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arun79 08-09-2004 11:07 PM

Mandrake 10.0 sucks Big Time!!!!
I am a fanatic Mandrake User and have been using it since 8.2.

I find it to be the best distro (Currently using 9.1)... Too good....

But recently I tried switching to 10.0... The install begins. everything on VIA KM133 chipset gets detected and things seem just fine. I configure video, sound etc...

Then... "Congrats...... Reboot..."

I reboot and the KDE 3.2 screen appears. But at 42% of the startup, it hangs... I come to know the reason later, that Arts keeps crashing...

Dunno why.... And nothing seems to work.....

Why does Arts crash..??? Any reasons are welcome....

Micro420 08-09-2004 11:13 PM

I've read many bad things about 10.0 on this forum, so like you, I am still stuck on Mandrake 9.1 (best yet in my opinion!)

Hold on because Mandrake 10.1 is coming out soon! Maybe they'll fix everything by then.

RedHatMasta 08-10-2004 12:34 AM

Its the kernel. I compiled 2.6.7 and 10.0 is without a hickup. Its perfect.

amosf 08-10-2004 12:50 AM

Artsd is buggy on some systems and generally glitchy at the best of times. Disable it and the system is a lot happier. The kernel is also not 100% on all systems, so a generic 2.6.7 is a nice addition there as well...

Once you do that the system is perfect... The funny thing is that MDK 10 is perfect straight out of the box on some systems, while others need the tweaks.

I have two production boxes here running MDK 10, one original setup and one running 2.6.7. Both have KDE with artsd disabled though.

vinnym 08-10-2004 05:08 AM

mandrake 10.0 - problems when i use totem media player for my videos.system hangs....anyone come across this?

amosf 08-10-2004 05:34 AM

Only in relation to the artsd problem. Once that was disabled I had no trouble with any media... What sort of videos? What video card/driver? Is this KDE with artsd running?

otish1000c 08-10-2004 05:47 AM

the only 2 problems i've had with 10.0 so far is having my eth0 card being detected after install (this seems to be a common one) which i fixed by editing a config file, & i had a problem with burning audio CD's in K3b (which was solved by upgrading cdrecord to the newest version). other than that, 10.0 is working like a charm & doing everything i expect of it. i'm running the latest stock (IE: un-recompiled) MDK kernel 2.6.3-15. i dunno why so many people are having troubles with it. the common thread among problems seems to point to hardware in most cases (eth0, vid card, modem, cd/dvd drives, etc.) not being detected properly.

i'd say, if you are running an earlier version of MDK & it's doing what you need it to do with no problems, then leave well enough alone & continue using it. the improvements in 10.0 aren't really that Earth Shattering. the biggest 2 (for me at least) are the new version of KDE & the 2.6 kernel, but you can run those under MDK 9.2 (if they're compiled properly).

a suggestion to anyone that wants to try the "latest & greatest" version of MDK (or any distro, for that matter) is if you have the hard drive space to spare, do a second install & use it as a test ground /get familiar with install. that' what i always do, instead of just reformatting my old install & sending it to the ether. if you do a seperate, fresh install & you come across problems, then you always have a stable install to fall back on. another bonus to this method is, you can compare various config files from one version to the other & often solve the various problems you are experiencing. that's what solved my eth0 card not being detected in 10.0. i compared my old ifcfg-eth0 config file to the new one, saw the differences, edited the new one, & i was off & running. and also by using this method, if you get or find things stable, you can just copy your old /home directory over top of the new one & you'll have all your personal settings in tact (preserving permissions before doing so, of course).

just MHO,


amosf 08-10-2004 05:58 AM

I have the stock kernel running fine on a couple of machines here. On this one it was okay as well, but it did glitch on USB flash drives at times... But the big trouble with this box is that I needed to run win4lin, so needed a win4lin kernel, and it was a dog with that install and locked all the time with usb drives and such. So I got a generic 2.6.7 kernel and patched it for win4lin and it's been stable...

Things can get touchy when you have to do odd things like adding hooks in the kernel...

Now mind you I've since shifted the apps I needed from win4lin back to crossover, so I could possibly go back to the original kernel, tho I like the one I have now :)

eyeliner 08-10-2004 07:06 AM

I miss Mandrake too bad my cd drive is too ancient and couldn't even
recognise the cds... :(

moskal 08-10-2004 07:37 AM


Artsd is buggy on some systems and generally glitchy at the best of times. Disable it and the system is a lot happier.

Could you tell me how to disable it?

And I have one more questions, everytime I try to update something from my CD my comptuer hangs... I could only install mandrake with "noapic nolapic", can someone please tell me how to add software from the CD's without my PC hanging?



rokka 08-11-2004 12:47 PM


Originally posted by eyeliner
I miss Mandrake too bad my cd drive is too ancient and couldn't even
recognize the cds... :(

I think that problem could be worked around by booting up on CD2 and then switch to CD1 then the installation program asks for it.

eyeliner 08-11-2004 02:56 PM

Nope. The drive just didn't "saw" the cd. Even in Winblow$.
I inserted the cd, then nothing. Just like if the cd wasn't even there.
Maybe the images had something that my drive couldn't read, I don't know.

amosf 08-11-2004 11:28 PM

If they are cd-r's then some older drives might not read them... Try to find some pressed cd's if you can. Sometimes they come from some larger CD suppliers or magazine covers, etc.

vinnym 08-14-2004 12:42 PM

how do u disable artsd and how does it help the4 smooth running of the os?!

PsychoDrake 08-14-2004 05:36 PM

CD Problem
'Nope. The drive just didn't "saw" the cd. Even in Winblow$.
I inserted the cd, then nothing. Just like if the cd wasn't even there.
Maybe the images had something that my drive couldn't read, I don't know.'

I've experience problems with 10.0 also relating to CDs... luckily for me it was after install... I would constantly have to open and close the CD Drive tray until Mandrake decides to recognise the DISC.. with both of my drives Cd ROM and CD Writer... I realize it when I was installing the kernel source so I can Install my modem... failure so I switch back to 8.2

Where do you get other Kernels the one 10.0 had 2.6.3-7

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