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jlangelier 06-21-2003 01:46 AM

Slackware is so SWEEET!
I can't help it, I'm so frickin happy I could burst.

Was running Windows 98, when the PPP connection became slow as molasses. Was thiking "Well, time for another re-install". But then I said to myself, "Microsoft, bite me!" and got some Red Hat discs.

Got Red Hat up and running, but still problems with the modem. Pinhead that I am, I did not put two and two together... problems with modem in Windows, problems with modem in Red Hat... no, not me, I'm too simple to make that connection.

Went to the linux documentation project stuff. Well, seems like every path that is specified in the documentation, is not in Red Hat. Red Hat is great, I am sure, but what's with their tendency to deviate from the standard paths?

Anyway, I got slackware. Of course, same frickin problem with the modem. Finally, it dawned on me. Hardware problem. Either the modem, or the serial card. Dug up an old ISA modem card. Ran it in windows with a generic driver... not a win modem!

Back to slack. Not recognizing the modem. Googling. Found some cat who had the same card, described what to do. After a pnpdump, a setserial, yadda yadda, the modem is recognized!

I go to KPPP... enter the stuff... by now I could do that in my sleep... baddaboom baddabing I'm doing 50K plus on the modem, after a week of struggling with 30 bps connecions, man page reading, bookstore shopping, distro buying, I'm back on line, and with slack!

Don't get me wrong... I like Red Hat. But slackware.... I get the warm and fuzzies running it. This is the real deal, baby, and I'm amped. I am so psyched that, now, when I read the Linux Documentation Project, and they talk about a path or a file, it'll be there, rather than some funky Red Hat thing. I'm glad I could not get my modem worknig in Red Hat, and took the slackware plunge.

Slackware 9.0 was VERY easy to install. It helped that I already had the partitions done with Red Hat, but I was expecting an ordeal which never happened. I mean, after I installed all the packages, I was thinking, OK, now I got to configure X.... but on a hunch, I just typed "startx" and the thing started, without me entering idiotic refresh rates, et al. I was pleasantly surprised, and I'm a slack convert for life, the way I'm feeling now.

neenee 06-21-2003 02:07 AM

woo! congratulations on getting slack up :)
and welcome to the wonderful world of
slackware and

C++freak 06-21-2003 07:04 PM


Originally posted by neenee
woo! congratulations on getting slack up :)
and welcome to the wonderful world of
slackware and

What he said =]

rajorshi 06-25-2003 07:10 AM

slack rulez man!

Poetics 06-26-2003 06:06 PM


Originally posted by jlangelier
But slackware.... I get the warm and fuzzies running it.
100% My sentiments ;) Learning linux, I decided to plunge headlong into slack. I haven't looked back :cool:

scottwest2 06-28-2003 03:00 AM

Slack Rox

dai 07-05-2003 03:49 PM

Definitely the best distro available.

Well done :)

MadCactus 07-11-2003 04:10 PM

I dunno guys, its kinda like a slippery slope - one minute you're happy clicking away in Windows and the next thing you know you're making your own distro from scratch. Worse than crack cocaine imho ;)

jlangelier I think you should take it easy for a while - play some games, shoot some pool or something.

MadCactus 07-11-2003 04:11 PM

Jeez that smilies really crud. Whats wrong with ASCII?

dai 07-11-2003 04:12 PM

Not quite the analogy I had in mind but it is effective :)

MadCactus 07-11-2003 06:24 PM

[QUOTE]Not quite the analogy I had in mind but it is effective[QUOTE] - from the man whose sig is:

"Once You've had Slack you'll Never Go Back"


It even sounds similar...

LoungeLizard 07-11-2003 06:39 PM

Congrats and welcome to the Wonderful World of Slack

jlangelier 07-11-2003 06:49 PM


Originally posted by MadCactus

jlangelier I think you should take it easy for a while - play some games, shoot some pool or something.

That's what SHE said.

dai 07-12-2003 02:17 PM


Originally posted by MadCactus
from the man whose sig is:

"Once You've had Slack you'll Never Go Back"


It even sounds similar...


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