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csanch11 09-13-2018 08:03 PM

Problem Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions on Linux
I installed VirtualBox-5.2.18 on my MacBook Pro, and I tried to install VirtualBox guest additions on Linux, which allows the Guest to take advantage of faster drivers, better screen resolution, copy and paste, and shared folders.

I used the Terminal window to install the Development Tools Software Group. I typed in, sudo yum groupinstall “Development Tools”. What the Development Tools Software Group includes, is a C compiler and source code, so we can compile kernel drivers.

Then, I inserted the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso on my virtual machine

A CD popped up on my desktop screen. I clicked it and it showed me the window below. I clicked on Run Software. This should take the Development Tools we just installed and source code, and it's going to compile a new kernel module. And, once it's done, we should be able to have access to Guest Additions.

Once I hit run, the Terminal window popped up with these messages.

I’m stuck at this stage of the installation. It says, “This system is currently not set up to build kernel modules. Please install the Linux kernel “header” files matching the current kernel for adding new hardware support to the system. The distribution packages containing the headers are probably: kernel-devel kernel-devel-3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64.” HOW DO I INSTALL THE LINUX KERNEL “HEADER” FILES THAT IT’S TALKING ABOUT?

Miguel_D 09-14-2018 03:14 PM

Hello csanch11,

Can you try this in a terminal?


sudo yum install kernel-headers
The attempt the Guess Additions install again.
Hope that helps!


jsbjsb001 09-15-2018 06:05 AM

You need all of the following packages installed; perl gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers, etc.

You would use the "yum install <package name(s) here>" as the "root" user instead of using the "sudo" command on a default install of RHEL/CentOS/etc. As with CentOS for one, "sudo" is not enabled by default and you therefore would need to explictly setup it up yourself if you wanted it enabled. This is a guide that tells you the required steps to install the Virtualbox guest additions. Why that guide says to use "sudo" I don't know, so just ignore that part and use the "root" user account instead.

If you have the "kernel-ml" package installed instead for the kernel 4.x series, it's the same packages, just with the "-ml" in the middle of their names.

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