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rvijay 07-17-2004 03:59 PM

Opinion: Promoting Linux.
What is the best way to promote linux ?

Have you ever tried to promote Linux ? How ? What was the outcome ? Please share your opinion /experience and any other related info. here.


Vijay :Pengy:

qwijibow 07-17-2004 04:10 PM

i used knoppix to give my friend administration access to his dads windows XP machine.

he was pretty impressed, but thats probably not the best way ;)

Jose Muņiz 07-17-2004 04:33 PM

I give free Linux classes and help people out to install Linux on Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm :)

rvijay 07-17-2004 04:44 PM

How long have you been doing this ? What is your profession ? How many people attend your classes weekly ? Where do you give the classes ?



RolledOat 07-17-2004 04:56 PM

I don't promote Linux per se, I get lots of people asking 'How did you do that' (Gimp animations), 'How can you burn a CD while playing a game', that kind of thing. My position is however, I don't do Windows. Anyone with a Windows question (Everyone of my family and friends comes to me for all things technical), I simply tell them, I won't waste my time on Windows, it is a black hole. If they want me to support them, I will dual boot Linux for them (OEM for them). 31 people and counting. Zero technical questions like 'My modem stopped working', 'I have a virus', 'My system has slowed to a crawl', 'Netscape stopped working', 'My printer stopped working', 'It takes 20 minutes to boot', I could go on and one, and you know what

ZERO reinstalls to get anything working again. Your best bet, just smile at the Windows only folks, refuse to support Windows, and then let them try the alternative, or not. As they saying goes, 'You don't make a horse to anything, you make it in the best interests of the horse to do what you want him to do'. Same goes for the die hard Windows people. Before my 'No Windows' policy, I got at LEAST 5 calls/week asking me to help them fix something on Windows that just decided to stop working.


P.S. Never seen, touched or used a machine with XP, and looking forward to never touching one.

R00ts 07-17-2004 05:24 PM

RolledOat, you are my hero! :D

I was thinking of doing the same thing. Ever since I was about 12 whenever anyone I knew had a computer problem I was the first one they asked help from. At first I didn't mind because I learned a lot, but then it just got to the point where it was annoying and frustrating. A few days after I installed Linux for the first time (last March/April), I decided I would never help anyone with a Windows problem again, only Linux. I'm not experienced enough to help people setup for a dual-boot and whatever and I don't want to turn people off from Linux because I'm having trouble. (BTW: Don't you have to install partitioning software to do a dual-boot? I refused to pay $ to do something that I feel any operating system should do natively).

As for promoting Linux, I don't threaten people to switch, but I do enjoy laughing in the faces of others when they tell me the latest security hole in WinDOHs let in a virus that destroyed all their data. I just let them know that I run Linux and haven't had any security/performance related problems with it at all, and let them figure out for themselves that there are better alternatives out there. However I promote alternative web browsers much more strongly than I do alternative operating systems. Anyone who uses IE should switch to Firefox or Opera and if they refuse, IMO they deserve all the nasty viruses they get. Idiots.

rvijay 07-17-2004 06:30 PM


Originally posted by R00ts
RolledOat, you are my hero! :D

Anyone who uses IE should switch to Firefox or Opera and if they refuse, IMO they deserve all the nasty viruses they get. Idiots.

Is this really true ? Can all the other browsers out there really stop all the viruses even for Windows users ?



rvijay 07-17-2004 06:32 PM

This is my favorite smilie here. I really love this. Using it again just for fun.




It was great being a newbie here and learning all the wonderful things that Linux has to offer. I hope many more walk this pleasurable journey.


R00ts 07-17-2004 07:51 PM


Originally posted by rvijay
Is this really true ? Can all the other browsers out there really stop all the viruses even for Windows users ?



Of course not. But there are much more secure (and IMO much better) alternatives that can at least reduce the number of vulnerabilities on a windows machine. I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic to spite me or not, but I am well aware that just because a windows user doesn't use IE does not denote they are impervious to harm. :rolleyes: But even the US Department of Homeland Security and CERT encouraged people not to use IE for its serious security flaws. :tisk:

rvijay 07-17-2004 08:04 PM

All my questions are very sincere. I am interested in learning. Perhaps sometimes my questions get worded differently. However, I remain a humble linux user and sincere learner.

After using Linux for several months, I am more familiar with it.

I got severe problems with my CDWriter though. Sometimes, feel that I need to change the kernel as a trial to get familiar. This will be a great learning experience for me and might come in handy in the future.


penguin4 07-17-2004 08:43 PM

rvijay; use this tact as soon as debate begins on what is wrong with W,s n how much better is linux . my reponse is count # of times errors, halts, lockups, stumbles and crashes windows have they had compared to 0 on
my mdklinux. the ohs n ah,s with doubts of how difficult learning n operating linux. yes yes reply but still no lgr problems nor crashes! LOL.
the uphill battle is most nonlinux users want instant gratification there fore
will or cannot leave BILL.

rvijay 07-18-2004 04:43 AM

True instant gratification is a big issue. Agreed.


ppuru 07-18-2004 04:55 AM

freeduc is an instant hit with kids - a knoppix based LiveCD - good to handout to schools that are a bit jittery about Linux immersion.

tbfirefox 07-18-2004 04:56 AM

Today I went to a computer expo at the "Dick Smith Electronics Powerhouse" in Hamilton, New Zealand. They are a major computer store in NZ. At this expo there was alot of emphasis on linux, and they had someone from the Waikato LUG there. They also gave out free copies of linux and openoffice with all computer purchases over $50.

Im not sure how many people were interested and became linux users, but this seemed like a good way to promote it.

rvijay 07-18-2004 08:01 AM

Mandrake has struck it big time it appears. The French Govt. has decided to shift to Linux and awarded a Contract to MandrakeLinux for this(Articles in this regard on the net). Several other Cash strapped Govt.s. can be expected to follow suite, specially in Asia and Eastern Europe etc., This can be a major impetus for an important shift to linux.


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