't install the same packages the second time as you did the first time, that could be the reason that you have no updates. It also could be that you are timing out when contacting the update source. Try this in a console as root: urpmi.remove update_source and then go into Mandrake Update again and select a new update source, using a different mirror than you did the first time. (I use the one at the University of Utah, but that's because it's close to me)

6a) to my knowledge, yes. The updates would come through the Update source and from other external sources.

10a) Mandrake Update will split them up accordingly. The only way that I have found to distinguish which is which and what is out is by subscribing to the Mandrake security newsletter and through posts made by another person on another Mandrake forum that I have linked in my signature.

bigVoice 09-11-2003 08:30 AM

"It also could be that you are timing out when contacting the update source."

First of all, you're giving great advice and clarification. I've read your posts on a number of threads and... well thanks.

I also wanted to add that this (quoted above) is the likely source.

Here's some advice from Liquid zoo in an earlier post which I think will be helpful to you.

Go to for an easy way to add sources to urpmi. All you have to do is click on the ones you want to add and click on the proceed button. There will be instructions on how to add them from there. Make sure, though, that you change your version from 9.1 to cooker at the top of the screen otherwise you won't have any updates.

LiquidZoo 09-11-2003 03:58 PM


Originally posted by bigVoice
First of all, you're giving great advice and clarification. I've read your posts on a number of threads and... well thanks.
Hey, thank you for saying that


Here's some advice from Liquid zoo in an earlier post which I think will be helpful to you.

Go to for an easy way to add sources to urpmi. All you have to do is click on the ones you want to add and click on the proceed button. There will be instructions on how to add them from there. Make sure, though, that you change your version from 9.1 to cooker at the top of the screen otherwise you won't have any updates.
That is true, except in this case, he would need to stay with 9.1 instead of cooker for his update sources (since he's using 9.1 Powerpack, not one of the 9.2 betas/release candidates)

john_walsh54 09-11-2003 09:02 PM


That is true, except in this case, he would need to stay with 9.1 instead of cooker for his update sources (since he's using 9.1 Powerpack, not one of the 9.2 betas/release candidates)
In your answer to question 8 you said I could download/upgrade. Please confirm I could upgrade from my 9.1. PowerPack box set to 9.2. using the "Main/Contrib" sources at a later date?

If you didn't install the same packages the second time as you did the first time, that could be the reason that you have no updates.
I did install "additional packages" in the second install but surely this shouldn't make a difference? Besides one of those original updates was for detecting hardware.
I had already deleted the update_source via SSM (never knew the command) and I selected a different server in Mandrake Update but the result was the same - "none". However, this brings me to my next question. I have downloaded the "update" sources but I never "installed" them. Should the update sources appear in Mandrake Update until they are installed (I think they should) or is Mandrake Update only meant to show them once and if you don't take them they won't appear the next time?

quatsch 09-11-2003 11:28 PM

You won't be able to upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2 by simply downloading rpms via SSM. You'll have to get the download CDs to do that (or maybe the pawer pack edition comes with a deal where you can get the cds, I don't know).

The SSM seems a bit flaky. That's my experience. Sometimes, it just won't show any available updates. It should show any unistalled updates that apply to the packages you've installed. But I guess it sometimes doesn't work. I really would suggest using the command line (the gui tool is just a front end for that anyway). Open a console, become root and then
urpmi --auto-select
this should give you a list of available updates and ask you if you want to install them. Say yes and it will get and install the updates for you.

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