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1kyle 02-16-2004 06:14 AM

My Network is now MS free (99.99% at least)
Hello everybody -- just wanted to say I've converted a small network to using Linux almost entirely and it's saved my a huge amount of dollars.

I'd been playing around with Linux for a while but I'd always find something that stopped me using it completely -- either the sound didn't work or the screen fonts were lousy or I couldn't print properly etc etc.

Well I looked at the cost I would have to do to upgrade my Windows network -- Licences were horrible -- 6 X Windows XP, I server 2003, 6 X office XP Pro 2003, MS exchange mail server plus loads of other software.

Anyway I got the Pro edition of SUSE 9.0 -- everything worked right out of the box -- one exception -- Wireless networking on a laptop -- but the wireless in the desktops is fine.

Samba for connection to 1 Windows stand alone machine -- can't change that one as it's not i under my control works a treat, NFS for the Linux network, no licenses required and the users have a choice between Mozilla and Konqureror.

Open office 1.1 works brilliantly and MySQL is a far better bet than MsAccess was.

I use Photoshop a lot and this worked fine under WINE - installed with no problem.

Even the TV card worked right out of the box.

Nice one SUSE -- very slick distro which I'm using on a production environment.

I'm hoping eventually Wireless networking on the laptops will work -- but judging by the posts in that Forum it's not easy -- but not a showstopper as on my travels where I can log in to Wireless points I've still got 'Doze XP -- hopefully not for much longer.

So SUSE that's the best 70 USD I've spent for ages -- net savings on licenses -- around 12,000 -- Yes 12 THOUSAND USD

Any DAYTRADERS out there -- if there are more people like me then I should dump MICROSOFT STOCK real quick.

ikw38 02-16-2004 04:23 PM

Just curious how did you setup Samba or did you for your XP clients?
If possible post your Samba Config ( just use alias instead of your real network names).
What about printing ?
Shared across a network or do they have their own printers.

Great to hear good news.


jolly1701 02-17-2004 07:47 AM

its great to hear a success story in a working environment
and the savings can buy a few beers, well done

frieza 02-17-2004 10:56 AM

yeah... if only McDonald's would switch to linux for their POS systems.... :D ritght now they are msdos / windows systems

1kyle 02-17-2004 09:02 PM

Finally Wireless is now working on laptops as well -- had to use an old GOLD ORINOCO card which only operates at 11 mps but for internet use it's fine. I'm sure somebody will get the 54g stuff working soon. I've put the config in the Wireless Networking section if anybody's interested.
Windows XP is now OFF 100% my laptops. I just have 1 Windows machine left which is used as a print server (SAMBA does nicely) . This will be switched to Linux if I can find some decent drivers for it. -- Epson 2200 high quality photo printer.

jolly1701 02-20-2004 08:11 AM

(sorry im not trying to push xandros)
but on the xandros forum they have a couple of network guru's who have sorted many a prob on laptops they just might have some thing that helps

nick81 02-23-2004 08:14 PM

I also work for a company trying very hard to phase out Microsoft Products.

We are about 80% there. Our legacy is a win32 accounting program that doesn't like being used under wine at all. We have contacted the vendor and are requesting something nix based.

We will be there within 6-12 months

I can't wait. These Redhat boxes just work, all day every day. At very worst we ask a user to reboot and they are back to a functional machine.

Very handy using the desktop sharing to administer (we have a pretty widespread WAN)

:Pengy: kicks ass :D

Melkor 02-24-2004 09:36 AM


Originally posted by nick81
I also work for a company trying very hard to phase out Microsoft Products.

We are about 80% there. Our legacy is a win32 accounting program that doesn't like being used under wine at all. We have contacted the vendor and are requesting something nix based.

I'm a programmer for a company that produces and modifies accounting software.... what program do you guys use?

nick81 02-24-2004 04:41 PM

I really can't say due to confidentiality but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be aware of it anyway due to the fact that I am from Australia.

We have been advised that their next release will include a native 'nix port YAY! :) Finally they are starting to look after the people who are an exception to the Microsuck rule :)

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