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Dawa 09-21-2003 04:52 PM

booting a different window manager.
i clicked for the other window managers like enlightenment to be installed and how do i use them because my laptop is to crappy to boot into kde.

Mara 09-21-2003 04:55 PM

Do you boot to GUI or text mode? If it's GUI, it should be in the menu you choose window manager from. If you start in text mode, create .xinitrc file in your home directory and type 'enlightenment' inside. When you run 'startx', Enlightenment will start.

Dawa 09-21-2003 05:15 PM

so how do i go about doing it from text mode? all simple like for me stupid peoples

Dawa 09-21-2003 06:37 PM

im still lost

baud 09-21-2003 06:48 PM

boot at least once in kde, it will be slow...
then launch Mandrake Command Center and choose Enlightment in boot options. Afterwards it will be more easy.
To go to text mode you may have the option when all those lines at boot are going by : you should see "entering interactive mode" and a key to avoid it. Haven't tried before though...

Dawa 09-21-2003 06:50 PM

Re: booting a different window manager.

Originally posted by Dawa
because my laptop is to crappy to boot into kde.
how bout no.

toosdedoos 09-22-2003 01:52 AM

Hi everybody,

I installed Linux Mandrake 9.1 yesterday and it worked all fine in KDE3. I went through the control panel and adjusted a few settings (skins and sounds). But I can't remember i adjusted boot settings. When i startup my pc now, i get the bootmanager, i choose linux and linux starts up as normal with a lot of OK's and tests. But when it's finished i just get a text version login. How do i get my graphical interface back? When i'm logged in there's just
maarten@localhost $ and that's it. Please, please, plz help me. I'm so fed up with windows

brew1brew 09-22-2003 02:11 AM

maarten@localhost $startx

then when KDE comes up go to mandrake control center, click on "boot" then open "drakeboot". click on 'Launch Graphical enviroment . .. . " I would also suggest you select 'no" don't auto log on. then after you click on "ok" click on "hardware" menu and open "Display Manager Chooser" and select any thing other than "MdkKDM" I have found that MdkKDM has some problems. IMHO KDM is the best, but the others work ok.

baud 09-22-2003 12:33 PM

Meh... ya pas de mais !
Dawa, try nevertheless to boot kde and do a CTRL-ALT-Backspace that will kill X.
Then you'll be left to your own devices in console mode.
Perhaps drakboot will work in console mode ?
otherwise try to have a look in /usr/X11R6/bin for start* files that show you which window manager you may boot : as far as I'm concerned, I've got startgnome, startkde, starticewm... you may give enlightement or windowmaker or icewm a try...

or follow what mara recommended : If you start in text mode, create .xinitrc file in your home directory and type 'enlightenment' inside. When you run 'startx', Enlightenment will start.

Dawa 09-22-2003 04:39 PM

i try all of the windowmanagers i have and it says
ls: menu.*: No such file or directory
/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker fatal error: could not open display ""

baud 09-22-2003 07:22 PM

try launching X first, type just X (you won't be able to move the windows (that's the purpose of a window manager ;-).
Then launch the wm of your choice.

I've got a starticewm that takes care of it for icewm, do you have one ?

Or verify that your window manager are completely installed.

Dawa 09-22-2003 09:04 PM

im seriously going to hurt whoever decided to make commands case sensative

but it looks like its booting into kde. and im nto gonna wiat 3 days for it to start to load past the little blackX cursor thing.

Dawa 09-23-2003 03:05 PM


Mara 09-23-2003 03:55 PM


Originally posted by Dawa
so how do i go about doing it from text mode? all simple like for me stupid peoples
Boot your system. When it starts loading X, press Ctrl+Alt+F1. Text mode login should appear. Log in (as root). First thing is to stop loading X at boot. To do this, you need to edit /etc/iniitab. Close to the beginning you'll have a line:

Change it to look this way:

After a reboot, you system should boot straight to the text mode. After logging in, you can start with .xinitrc.

Dawa 09-23-2003 06:54 PM

now on to the fact i got into textmode and got errors. i know how to get to textmode. instead of boot into linux boot into the one that is ALMOST linux.

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