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SlackerLX 12-18-2004 08:20 PM

Am I a convert??
Hey everyone!
I've been using Slackware distribution for about 3 years now! And anyone who uses Slack knows that this baby is very sweet:rolleyes: but from time to time it really needs tinkering.
I was totally happy with my =baby= until I adopted my newborn daughter


Only from begining I changed fstab and repainted xf86config-4 and that's it!!!
I mean, incredible. There is nothing to fix or patch eventhough I like blacksmithing my box.
User friendly (my son uses it for my surprise!), no need to break your head with permissions if you need to write CD or DVD.
Everything works, even "gDesklets" that I longed so much and really went crazy trying to build it on Slackware.
Great job, Debian! I have a reason to believe that there may be yet another convert towards Debian lovers :p :study:

leonscape 12-18-2004 08:30 PM

Welcome to the club, you do realise theres no going back :)

If you want it cutting edge try SID, but remeber the Debian promise, if it breaks you get to keep both pieces. ;)

SlackerLX 12-18-2004 08:38 PM

I like that! Friendly faces!...
I have not done my research with SID yet. But if you could be so nice and give a pointer I'll be mostly satisfied.

cadj 12-18-2004 08:48 PM

if your gonna run SID, you should use' apt-listbugs'

this will inform you of bugs to make sure your upgrade or installation wont break the system

Sepero 12-18-2004 09:23 PM

You're not alone. I'm another Slack convert. I was converted about 2 years ago, though. After I got past the installation... :rolleyes: It was all downhill from there. I've been a Debian lover ever since.

SlackerLX 12-18-2004 09:31 PM

Do you know what's funny, guys?!

I still keep my hands on wallet of CDs where Slackware 10 resides
thinking, maybe I should not have removed it; moreover I cannot
make myself to remove my beloved slackware wallpaper:cry:
I feel like of being brainwashed:scratch: by slack

leonscape 12-18-2004 09:54 PM

Take it in steps, Its hard letting go... :) As an ex slacker, myself ( although only of a couple of months ) I sympathise.

Running SID is as simple as replacing testing with unstable ( or sarge with sid if you prefer ) in the /etc/apt/sources.list file. The doing

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Thats it, You've changed versions. Though as cadj said apt-listbugs, is useful first.

Also as this is something I was looking for a while which might be useful Mplayer, and codecs, and associated libs can be got simply by adding the line

deb unstable main

To your sources.list, then apt-get install mplayer ( with multiple versions for processers so I use mplayer-k7 ) of course replace unstable with testing, if your sticking with sarge. It makes your Debian impure, but this is the most reliable and complete mplayer repositry for Debian.

Couple of other hints, to find somthing int apt use apt-cache search, say

apt-cache search kernel-image

Will return all the kernel images available to install, for more details on a particular package

apt-cache show kernel-source-2.6.9

SlackerLX 12-18-2004 10:06 PM

Thank you,guys, for support and tips. Greatly appreciated!
I'm going on vacation from work for two weeks, so, I guess, I'll be spending all my vacation on studying my new Debian:study: :confused: :study: :cool:

XavierP 12-19-2004 06:03 PM

Moved: This thread is more suitable in Success Stories and has been moved accordingly to help your thread/question get the exposure it deserves.

DeadPenguin 12-20-2004 11:15 PM

Does that mean you have to change your name? (ie. DebianLX)
and sig....?

Wish I had high speed to try Debian.

Still a slacker for now.


Sepero 12-20-2004 11:32 PM


Originally posted by DeadPenguin
Does that mean you have to change your name? (ie. DebianLX)
and sig....?

:p Good question. I'd give it more time to sink in though.


Wish I had high speed to try Debian.

Still a slacker for now.

Have you considered damn small linux? It's debian-based and, given the right adjustments, could be a regular debian system.

Darkshine 12-23-2004 06:00 PM

Y'know the funny thing? I played with Debian disks for a year or so, trying to convert from windows. However, I could never get things to work (a thousand hardware problems). However, after recieving a few Slack disks off a friend, I had an installed system running xfce (I am such the minimalist ;)) within hours!

I love the simplicity of slack, although I'm sure that's not what people are meant to say about slackware O_o. Anyway, the only thing I thought I'd miss was apt, but after playing with the slack way of installing things I noticed it really isn't that hard.

I know I'm a comparative newbie, but I think I'll be using slack for a good long time :D

DeadPenguin 12-25-2004 08:50 PM

Darkshine there is always slapt-get, or swaret.

If you like xfce try fluxbox.


SlackerLX 12-25-2004 09:39 PM

To be completely honest, guys, I still "secretly":) use my beloved Slack. Even though I loved Debian very much. Still could not avert myself from Slack. Tried to use Debian for 2 days as substitute and
broke:cry: :D . I'm Back to my baby, my Slackware!!!!!!

Sepero 12-25-2004 10:56 PM

No problem SlackerLX. On the behalf of Debian users, I would just like to thank you for giving it a fair chance.


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