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linustalman 05-27-2016 12:59 PM

No religion.

Please add religion to the banned items in LQ Rules.

Quoted from LQ Rules:
"There is no advertising allowed in the forums." -- A certain LQ member advertises a religion in his signature.

Quoted from LQ Rules:
"Do not post any messages that are obscene..." -- I find religion obscene (offensive to the mind).


dugan 05-27-2016 01:18 PM

I'm not behind this (obviously), and I'd be surprised if anyone else is.


astrogeek 05-27-2016 01:45 PM

The making, and enforcement of rules to ban the thoughts of others is the thing most singularly offensive to the intelligent mind.

The signature symptom of our present dark age, sorry to see it seriously suggested here.

ntubski 05-27-2016 01:47 PM



Originally Posted by LinusStallman (Post 5551853)
I find religion obscene (offensive to the mind).

Well, most people don't (or else religion couldn't be a thing).

jeremy 05-27-2016 02:05 PM

Thanks for the feedback. We have no plans to put a blanket ban on religion (or other topics) in the General forum. We highly value free speech and would like for LQ members to be able to engage in thoughtful and civil discourse on topics of their choosing. That said, members have noticed religion slipping into technical threads and the consensus seems to be against that happening. Happy to hear feedback on this, but if it's an issue members think should be addressed we will do so.


Originally Posted by LinusStallman (Post 5551853)
Quoted from LQ Rules:
"There is no advertising allowed in the forums." -- A certain LQ member advertises a religion in his signature.

Note that advertising is (and has been) acceptable in .sigs, which can be disabled and do not show to guests/search engines.


dugan 05-27-2016 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by jeremy (Post 5551884)
That said, members have noticed religion slipping into technical threads and the consensus seems to be against that happening. Happy to hear feedback on this, but if it's an issue members think should be addressed we will do so.

Maybe make it more clear in the rules that threads in forums other than General are expected to stay on topic, with the topic determined by the top post?

rtmistler 05-27-2016 02:49 PM

A general topic swayed that way and a moderator rightly combined that thread with the very large thread on the religious subject. I chime in from time to time, but whatever I really don't care and it amazes me that someone's there care so very much to be "right", rather than just listen to other people's thoughts.

Either case, the non-nix general area is just for that.

Yes I do know that there is at least one very common user who has strong religious support comments in their signature. I sort of filter my own signature, as well as all of yourn's :D

That was actually a point I made there ... these are only problems when someone "makes" it a problem by taking offense or getting angry about "words'.

I'm rather disappointed that this wasn't about John Lennon's Imagine song ... :(

rokytnji 05-27-2016 03:22 PM

I hate banning anything. Being a mod on 2 forums myself.

My people skills have never been something to brag about though.


You have been banned for the following reason:
Physical Threats

Date the ban will be lifted: 27th May 2016, 16:00
I am banned from a biker forum a few days ago for saying I will knock you on your ass if you say to me,

"Nice girls bike".

They wanted my opinion. I gave it. I got banned for it. No biggy to me really. You should not ask me if you do not like the answer.

Banning things are a sign of intolerance. Religions already have that covered pretty much.
I got a good grin getting banned on a biker forum.
I guess a linux using scooter tramp is too hard core for their forum.

Smokey_justme 05-27-2016 03:24 PM

@LinusStallman: Would you like to be banned from saying that there is no god, or that religion is something offensive? ...

That's your point of view and you should be able to express those fellings and thoughts as long as they respect some commonly social accepted behavior.. It's exactly the same for those who express religious beliefs... No Hitler, though... :))

rtmistler 05-27-2016 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by rokytnji (Post 5551923)
I got a good grin getting banned on a biker forum.


Well ... stop riding that pink bike!!! OK? :D

alberich 05-27-2016 05:26 PM

Please don't read the religion mega thread!

I find it very repugnant if forums are over-regulated. The same goes for politics and religion forbidden. Horrible!

Reason is, that I spend some of my free time in forums, and the function is not only factual stuff, but also to get in contact with people over that medium.

By the way this is the only forum that I participate in, that has people from around the globe, and I think that is quite thrilling.

So why filter the personal, the human, the subjective, the small-talk, the kidding, the nonsense out?

I would not enjoy meeting people at a place where I am not allowd to talk about basic human issues like philosophy, beliefs/religion, and also politics.

I used to participate in a very heavily moderated and regulated forum, where posts were just deleted like that, off-topics was banned and so on. In my opinion ugly atmosphere and I left.

We also have to stand when you say you find religion obscene. And I think that is very good. So if you can't stand it ignore it or put the person on ignore or whatever.

Timothy Miller 05-27-2016 06:02 PM

Agree with most of the sentiments. At least until someone has a bunch of satanist links in their signature, and they get moderated because of it (satanism is a real religion), and then that would be highly hypocritical to not allow it, but to allow other, more popular religions links.

Funny thing is I have a signature, but I have viewing them turned off.

alberich 05-27-2016 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Timothy Miller (Post 5551962)
Funny thing is I have a signature, but I have viewing them turned off.

Good for you because your huge signature, which is longer than your post, won't waste electricity on your own screen then :P

I guess this is going to be a little off-topic in some ways...


Originally Posted by Timothy Miller (Post 5551962)
satanism is a real religion

Satanism is a recent invention of some real creeps!

It either presents the absence of God as a fact. Why then religion? It then presents itself as a mere provocation and bogey of the middle classes.

Or it cloaks the existence of God, calls it a lie and promotes man as his own god. By that it would draw people from a God that loves them, to a Satan that hates and destroys them. Hmm, well, how useful would that be?

Read about satanism. It is difficult to see any good in it. It is at best a degenerated and very incoherent attitude, religion is too big a word for it.

If there were no God and no Satan why build up a bugaboo like Satanism? It would be much more productive and straightforward to just name materialism materialism and atheism atheism then.

dugan 05-27-2016 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by alberich (Post 5551968)
Read about satanism.

What sources would you recommend?

alberich 05-27-2016 07:15 PM

I am not recommending to spend time on it if you are not interested anyway, I think there's more interesting things. If someone thinks Satanism might be an 'alternative religon' or 'productive' or 'positive', go on and read.

I use wikipedia as a ressource that is perfectly fit to give me as an unknowing person sufficient insights on almost any interesting topic of general education.

For starters you can read:

From there you can extend by following links and reading more hours.

Reading most of this and more hasn't brought up anything positive for me in these matters and circles. But in my opinion it brought up a lot of confusion and manipulation, alongside filthy, sobering and terrible things.

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