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partypooper 11-15-2011 03:12 AM

no internet on VMWARE's guest

my setup:
laptop connecting to the internet via wireless connection to wireless router.
host - windows 7 64 bit
vmware guest - red hat enterprise 5.7 64 bit
I"ve tried both NAT and bridged network setup on the vmware.
with bridged network setup I have ping to all the machines on the network, including the dsl router.
with NAT network setup I have ping only to the virtual connection on the host.
The host has internet, my guest don't.

thanks in advance

edit: because on bridged I have ping to my dsl router, I thought maybe something's wrong with the gateway, and indeed when I do /sbin/route I have no gateway setups, when I try to add a gateway (and after network restart) still the routing table haven't changed...

edit2: I have ping to internet adresses (ip's) but not to dynamic names, trying to figure out what's wrong with the dns

edit3: made it, changed the dns server's adress to be my routers (using # setup , for further users who run into same problem)

acid_kewpie 11-15-2011 03:21 AM

can you detail what networking you've configured between the guest and host? You will want a nat or bridged network setup within vmware. make sure you can ping the host etc.

Clearly nothing to do with WiFi. Moved to Linux - Virtualization.

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