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-   -   O M G!!!!!!!! I FINALLY GOT MY iPOD WORKING IN LINUX!!!!!!! (Newbie Guide) (

Ausar 08-20-2004 03:11 PM

O M G!!!!!!!! I FINALLY GOT MY iPOD WORKING IN LINUX!!!!!!! (Newbie Guide)
Oh my goodness... I can't believe I did it!! I FINALLY got my iPod working in Mandrake 10.0 Official Power Pack!!!

Here is what I did...

Note: I have a 3rd gen., 15gb iPod with a dock. Im accessing mine by way of firewire IEEE1394)

(Before you get started, open up Konqueror as root. Go to /mnt/ and create a new folder titled "ipod" (without the quotes lol).)

1.) Plug iPod into dock (make sure, dock connector is plugged into the correct place).
2.) Wait until you see the do not disconnect screen.
3.) Now, go to "Start">System>Configuration>Configure Your Computer>--(now you must log in as root) and and from there go to>Mount Points>Partitions. You will now be at a screen where you can see Filesystem Types and the partitions.
4.) Now, click on "sda".
5.) Now, you will see a list of actions that you can do right underneath the "sda" tab on the right. Next, click on "Mount Point," and when the dialog box opens, manually type in "/mnt/ipod" (of course without the quotes lol) and click "ok."
6.) Next, after the dialog box closes, click on Mount in the "choose action" list. You will now see a box that says the partition (ipod) is being mounted.
7.) Now, to visually verify that the iPod has been mounted, open up Konqueror, and go to "/mnt/ipod/." When the folder contents are displayed, you will see 6 folders. Those folders are: Calenders, Contacts, Data Files, iPod Control, Notes, and Recordings (note: you will only see the recordings folder if you have the mic accesory and have used it before). The folder that contains the music is in the "iPod Control>Music" folder. In this folder, (depending on how much music you have on your iPod), there will be many folders with letter and number titles (you'll understand what I mean when you see them). These are the actual folders that contain the music. (At this point, I couldn't believe it was so easy to hook up the iPod up to this point. So, still in denial, I opened up one of the music folders and played a song. I was so souped (happy):D :D :D :D :D :D !!!!!!!!!

So, now that the main part was accomplished, I needed to install GTKPOD and get it up and running (this was the easiest part :D ). So, I did a quick google search for "gtkpod mandrake 10.0 rpm search" and I ended up at I clicked on the appropriate links and ended up with this link for GTKPod .0.72-2.1:

8.) Next, after clicking on the link, choose "software install" (easiest way for newbies like me) and then "ok." Next click on "install it" when the next box opens and then click "ok."
Next, when the dialog box opens up and says some packages have bad signatures yada yada yada do you still want to install it, click "yes/ok." And there you have it! Its successfully installed!!!
9.) Now, open up a terminal and type in "gtkpod" (of course without the quotes lol) and click "enter." Gtkpod will open up. From there, its pretty much self explanatory as what to do next.
(If you want to put a gtkpod icon on the desktop, just go to "Start">Multimedia>Sound. On that menu, there will be a GTKpod icon (looks like a small speaker). Just left-click, and drag and drop the icon where you want it (I always like to put my icons in my taskbar for quick access).

{PS-- If a anyone with more precise knowledge wants to add something to this, feel free. Also, to the mods, if you think its innapropriate for me to the the (newbie guide) thing in the thread title, then by all means, delete that part of the title. Also, if I was wrong in any of my intsructions, please point them out so that we can use this.)

(This is the link to all Mandrake rpms at

Genesee 08-20-2004 03:25 PM

nice job, Ausar - you should submit it as a LinuxAnswer:


Ausar 08-20-2004 03:34 PM

Cool Thanks!!!!!!!!!

But now unfortunately, GTKpod is giving me problems :( :( . Everytime I go to sync to the iPod to add the new music files and playlists, i get this error:


Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00053.mp3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00054.mp3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00055.MP3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00056.mp3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00057.mp3" for writing.

Anyone know how I can fix or get around this? (I am inclined to think that if all else fails, I can manually just drag and drop music files right into the iPod from Konqueror as root since the iPod folder is in /mnt/iPod. However, I haven't tried it yet.)

trey85stang 08-20-2004 03:47 PM


Originally posted by Ausar
Cool Thanks!!!!!!!!!

But now unfortunately, GTKpod is giving me problems :( :( . Everytime I go to sync to the iPod to add the new music files and playlists, i get this error:


Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00053.mp3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00054.mp3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00055.MP3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00056.mp3" for writing.
Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f13/gtkpod00057.mp3" for writing.

Anyone know how I can fix or get around this? (I am inclined to think that if all else fails, I can manually just drag and drop music files right into the iPod from Konqueror as root since the iPod folder is in /mnt/iPod. However, I haven't tried it yet.)

try.. chmod 777 /mnt/iPod

I would recommend doing this with the ipod unmounted.

Ausar 08-20-2004 04:08 PM

Thanx man, I will try now and let you know if it worked.

Ausar 08-20-2004 04:20 PM

Dude, thanx but it didn't seem to do the trick. I think it has something to do with file permissions or something like that. Also, in the error, the file that it keeps trying to write to, Could not open file "/mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/f12/gtkpod00053.mp3" for writing.. is actually a folder with music in it from when I had windoze. (Why is it looking to that file to write music to?) Then, I just tried to change the file permissions to the iPod folder so that I could modify it as a user and not just root, after I did that, I went to check to make sure the permissions were changed and it went back to users and others can only view content.

I must be doing something wrong within gtkpod. Maybe I have to set up a new iTunes DB in linux. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Mara 08-20-2004 04:33 PM

It is about the permissions. I guess you have umask set so you can't write to /mnt/ipod. Look into the mounting options and add 'umask=0' (you can also do it in /etc/fstab) in the line about /mnt/ipod.

Ausar 08-20-2004 04:52 PM


Originally posted by Mara
It is about the permissions. I guess you have umask set so you can't write to /mnt/ipod. Look into the mounting options and add 'umask=0' (you can also do it in /etc/fstab) in the line about /mnt/ipod.
Okay, (please forgive me for being such a newbie:D ) In the iPod line in the fstab,

/dev/sda2/  mnt/iPod vfat  defaults  0  0
where am I supposed to add that peice of code you gave me?

Is it supposed to look like this: "/dev/sda2/ mnt/iPod auto umask=0 vfat defaults 0 0?"

(I didn't change it yet...)

Tinkster 08-20-2004 05:03 PM


Originally posted by Ausar

/dev/sda2/  mnt/iPod vfat  noauto,user,umask=0  0  0?"

Ausar 08-20-2004 05:14 PM

Just verifying that you mean (as I understand it) the fstab entry is supposed to look like this before I screw something up:

/dev/sda2/ mnt/iPod auto umask=0 vfat noauto,user,umask=0 0 0


sketelsen 08-20-2004 05:16 PM

check your path, too. in your original error message post, you have the path where gtkPod is looking for your iPod control app listed as "/mnt/ipod/blah blah"....however, do you have it mounted as
iPod? case sensitive...could be that simple!

Ausar 08-20-2004 05:28 PM


Originally posted by sketelsen
check your path, too. in your original error message post, you have the path where gtkPod is looking for your iPod control app listed as "/mnt/ipod/blah blah"....however, do you have it mounted as
iPod? case sensitive...could be that simple!

Dude, that actually helped out a LOT! But I still get the same error messages when trying to sync. I wonder if that is because I have two folders, one is iPod and one ipod (like you suggested). I wonder if I getting rid of the "iPod" folder will help. Any suggestions?

sketelsen 08-20-2004 06:29 PM

yay for uniformity!
I'd go ahead and pick one, stick with it. all-lower-case usually works for me. Unfortunately, that's about the limit of my ability to help with this problem. I looked at the thread, because I think it's cool that Linux has iPod support, even though I don't have one:-) Anyhow, proofread your paths, and proofread the paths you type into gtkPod, ensuring that everything is good to go. And, if you get tired of typing in that path, or cutting and pasting, USE SYMLINKS!

ln -s /where/the/file/is /where/you/want/linux/to/think/the/file/is

Ausar 08-21-2004 07:38 PM

Hey guys, I was browsing the net and I found that a sucessful gtkpod user's ipod fstab entry was this: /dev/sda2 /mnt/ipod vfat noauto,users,rw,noatime 0 0. Im going to try this one now to see if it will work for me.

Ausar 08-22-2004 02:50 AM

Nope, no sucess with that one...

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