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XxAndyxX 03-24-2003 09:05 AM

I just put up my RH 8.0 server. And now I already got this bitchy little virus... I've had it before, and it's a bad one... But I never heard of it and the research I do, I don't get anything... This is what it does. It creates a Thumbs.db and it makes a million *.eml files... And when you try to delete it it just seems like it multiplies... Norton doesn't even pick up the virus. I can delete it but then it always seems to come back, can anyone give me some advice? I'd greatly appreciate it...

- Andy

mcleodnine 03-24-2003 09:33 AM

so your win clients get the virus by connecting to a samba share???

XxAndyxX 03-24-2003 09:37 AM

I used to have it on my windows server... Then I switch that server to a linux ... And now the virus is back again, effected all the subdirectories of the server.

mcleodnine 03-24-2003 09:42 AM

No. the _client_ pc's have the virus and are writing it to the shared volumes on the server.

unSpawn 03-24-2003 10:03 AM

Thumbs.db ain't a virus AFAIK, it's there cuz Wintendo users don't disable their image caching. You're sposed to get rid of 'em by adding the "(delete) veto files" statements to your Samba config.

mcleodnine 03-24-2003 10:49 AM

Still can't figure out what's up with the 'million *.eml files' except to say that it sounds very Outlook-ish.

XxAndyxX 03-24-2003 01:22 PM

Yeah, it's a bad virus... What it does is that it takes a bunch of files in you computer and makes it into a .eml... ie, I had a file named events.txt and then I started getting a million events.eml and I had a file called andy.txt, then I started getting a bunch of andy.eml... I was starting to think that it was stored in my BIOS since I've formatted so many times... Did any of y'all think that could be it? And I might have to reinstall RedHat... While I'm here, what is the command to delete a folder with all it's contents? Because whenever I use rmdir it always says that I need to delete everything in there... What's the command to just delete everything in there?

Texicle 03-24-2003 08:36 PM

rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty <dir name>

Just to let you know, it will get rid of everything in it. man rmdir for more. Hope this helps.:D

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