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abirla 09-14-2003 04:53 PM

Can Laptop touchpad be recognized by Mandrake 9.1
Can Laptop touchpad be recognized by Mandrake 9.1?

iggy_mon 09-14-2003 05:51 PM

yes, it will be recognized as a mouse.


abirla 09-14-2003 08:01 PM


Can u pls. detail the procedure/steps to do it? It didn't recognize it automatically.

bigVoice 09-14-2003 08:39 PM


Check out Linux on Laptops. Incidently, I've run Mandrake 9.1 on 2 different laptops. An IBM thinkpad and my current laptop, a Dell Inspiron.

I discovered that during installation I needed to have NO external mouse plugged in. In otherwords, the touchpad needed to be the only mouse available. When I installed it in this manner, everything works great, but when I tried installing with a mouse plugged into my laptop, Mandrake configured it and didn't do the touchpad.

Sorry, but I don't know how to change it after the fact...

Dawa 09-14-2003 09:29 PM

dose mandrake have an install meant for laptops like windows. you have the selection of wich you want

bigVoice 09-15-2003 06:25 AM

"dose mandrake have an install meant for laptops like windows. you have the selection of wich you want "

I truthfully can't remember (its been a while since I installed) but it does have the usual laptop-style features that you'd want/expect. For example, a battery monitor in the task bar, power control options, slick support for difference resolutions, etc.

I've heard of some people running into trouble with a laptop install (in all OSs) but I've never had trouble with Mandrake... or for that matter Red Hat, but I haven't used Red Hat since 7.2.

Dawa 09-15-2003 03:09 PM

my laptop rebooted during install now when i boot it just says LI_ and thats all. after bios.

bigVoice 09-15-2003 08:15 PM

"my laptop rebooted during install now when i boot it just says LI_ and thats all. after bios."

Hmmm. I assume "LI_" is the start of LILO, one of the boot loaders. If you are going to do a re-install, try choosing Grub. Also, go to linux on laptops (link above) and look for special advice on your particular system if you can find it.

If you can't find it, consider documenting what it takes to get it to finally run, and look into submitting that info to the site.

Good luck!

Dawa 09-15-2003 09:02 PM

well my laptop is kind of inherited and the bios has a password so i can't bot to the cd from my comp. i have to swap hd's with something else. when i do this i normally get anxious and swap them back to soon. if i did this on almost the same kind of laptop would switching them back be easy or would there be a lot to re config?

bigVoice 09-16-2003 05:35 AM

"well my laptop is kind of inherited and the bios has a password so i can't bot to the cd from my comp."

Well, then your options are limitied. If it were me, I'd backup all important data, resest the bios password (google for that), re-format the whole thing and re-install from scratch.

xnnc 09-16-2003 12:41 PM

Hello boy...

Well I had the "LI_" problem too during my boot sequence with my Mandrake 9.1 and then 9.2.. in fact it happens when you didn't notify the good booting partition..
In my case I do have chose the one where was installed my linux /dev/hda1.. the good one to choose is /dev/hda, or hda.. then Mandrake ask which folder, keep the one underlined.

Well, in order to reconfigure your booting part, Reinstall your system, but do not perform a complete installation, choose Update (or upgrade, can't remember), then Mandrake checks all your configuration, wait a while and it will show you a list of content.. then choose to configure the boot part (can't remember the name, sorry), and select /dev/hda instead of the one you chose before, then propose a folder which you don't have to change.. that's all.. it should work. I hope, it worked on my laptop.

Hope this help

xnnc 09-16-2003 12:48 PM

You can see my thread related to "LI_".
I explained quite the same thing :


Dawa 09-16-2003 02:40 PM

well i am just gonna yoink my brothers laptop and install mandrake on my hard drive usings its body.likr frankenstein teheheh im an evil genius... anyway woudl there be any bad side affects to doing this?

xnnc 09-16-2003 02:56 PM

As you will install Mandrake using another laptop, Mandrake will configure all devices from it..
It's possible it won't run properly on your laptop when you will reinstall your harddrive. I mean Mandrake won't find the devices it set up, then you could have some problem : e.g. Your brother latop has an X network adapter and your got an Y network adapter, possibly incompatible...

anyway good luck

ac_dispatcher 09-16-2003 07:12 PM

My Synaptic touchpad works great here is my post from the Mandrake board

I have a usbmouse connected at the same time. They both work together.

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