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tgrier 11-30-2004 09:10 AM

A Thank you:

I wanted to thank you all for your help.
I succesffuly installed Fedora3 as my first linux.
I still have one or 2 kinks I am working through and learning. (I did not understand that installing new software was not as easy as windows.)
But ... I am sold and I am a convert. ...

Thank you again.

detpenguin 11-30-2004 12:29 PM

congrats on your install!!! i think really soon, you'll discover that installing software in linux is actually a little easier than installing in windows...once you've done it a few times, anyways.
no more "microsoft needs to reboot your machine now to finish the installation" messages, no more dropped dll's...
so yeah...welcome, convert :)

tgrier 11-30-2004 02:32 PM


I am truly excited... as silly as that is...

I am a business man... and own a small company.. that I am going to start using linux in... which is a ways a way.. .. since I am just learning it myself..... ......

my point is simply that I am not a programmer type ... but a business man... and I am MS FREE!... which.. I like....

As to installation... I understand YUM and RPM now... but .. prior to installing linux (fedora) I thought that all of the programs I search for .. that had a linux verision... I could just dnload and install....

And after spending 3 days trying to install moneydance .. because it did not have yum or rpm .... I understood it was not easy to find software that 'just worked'

althought ... I was STUNNED with the amount of 'software' that came with the fedora install.

I am still in the learning phase...
for example.. when... I get 'code' from advice... I just type it in... and it works... i m not 100% of exactly what I am doing .....
I just know it is doing/working.

Thanks again

comprookie2000 11-30-2004 02:33 PM

See if this helps;
Most fedora core 2 stuff will work on 3.

Mara 11-30-2004 04:22 PM

Moved to Success Stroies, as it is one. :)

vladimir@ares 12-30-2004 01:18 PM


perfect_circle 01-20-2005 01:13 PM

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