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bitpicker 10-20-2003 07:53 AM

Let me just add my voice to the chorus of 'Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Corel Draw' and whatever other publishing software there is both in bitmap, vector graphics and DTP.

I'd be ok with GIMP for bitmaps if it supported CMYK and process colours better, and if Linux had decent support for tablets. Scribus looks promising for DTP, but there is nothing to compete with Corel Draw, Freehand or Illustrator yet.

Payment is of course the other problem - with the exception of Corel Draw these programs in their Windows versions are much too expensive for the consumer market while the professional target group is (as I believe) not the target group for Linux yet, they often use not even PCs but Macs.

Let's say that for a powerful vector graphics software, ported or new, I'd be willing to pay up to €300,- depending on features.


mfeat 10-20-2003 09:10 AM


XavierP 10-20-2003 09:18 AM

With the above in mind - Sage and MS Money. 2 extremely popular programs.

FLOODS 10-20-2003 09:26 AM

My DirecWay software for satellite internet. Guess this is over with now though, because they came out with a new modem that doesn't connect through USB (uses a NIC card now), and has on board drivers. Glad they saw the light, even though they said they won't support Linux. They did it for mac users.

ichbinesderelch 10-20-2003 11:35 AM

i would like to have some stuff for 'sony net md players', like openmg jukebox, to transfer music files to my md player without changin to windows..

ichbinesderelch 10-20-2003 11:45 AM

just found out that there is some project up and running..

tcaptain 10-20-2003 11:55 AM

D'Music for me. Its one piece of software that stops me from wiping windows from my network completely since so far I've been unable to use my SO's mp3 player in linux.

Otherwise, personally...its mostly the games I miss, the apps I pretty much have replaced now.

Edward78 10-20-2003 11:57 AM

McAffee (SP) Firewall, The guys on the screen savers (on techtv) said it is the best consumer firewall, and Ulead Cool3d (all versions) would be good, that is a pretty cool graphics app.

donlinux 10-20-2003 12:03 PM

You can add me to the Photoshop list. I'd also like to see some type of a gui relational database. Open office doesn't have one that I know of and SQL is not my cup of tea. I hate to admit that I still use Access but it's the best game in town right now. Tried it with Crossover and it does have some limitations. I'd also like to see a sync program to sync a database to my palm. I'm currently using smartlist to go on my windoze box. I've been unable to find a decent gui frontend to any virus software or spam killers although I'm early on in my search.

hw-tph 10-20-2003 12:40 PM

Emagic Logic Audio and Propellerheads Reason...these two apps are the reason I still have a Windows partition on my desktop. Hmmm....perhaps I should go knock on the Propellerheads' door? Their office is just down a block from here. :)


Nechos 10-20-2003 04:23 PM

norton utilities(and antivirus too, but not so important for linux ;) ) is a great piece of software, i use it to "heal" windows all the time...

Pete Dogg 10-20-2003 05:49 PM

most important:
1) Dreamweaver - willing to pay $100
2) Fireworks - willing to pay $100
3) Paint Shop Pro - willing to pay $80
would like:
4) Photoshop (not for me personally, but others like it)
5) MS Active Sync (although if i switch completely, i can just buy a linux pda)
might be nice:
6) Kazaa

chii-chan 10-20-2003 08:33 PM

macromedia flash mx
ms office
easy to use gui?

darkseed2g3 10-20-2003 10:31 PM

I would like to see visual basic and some microsoft VC++ on linux , or maybe that
microsoft flight simulator or maybe even internet explorer. Hopefully someone took that sarcasim and ran with it. But in all serious I would like to see Snood. Thats such a hot game. Or maybe even Subseven :) just joking

darkseed2g3 10-20-2003 10:49 PM

For everyone out there, remember one thing. If there is a will there is away. Most of the programs i used in Windoze, I have personally made an equivlent to it. Or found someone else who has. Dont complain , learn a programming langauge and figure it out. Whats the worst that happens. You make the program and make mad money off it. I hate people who complain about things but arent willing to figure out a fix. Oh wow, you guys figured out how to send an email to someone telling them what SOFTWARE you want. Im not sure but one of the reasons of linux was to be diffrent. Its a smarter os and you still wanna use some store bought, spoon feed, canned software from the linux rejects. Where do you think the people who couldnt handle linux went, to microsoft . They where to scared. I am willing to help anyone , anytime , anyday , anywhere port software that is like the sh*t you used to use on your Wincrap pc. If someone wants to make some money, email me and Ill give a hand.

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