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Cards_STL 10-29-2005 10:12 PM

I am probably the first ever to accomplish this,
I live out in the middle of nowhere, and so the only thing is Dial-UP

I couldnt find anyone to download SuSE 10 for me... so I actually got download accelerator plus, to use as a pauser, and manager, and yes,

Downloaded linux via Dial-Up internet with an average DL speed of 2.0Kb/ps

5 CD's, and its all worth it, at least until I get the hang of a fw things, which linux questions is always helpful with!

This took me about a month, since I only have one phone line so its basically only downloading at night, If anyone else has ever done this, I dare you to find them for me.

Cards_STL 10-29-2005 10:16 PM

Only problem is I cant get dial up to work on linux :D working on it!

Cards_STL 10-29-2005 10:17 PM

Yeah okay, I just found someone else who did it, with a smaller <1 CD> distro, but I feel special, since he was aconstant DL'er and i was a when-avalible dl'er as well as me DL'ing a 5 CD distro... ohhh yeah diggity diggity

slackhack 10-29-2005 10:19 PM

congratulations, that's quite a feat. :eek: i guess it's easy to get spoiled with highspeed broadband where most things are pretty much on demand. dialup is still better than nothing, though. gl w/ suse.

Cards_STL 10-29-2005 10:28 PM

Thanks, and you suck :P "everything on demand" bah, its 45 minutes to the nearest gas station for me -.-... oh well, no crime/traffic/polution.......civilization...... well w/e hehehe, time for more research :P

KimVette 10-29-2005 10:28 PM


Originally posted by slackhack
dialup is still better than nothing
That is a lie!! Dialup is a fate worse than Hell! ;)

Cards_STL 10-29-2005 11:10 PM

Absolutely Kim.... is it getting hotter in here to you?

fouldsy 10-30-2005 04:24 AM

Years ago I used to download distros off the net on dialup because there was no alternative, but back then things like Red Hat, Mandrake, etc. were 2 CD's and that was it. Couldn't even imagine doing it now. To be honest, I'd rather purchase the complete sets from Cheep Linux or similar for £8-£10 inc. postage.

cs-cam 10-30-2005 04:49 AM

I downloaded a single CD distro on dialup once, it was a feat. These days I'm a broadband biatch though, I could never go back. I complain about how slow the 512K connection is that I get at work, I'd crumple if I had to go back to 56K :eek:

slackhack 10-30-2005 08:36 AM

look at the bright side: if you don't get your winmodem working, you won't have to deal with it. :D

KimVette 10-30-2005 05:04 PM


Originally posted by cs-cam
I downloaded a single CD distro on dialup once, it was a feat.
. . . even more so if it was the days before 56K or even 28.8 modems were widely supported, and download managers didn't exist yet. Heh.

I still have a 27-floppy image of early Windows 95 builds from late 1993 and several from throughout 1994, all downloaded at 9600bps. Those took a long, LONG time to download from Microsoft's BBS (do they still run the beta BBS or did they finally kill it since internet access is widespread?)

Cards_STL 10-30-2005 09:31 PM

Yes well, I only connect at about 26.4KB/ps <35-40 on a very rare occasion> way out here. Broadband of any sort isnt even avalible, nor will it be, 1 DSL provider station could be in range of about 5 people here... so oh well, maybe I will invest in sattelite... who knows. And actually slackhack, as Kim said, Dialup is a fate worse than hell, but windows is a fate worse than dial-up, And i do physically NEED internet, so I want to figure this out so I dont have to keep going back to windows to use the internet... Well, I will figure it out.... maybe.

KimVette 10-30-2005 11:35 PM


That's pretty funny!

"Dialup is a fate worse than hell, but windows is a fate worse than dial-up"

Ajith_NZ 10-31-2005 03:07 AM

Well done. You've had the patience to persevere.

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