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jeremy 01-22-2006 12:48 PM

LQ Community
I've been throwing around some ideas in my head and wanted to get the communitys' feedback before I start implementation. I have some ideas on how to better utilize the community we have going here at LQ. Things like being able to export your FOAF data and being able to see who is in your LQ social network (ie - who has marked you as a buddy). Would anyone be against such a thing? Any additional ideas? I'd also like to change the LQ profile screen around to make it more useful and integrate some of this data, but that would be a phase 2 thing.


J_K9 01-22-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by jeremy
Things like being able to export your FOAF data and being able to see who is in your LQ social network (ie - who has marked you as a buddy).

Sounds great! It'd be nice to know who's got you as a contact and who doesn't ;)

Thanks for everything Jeremy! :D


ctkroeker 01-22-2006 07:16 PM

Cool! It's a great idea.
Go for it!

cs-cam 01-22-2006 07:33 PM

Probably not something I'd use from the offset but once it caught on who knows? :p Good idea at any rate :)

jeremy 01-22-2006 08:31 PM

The FOAF info is exportable now. The social network items should be coming soon. If anyone has any idea or suggestions on this, feel free to post in this thread. Thanks.


scuzzman 01-22-2006 09:50 PM

This sounds like a great idea, but I have one question:
What is FOAF info?

jeremy 01-22-2006 10:13 PM

A great question. From

The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project is about creating a Web of machine-readable homepages describing people, the links between them and the things they create and do.
It's basically a way to get some information about your LQ profile out of the site in a standardized way (RDF is the actual format used).


scuzzman 01-23-2006 04:34 AM

Pardon my ignorance... but is this software a type of MySpace-like thing?

jeremy 01-23-2006 08:45 AM

I'm not too familiar with MySpace. The aim of FOAF is really to avoid data lockin. Beyond that though, my main idea was to let LQ members take advantage of the community that we have here. There are no plans to turn LQ into Orkut or anything like that, but I think some of the social networking aspects could be beneficial here.


jeremy 01-23-2006 08:19 PM

The first bit of the social networking part can now be considered beta. Once we get a little feedback, I'll integrate it into the site. For now, you'll have to access it manually. The format is as follows:

You should replace 120305 (which is the uid of the last poster, scuzzman) with your own. A couple more examples using members who have posted in this thread:

cs-cam -
ctkroeker -
J_K9 -

Feedback on this is appreciated.


rumi2 01-23-2006 08:41 PM


I am a new member to this forum. No previous linux experience but hoping to learn from you all.


microsoft/linux 01-23-2006 09:28 PM

do any of the "phase 2" stuff(making the profile able to provide more information) include adding a machine specs field under the username?

<--------------here, in case I wasn't clear enough by "under the username"?

What else(if yes) does "phase 2" entail? I like the social networking kind of stuff, but it seems kind of superfluous, though it doesn't take away from the site at all.

jeremy 01-23-2006 09:58 PM

The "machine specs" functionality is in no way related to this, and implementation details (or even a final decision on inclusion) hasn't been decided yet. Additionally, much of phase two for the social networking bits hasn't been decided yet and may not come for a little while as other (higher priority) issues such as bugs are properly sorted. We're still in a bit of a balancing act mode.


microsoft/linux 01-23-2006 10:28 PM

oh, ok. Just curious. Definitly go ahead with the Social Networking thing though. Oh, and by the way, this is kind of similar to MySpace, if this answers anyone's questions.

jeremy 01-25-2006 03:54 PM

The Social Networking features are now integrated into your LQ profile and member pages.


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