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nuka_t 08-09-2004 12:42 PM

Switched Family To FireFox in 5 minutes
i just switched my entire cousins family over to firefox. they came to me, as ussual with their windows troubles and htey kept talking and talking and talking about the things that were wrong in IE. i hadnt slept in 26 hours at the time so i couldnt understand a thing they were saying, i heard internet in there though. so i go and download firefox and mozilla optimizer to see if it solves their problems. on first boot, it loaded the home page(imported from IE, as well as favourites etc.) blazingly fast, about twice the speed, and they were impressed from the start. the problems they were having were with their webmail from their university where they teach. one problems was that when they reply to a message and the subject is RE: whatever, it dosent work. but if you delte the RE: , it works. :confused: :confused: :cry: :scratch: anyway, it works in firefox. so that had them switched instantly cause replying is a common feature of email. then my aunt comments at the webmail page "this looks different, it looks the same way it does when i acces it at the university." ya, its cause IE draws it wrong, just use this from now on. then she said "so this fire whatever, where did you get it from? how come it wasnt installed on my computer a long time ago?" i thought that was funny. anyway, go firefox. im going to try and switch my parents over to linux next week cause theyve been bitching about xp a lot lately and i really dont feel like doing another reformat :mad:

XavierP 08-09-2004 05:44 PM

I switched my g/f to Firefox because of all the security messiness they've had in IE over the last few months and she is extremely happy with it. Could Firefox be the killer app they're always talking about?


nuka_t 08-10-2004 03:27 AM


Originally posted by XavierP
I switched my g/f to Firefox because of all the security messiness they've had in IE over the last few months and she is extremely happy with it. Could Firefox be the killer app they're always talking about?


i think firefox is an IE-killer. but the "killer-app" for linux is WINE, and i think more time needs to be invested into its development.

sxa 08-11-2004 01:49 AM

I guess Firefox will be my choice brower when I get linux going again. I have heard great things about it.

eyeliner 08-11-2004 01:29 PM

It's a great browser, great as well is thunderbird.
They became my premire choice in linux. Windows will follow shortly.

nuka_t 08-12-2004 05:56 AM

w00t, just got my other aunt switched over. she got jealous after the first one started talkingabout ow much she loves it.

i think that the best way to get people to switch to linux is by putting OS apps on their computer like firefox, azureus, gaim, and OOo. once they get a feel for it, i think they will feel much more at home in linux as they will use the same apps.

Ebel 08-13-2004 07:50 PM

I think Firefox has a lot of potential. When people see it and realised what kind of product it is and that the inhouse Microsoft stuff is lacking, they will start looking around. Little, by little...

eyeliner 08-13-2004 08:15 PM

Yes, but it still needs some further development.
Some sites look weird with Firefox. Like hotmail, for instance.
The font is enormous!

hamza11050 08-13-2004 08:27 PM

i luv firefox compared to ie...again anything from microsoft is fucked up'

nuka_t 08-14-2004 10:36 PM


Originally posted by eyeliner
Yes, but it still needs some further development.
Some sites look weird with Firefox. Like hotmail, for instance.
The font is enormous!

what part of MICROSOFT hotmail dont you understand?

eyeliner 08-15-2004 09:31 AM

I understand everything. I said the fonts on that particular site are quite big in Firefox.
After you log in, of course.

nuka_t 08-15-2004 09:59 AM

i have no problems with it. maybe its cause you dont have truetype fonts installed.

eyeliner 08-15-2004 10:06 AM

Konqueror displays the site fine. No matter. I don't bother with it much.

el_pajaro! 08-22-2004 04:14 PM


Originally posted by nuka_t
i think that the best way to get people to switch to linux is by putting OS apps on their computer like firefox, azureus, gaim, and OOo. once they get a feel for it, i think they will feel much more at home in linux as they will use the same apps. [/B]
Yea that is true. My cousin uses gaim, firefox and firebird. Some of my friends use firefox and they love it. On step at the time and soon thew would be asking for linux.

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