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jmc1987 01-17-2011 09:18 PM

A wonderful System. Thanks to Linus and all of the linux communities
I must say a few years ago I first tried Linux out. CentOS actally. One of my friends started a hosting company and didn't have a clue what he was doing. Well that is where it started for me. I started helping him out and learn how to setup a production webhost server and managed it for a bit for him. It had cpanel and all your hosting goodies on it. Started out pretty simple but I decided to learn more and installed it on my OS. For about half a year I was always trying new stuff and always ended up with a borked system. LOL kinda discourage my wife into trying Linux out but she didn't understand that I was only playing with stuff trying to learn stuff. But today I run ubuntu 10.10 amd64 and does quite well for gaming and all the task I do on windows. The only boundry I ran into wine doesn't run all windows game :(. I guess bill earned a point on getting all the programmers to program his OS only. That BEEP!! LOL. So dispite I still have windows XP installed on a 40GB partition I mostly use Ubuntu Linux for all my task.

So again Thanks to
and All the Linux communities.

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