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DJOtaku 08-29-2005 01:26 PM

A few more successes
1. I learned the proper place for script files. Up 'til now I'd been cd'ing into my scripts folder and then ./scriptname. I knew there was something I could do to my path to fix that, but I didn't want to mess with my path. I tried that on Unix during my Soph year at Cornell and it didn't turn out so well. But then, while reading online, I learned about having a bin folder in your home folder (I love the fractal-philosophy of linux!) and viola! Now I just type the name of the script and it works!

2. When I first installed WindowMaker on my box I feared it. I thought it looked too much like Unix - who wanted that when KDE and Gnome were more familiar. Also, it didn't find all my programs like KDE and Gnome did. Now I am at home in WindowMaker and this week I even learned how to change the menus. It's not rocket science, but I still had to find the file (out of a few possible menu files), figure out the syntax, etc Now it's a breeze!

3. Just today with the help of user DeNayGo, I learned how to extract audio from a video file. Not something I know how to do in MS Windows, but it is just a simple one-line commnand in Linux

On a side note, doesn't it feel really cool when you have like 3 or 4 xterm windows open? It feels so....hacker-ish? or something.... I can't identify why, but it feels cool in a computer geek sort of way.

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