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trickykid 07-24-2002 03:07 AM

Thread Rating.
After every thread I read or post to, I've been rating the thread on how well I feel the information is. I wouldn't mind seeing this implemented more often with more votes on the threads to help others determine how well the question/thread/information or answers are within the thread when browsing the forum for answers they may have.

I would like to encourage more members to vote on the threads.

What does everyone think, cause right now, they seem worthless if not being used ? Yes keep it or No kill it ?

acid_kewpie 07-24-2002 03:34 AM

i would presume that it's yes to keep it, no to kill it.... you've not actually asked a yes/no question bucko!

trickykid 07-24-2002 09:41 AM


Originally posted by acid_kewpie
i would presume that it's yes to keep it, no to kill it.... you've not actually asked a yes/no question bucko!
Yeah, I did make it sound wrong.. its Yes, lets keep it, or No lets not keep it...

Thymox 07-24-2002 06:38 PM

Personally I think that they're a good idea... although to be honest, I hadn't noticed the little thingy down the bottom right. Will be using it now that it's been pointed out (before you mention it, Chris, the fact that I'm from Cornwall has nothing to do with the fact that I hadn't noticed it... I'm just unobservational ;))

MasterC 07-25-2002 12:54 AM

I normally don't use it but only because I am in the group that Thymox speaks of... Didn't notice it. I too will try to make use of this on threads I see it fit for.

Config 08-10-2002 01:08 PM

I would kill them becauase of one reason: if you open a forum, you see threads from only this day or newer (because there are so many threads, I mean :)). Because of this, there is almost no time to rate a thread. Once it left the first page, almost nobody is going to look at it (mostly at least. Hope that I'm not rude to anybody :)). So why taking the time to rate it anyway.
If I search the forum, the time consumed by that is influenced by the exactness of the search string and not because of its rating.
My two cents - oh, wait, here is a third :p

tundra 08-19-2002 08:53 AM

i think it should be justified by the amount of eyeball time it gets. in any case, i get the feeling that most people come here to post and reply only. rating doesn't cross my mind and i don't look at it. i'm guessing that many people do the same except those whose existential questions depend on whether jeremy pulls the plug on his servers (eg. tricky, finegan, isa, thymox, mara etc etc... sorry about those i left out. no offense) ;)

dai 08-19-2002 09:08 AM

I would like to see the thread ratings kept and people make use of them. I believe it offers somebody who is glancing thru the forum's a chance to see whether it is worth reading a thread or not before actually checking it out. It also offers the individual to voice his/her opinion on a thread without flaming.

MasterC 08-19-2002 11:38 AM


Originally posted by tundra
i think it should be justified by the amount of eyeball time it gets. in any case, i get the feeling that most people come here to post and reply only. rating doesn't cross my mind and i don't look at it. i'm guessing that many people do the same except those whose existential questions depend on whether jeremy pulls the plug on his servers (eg. tricky, finegan, isa, thymox, mara etc etc... sorry about those i left out. no offense) ;)
Bah! Devil nonsense you speak, pull the plug! Why not just say that Goats are going to take over the world! ;)


tundra 08-19-2002 12:39 PM

they aren't? (the goats i mean...) ;)

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