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double_oh_sammy 03-15-2003 09:26 PM

Linux could be the start of a beautiful friendship!!!
OK, I'll try not to turn this into a Windows bashing session, but, after a recommendation by a friend of mine, I recently installed Mandrake Linux 9.0. ITS GREAT!!!!!!!!!

Tih8710 03-16-2003 07:22 AM

Yeah, for me it startd with a Slackware, sometimes at -94 or -95..
..And though I still have Win.... installed, I mostly use Linux..
(Well, as everybody knows, there's STILL not enough game-coders for Lnx out there..) Shame..
And sammy, If you run into a problem with linux, don't throw it away:p
It "probably" can be fixed someway...

twan 03-16-2003 07:49 AM

after following the linux story for a couple weeks, i purchased myself SuSE 8.1

Although i still have WIN XP pro (because of some incompability with WINE), i use linux a lot more often.

also, while i'm busy ;), a big thanks to all the linux books out there :study:

bigjohn 03-16-2003 11:45 AM

Well I would say that double_oh_sammy and twan might not be totally correct, because it's only taken me since last june (2002) to get an almost fully functionalbe desktop system up and running, double booting mandy 9.0 and xp home.

Though I will admit that is because I still have too much wind0w$ dross stuck in my brain (and I'm a bit of a f**kwit, when it comes to matters IT).

But I am getting my head round it, though I have yet to find a decent beginner level linux book, or "proper" documentation (i.e. stuff produced by the app developers themselves) - they seem to have forgotten what it's like to be in a position of ignorance, but it doesn't matter how much I scream at my monitor when things aren't going right, I forgive them, I would/could/might eventually be, in the same position, but am working hard not to!

Keep up the good works LQ



Phonics3k 03-16-2003 06:06 PM

It hasent taken me long to get used to Linux, I have been using windows since 95 and now I am on XP Pro, but I also have a computer that runs LFS (Linux From Scratch).

I tried all sorts of different distro's and found SuSE 8 to be the best out of them all.

But if you really wanna learn how linux works then make ur own distro with all the stuff you want in it and not the crap that other distro's give you.

I learned so much from LFS thats how I am still using linux and lovin it.

ixion 03-17-2003 01:30 PM

well, I started with Freesco for a firewall at home... I so incredibly impressed by the gains in online gaming performance when going to a Linux-based router from a Windows-based router, I immediately fell in love with Linux.. then the utter control I had with the console just made me ecstatic. From there I moved onto Mandrake 8.2.. needless to say I was forced to learn alot... then I moved onto Mandrake 9, which was a dream... then I did something more frustrating than I had ever done in the IT field, but I thank myself everyday for doing it: I installed Mandrake 9 on my work laptop and FORCED myself to make Linux my sole OS... after learning the very many things that that task required, I was encouraged to try Slackware... I forced myself yet again on another endeavor to make Slackware my main distro, and it has paid off.. I know use Slack8.1 on my work laptop and as my file/print server at home... I use gentoo on my gaming rig (what an awesome distro!!!), and am going to convert my wife over the Mandrake 9 in the near future.... heck, I haven't touched a Windows OS at home in weeks! I only touch Windows here at work to fix someone's pc with it on it, or to use Terminal Services... but as far as personally, I solely use Linux at home and at Work!

I'm sorry for the book, but I absolutely love Linux!! It has changed my life, and given me something to really fight for!! :-D

twan 03-22-2003 06:35 AM

for books i liked the book about the KDE. I think it's called something like "KDE, the new desktop environment" although titles may differ from country to country.

In that book, i learned about all the important things in KDE, and made me to understand it much quicker then i would have done it myself.

The second book i've read is called "Linux in 24 hours". It's a very good book for me because it handles about everything from listing directories to configuring your own kernel.

The book is easy because it's starts out very simple but gets a bit more difficult when you progress. I like that sort of progress and it doesn't scare you at the first time.

I know not all people all bookreaders, and that they want to learn it theirself, but i always liked to read stuff before i did it.

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