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jeremy 04-14-2005 07:10 PM

New Contest - Win a Free LQ T-Shirt
It's time for another Contest! This is your chance to win a free LQ T-shirt. The shirt in question is not one from the LQ store, but one that was only available as a *very* select giveaway at the LQ LinuxWorld booth. So, how do you participate and win this great prize? Simply by spreading the word about LQ. The 2 members who refer the most members between now and May 14th (midnight LQ time) will each win a prize. There are a couple simple rules. Any form of cheating will disqualify you. This includes signing up for multiple accounts, having people signup for accounts they knowingly won't use, etc. We do have measures in place to help detect this. Also *any* form of spamming for this will *immediately* disqualify you from this and every contest we ever have (really, please - don't spam. The problem is big enough and no one likes a spammer). Those unpleasantries aside, start spreading the word ;)

Good Luck!


jeremy 04-14-2005 07:14 PM

A few additional items.

- You can check the status of the contest here:
- You can use the following URL to automatically get credit for a referral (where xx is replaced with your userid):
- There are many easy ways to spread the word including your blog, telling people you know (don't forget to tell them to fill in the "Referrer" field with your username, email, etc.).


SchadeBoy 04-15-2005 08:28 AM


Originally posted by jeremy
...automatically get credit for a refferal...
You mispelled referral.

I was hoping that by pointing out your mistakes, I'd automatically get credit in this contest...? :D

jeremy 04-15-2005 08:34 AM

D'oh - thanks, it's been corrected.


snecklifter 04-15-2005 10:52 AM


Originally posted by SchadeBoy
You mispelled referral.

I was hoping that by pointing out your mistakes, I'd automatically get credit in this contest...? :D

I hope you are having a joke as you misspelt "misspelled".
Yours etc,
A. Pedant.

onemanmoshpit 04-15-2005 11:03 AM


Originally posted by snecklifter
I hope you are having a joke as you misspelt "misspelled".
Yours etc,
A. Pedant.

sorry but mispell is correct, and so is misspell.
i don't know why, but that's the way it is...

SchadeBoy 04-15-2005 11:36 AM


student04 04-15-2005 11:51 AM

haha wow so off topic....

If you can understand what they're saying, then there's no need to go back and correct a single letter in a word. Think of all the non-native english speakers (as an example) using this forum. I'm guessing they try their best to write correctly, yet you don't need to tell them about they're spelling errors, when you've understood what they said. Plain and simple.

simplebob 04-15-2005 12:23 PM

I'm with student04 on that one!

Cheechi 04-15-2005 12:24 PM

misspelt: usually people with heavy dialects/accents or those who had english teachers with such a condition. those who speek poor Queen's english (aka most of the non-american english world) would find this to be marginally correct.

mispell: only correct because of the digital age. you will find most often due to someone's boss being frequently wrong, due to everyone doing it, or due to other factors that many internal double letters have been optionally dropped, making both spellings of misspell or mispell correct in the eyes of those who make digital dictionaries (, yahoo, MS word, etc).

i prefer misspell, as it is the only correct form of the word.

snecklifter 04-15-2005 12:26 PM


Originally posted by onemanmoshpit
sorry but mispell is correct, and so is misspell.
i don't know why, but that's the way it is...

Mispell is a bastardisation of misspell. It certainly isnt in my oxford english. I think responding was a bad idea but I doubt very much whether SchadeBoy is currently iterating through every post in LQ with a spell checker. I think he/she was being tongue-in-cheek. At least, I hope so....

SchadeBoy 04-15-2005 12:39 PM


Originally posted by snecklifter
I think he/she was being tongue-in-cheek.
Most correct, Snecklifter. I usually don't make comments about spelling. I was more or less making a joke and should not, in any way, have been taken seriously.

I am an instructor at a local college. I constantly tell my students that I will not mark them down for one or two misspelled words in their papers. I teach computer courses, not English or writing courses. I'll get anal about it if it's a real problem in a paper, though. More often than not, spelling errors are due to not hitting the keys correctly - ie fat-fingering the keyboard.

I'm far more likely to get annoyed with incorrect punctuation usage than spelling. These days, it seems people have forgotten how to use the period key. I truly do not understand how people can write sentences without ending them properly. How am I supposed to get the point of one's statement if I can't even tell where the statement begins or ends?

Oh, and I'll take he, too. :)

jeremy 04-15-2005 12:43 PM

OK, back on topic please.


muzhogg 04-15-2005 04:02 PM


Sorry, this shouldn't be here but I can't work out how to delete it (embarassed)

masand 04-15-2005 04:50 PM

hey jeremy ,
thats a good contest
but i keep on asking students at the seminar that i keep on organizing to register for LQ!
my next one is today.
and if many of them register from our university then it will be done through a single IP that our university has for Proxy .
guess, I will be disqualified then??

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