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manolakis 02-05-2020 02:01 PM

Delete my linuxquestions account

I can not find a delete account option in
Does anybody know how to delete my account?

Thank you.

TB0ne 02-05-2020 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by manolakis (Post 6086594)
I can not find a delete account option in Does anybody know how to delete my account?

Did you look at the "Site FAQ"??

ondoho 02-06-2020 01:49 AM

manolakis, I was just going to post that same link.

dugan 02-06-2020 07:43 PM

You can also ask Jeremy to change your username to something else. I've seen usernames get changed to something like"Deleted User". Your posts would remain, but they would be credited to "Deleted User".

vtel57 02-06-2020 07:48 PM

I have a stupid question for the OP...

You've been here for quite a few years. Why now are you wanting to delete your account? Just curious. If it's none of my business, just tell me to feck off.


jsbjsb001 02-07-2020 04:49 AM

...or you could just not participate here anymore - since it seems that you haven't got that many posts to your name for the length of time you've been a member here anyway.

Personally, I've almost stopped participating here altogether (I wasn't even planning on logging in at all until I saw this thread) for a number of reasons, and from the few posts I've read since... it doesn't look like much has changed here. I've taken the approach of only participating if I see a thread that interests me enough to want to reply - rather than just trying to offer help to others just to "be helpful", or for the sake of participating here.

I know of other members that have either stopped participating altogether, or have somewhat limited their participation here. And I can understand why too. I used to enjoy "hanging out here" as it were, but for the same reasons I speak of above, it just doesn't seem worth the hassle anymore - and I don't honestly miss participating here either. Don't get me wrong, there are some members here I do very much miss interacting with, but overall; I don't miss the pitfalls of places like this either. And no, I have no interest in listing the reasons I don't participate here as much as I once used to either - it's up to the member if they want to participate or not.

Which brings us to my main point, in that; it's also up to you if you participate here or not. So removing your posts isn't going to change the fact you once DID participate here. And if at least 99.9% of the world's population doesn't care one iota whether anyone here participates here or not, then why does it matter if your posts are still here? Unless you have posted personally identifiable information in your previous posts, then how is anyone going to identify you in the real world from those posts? If you don't care about this place anymore, then why would you care what others may think about your previous posts? I personally wouldn't care - particularly if they were honest and/or helpful to others.


Originally Posted by vtel57 (Post 6087049)
I have a stupid question for the OP...

You've been here for quite a few years. Why now are you wanting to delete your account? Just curious. If it's none of my business, just tell me to feck off.


Why does it matter? As said above, it's up to them if they want to participate or not.

Do you expect them to give you a list of reasons? I wouldn't... particularly if it doesn't change anything anyway. Which it wouldn't...

vtel57 02-07-2020 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by jsbjsb001 (Post 6087158)

Why does it matter? As said above, it's up to them if they want to participate or not.

Do you expect them to give you a list of reasons? I wouldn't... particularly if it doesn't change anything anyway. Which it wouldn't...

Well, having run forums such as this and admin'd at others for many years, it's important to know why a member of the community is requesting deletion. Why? So the folks who operate the board can make adjustments to their procedures if it turns out that the member is dissatisfied or angry because of something they've experienced on the board.

Basically, it's important to run a board in a way that is fair to all. Complaints by members SHOULD be heard and considered by board owners/maintainers. If not, you end up with a free-for-all flaming pile of sh*t instead of a viable community.

Forums and boards are closely related to society in general. Compassion and understanding goes a long way to making a pleasant environment in which to learn or assist fellow members.

rtmistler 02-07-2020 10:13 AM

Hi Eric,

Good points and it compelled me to at least see if this is:
  1. a user who has largely been inactive for a very long time and they decided to clean history up, for whatever reason.
  2. something recently has occurred
For (b) I can see

It can seem concerning if one just reviews that thread.

I feel the other cited threads in one of those replies illustrate a history of questions which do not appear to contain follow-up on when asked for further information.

vtel57 02-07-2020 11:43 AM

Thanks for that, @rtmistler. I do believe you may have found the reason for this member's request above. :(

manolakis 02-07-2020 01:58 PM

To be honest with you it is not a bad forum at all. Instead the right opposite. The only thing is that I have not been a good user asking questions sometimes which according to feedback they do not show effort of my own research, and maybe are looking like I want others to do the research for me. To be perfectly honest with you I never wanted that. It happens that I always google first as I think all the world googles all the time and sometime probably because of not having a good judgement of my own post I place a question which is not properly stated. I accept it is my mistake and I do not want the community to see me as a trouble.
I would strongly suggest to anyone to use as it has lot of members who are very helpful.
I have really regret that I am not a good user following the guidelines and that is the reason that I want to leave this community.
The only personal suggestion that I will make to linuxquestions is to add a save as draft button so a user can edit a post later because writing a post might require some time if you first need to do some research and gather data. I hope nobody minds with my suggestion.
I never wanted users to write more that lets say 5 lines of text and solve the problem for me spending hours for me because I do not find this fair too.
I am a terrible linuxquestions user and I really want to apologize to everyone and was wishing to be able to help you by answering you own questions too as a payback but my experience does not allow me.
Once more again I feel terrible for my previous posts and I am really sorry. As jsbjsb001 I will keep my account but I will not post so the community will not have problem with me.

Wish you the best.

vtel57 02-07-2020 02:18 PM

Hello @manolakis!

I'm very glad you came back here to reply to this thread. I want to say this to you, though...

In my opinion, if you are an interested and honest member here who has troubles with Linux sometimes and cannot always find answers right away using a search engine, DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT! The fact of the matter is that many users of Linux are NOT experts; they're just users, which is fine. Unfortunately, when problems do pop up every once in a while, it's often difficult for those not-too-technical Linux users to find their answers. That's EXACTLY what forums like and others are supposed to be for!

So, I would hope you wouldn't give up on this place. I would hope that you might again one day ask some questions that you need answers to. I would also like to hope that members here would be a bit more considerate and helpful to you the next time. Sadly, though, there are those who pop in here and at other forums like this and think they're entitled to answers to their questions even though they've done no research on their own. It's often difficult to tell the inexperienced person from the lazy it's-all-about-me types.

Anyway, best regards and, again, thank you for explaining yourself to us.


TB0ne 02-07-2020 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by manolakis (Post 6087365)
To be honest with you it is not a bad forum at all. Instead the right opposite. The only thing is that I have not been a good user asking questions sometimes which according to feedback they do not show effort of my own research, and maybe are looking like I want others to do the research for me. To be perfectly honest with you I never wanted that. It happens that I always google first as I think all the world googles all the time and sometime probably because of not having a good judgement of my own post I place a question which is not properly stated. I accept it is my mistake and I do not want the community to see me as a trouble.
I would strongly suggest to anyone to use as it has lot of members who are very helpful.
I have really regret that I am not a good user following the guidelines and that is the reason that I want to leave this community.
The only personal suggestion that I will make to linuxquestions is to add a save as draft button so a user can edit a post later because writing a post might require some time if you first need to do some research and gather data. I hope nobody minds with my suggestion.
I never wanted users to write more that lets say 5 lines of text and solve the problem for me spending hours for me because I do not find this fair too.
I am a terrible linuxquestions user and I really want to apologize to everyone and was wishing to be able to help you by answering you own questions too as a payback but my experience does not allow me.
Once more again I feel terrible for my previous posts and I am really sorry. As jsbjsb001 I will keep my account but I will not post so the community will not have problem with me.

Wish you the best.

Sorry, but if you just listened to what you've been told in the past, you'd never have had anyone mention anything to you. We do not see you as 'a trouble', but you really do need to look at things.

You have been a Linux user for FOURTEEN YEARS; if you truly wanted to participate and answer questions (as you say you do in this post), you should have easily been able to answer simpler questions for newer users during this time. The post listed by rtmistler links out to several of your posts in recent history, where moderators had warned you about this pattern you established. I even asked you several times over the past few years to read the "Question Guidelines" link in my posting signature; please read it, specifically the "Welcome to LQ" section at the bottom.

This entire thread speaks exactly to this issue; did you search for "How to delete my account"?? It's been asked HUNDREDS of times on this site, and you would have easily found the answer. It's in the "Site FAQ" on the side of the page.

Know that no one here wants anyone to leave, or considers it 'trouble' to answer a question, but you have to participate in helping yourself. And that starts with basic research, telling us what you've done/tried so far to solve your own problem, and being clear about where you're stuck.

rtmistler 02-07-2020 03:46 PM

If the OP here is repeating a pattern, then their behavior should be reported for assessment by the moderators.

There also is the option to contact Jeremy directly using the Contact Us link at the bottom of every LQ page.

If one takes history of a poster out of things and addresses their question, here. Then reply #2 is absolutely a correct thing to post.

In the referenced thread, it may be that the question posed is an open-ended one, but it is a fair and open-discussion form of question.

If it should be moved to another forum, that's also something you use the report button for.

If it's a repetitive pattern, then that's also something you use the report button for.

Neither this forum, or the Software forum are mine for moderation, but we all do see all the reports.

I'm not seeing reports on anyone's part, but instead folks are keeping things in thread.

If this is to the level that people find frustrating, then I'm suggesting that instead of raising your levels of frustration, consider engaging moderators or Jeremy with your concerns.

jefro 02-07-2020 05:43 PM

Here is my issue with technical forums. Every once in a while a "MEMBER (in good standing)" makes a post in a technical area. Then others decide to issue their opinion which has nothing to do with the OP's question. One has the ability to move on to the next question doesn't one?

Telling a member this or that is a waste of time. If someone wants to answer the question they they should reply directly to the question. We have to assume that not everyone in the world thinks like we think they should. I help people with disabilities all the time as well as folks who seem like they should know words like mouse and click so maybe I'm not as jaded as others. I don't get mean people.

Geist 02-07-2020 09:22 PM

Mean is subjective, too.
To me, people who advocate for notepad/nano type text editors even though they have been made completely obsolete by solid modal editors are mean.
To me, people who think the average joe sixpack cannot grasp even basic terminal usage and will never be able to use anything but GUI stuff are mean.
(In my opinion, most people don't need the minimum stuff, but most people need as much as they can get. )

Technology is completely invented, I can't think of many truly intuitive things about it, and to think that humans can learn "alt+f4, control+s, control shift escape, super/windows + r" but not "dw" for delete word, or ":w / :write" to save a document, etc to me is kind of mean, too, at least after reading this very argument. :P

Technology also has no feelings, etc, it's not alive (even though we give a lot of things names, or behave like they're sentient, like that 'stupid phone over there') so there is no reason to protect something clearly inferior.

...and these kind of arguments are usually the driving force behind 'wars' and stuff.
Some things are simply superior to other things now, the dawn of computing has already happened, and in some cases, things that are simply OBJECTIVELY better (in the context of the usage field of an application and all peripherals etc used to operate it) have emerged.

The ones who cling to and nurture straight up inferior stuff are the main driving force behind the needless wars in some aspects of technology.
In a better world, someone who'd advocate for vim (not vi, vim) over notepad/nano should be laughed out of the room, on the grounds of "No shit, sherlock. Do dogs pee on lamp posts too?"

Not because "Sorry bro, people are not capable of learning vim, it makes no sense to learn it".

Same for terminal applications, sometimes they are simply the superior overall choice, even if it's partly due to ergonomics, but these gains being good enough to offset some 'slowness' in operation.

If taking 2 minutes to type out a command is slower than having a device that activates through a 100 meter sprint, and you run Usain Bolt levels of speed, then sure. You're faster with the Bolt operation, but the energy expenditure is completely different.

...yeah I have a hard time not doing this. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Vexing that it's basically 'bad' because it's not on topic but also an unironic good advice/argument :P

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