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aquasimjunior 06-18-2013 03:54 AM

Install Aquasim in ns-2.34
Currently, I am working on project that based on ns-2.34 and i need to include aquasim in ns2.34. I know that aquasim are based on ns2.30 but can we install on ns2.34 or you have any suggestion
what i need to do..

knudfl 06-19-2013 06:27 AM

Why do you want an ns-2.34 with Aqua-Sim ?

You can have as many versions of ns-allinone-2.2x as you want,
installed at the same time.

( I guess it would be a huge job to port the aquasim code to ns-2.34 ).


rajanna 01-14-2015 03:48 AM

Ns 2.35 and aqua sim
folks, I have doubt. Is there any possibility to install Aqua Sim with ns2.35 in Ubuntu 12.04 or Mac ??
If so can someone suggest me the links

Thank you

tmsherazi 01-17-2015 06:43 AM

hi, i am new, i want to install Aquasim on Ubantu 14.04, any one tell me the source from where aquasim and guideline for installation is download.

thank in advance

knudfl 01-17-2015 07:51 AM

Post #4, @tmsherazi : Welcome to LQ.

Aquasim :

$ mkdir aquasim
$ cd aquasim/
$ tar xvf Aqua-Sim-1.0.tgz
.... and when you have told which Ubuntu 14.04 it is about :
i.e. is it an i686 or x86_64 OS, you can get more information.
* Please show the reply from this command : $ uname -m

Remark : A 32bits (i686) OS will provide full aquasim functionality.
A 64bits (x86_64) OS : Not all simulations can be done.


tmsherazi 01-17-2015 09:14 AM

Thank sir for reply , sir my systerm is 32bits (i686) OS

i have download Aquasim

sir below link cannot open the install guide

tmsherazi 01-17-2015 10:12 AM

Thank sir for reply , sir my systerm is 32bits (i686) OS

i have download Aquasim and do all mentioned steps

sir below link cannot open the installation guide

knudfl 01-17-2015 04:13 PM

← #7 .

... cannot open the installation guide
:) That's pure luck. The old guide´s are of no use.

Ubuntu 14.04 - 32 :
$ sudo apt-get install \
g++ g++-4.4 make autoconf automake libtool libxmu-dev xgraph

Download the "aquasim compilers" and nam :
→ gcc41-compat-4.1.2-13_i386.deb
→ g++41-compat-4.1.2_i386.deb
→ nam_1.15-10_i386.deb
... Click the packages, and your 'Package Installer' will install the packages.

$ mkdir aquasim
$ cd aquasim/
$ tar xvf Aqua-Sim-1.0.tgz

$ export CC=gcc41 CXX=g++41 && ./install
$ cd ns-2.30/
$ sudo make install
$ cp ns ns-aqua
$ sudo cp ns-aqua /usr/local/bin/
... Then all simulations can be done in underwatersensor/uw_tcl/,
like : $ ns-aqua hop_by_hop_VBF_example.tcl


tmsherazi 01-18-2015 01:43 AM

Thanks dear sir i have successfully installed aquasim, i run the hop_by_hop_VBF_example.tcl,

sir what meant of this command "sudo cp ns-aqua /usr/local/bin", and i cant find the location of ns-aqua folder, the aquasim folder is placed at desktop.

sir please give me some tips to write the tcl script for dbr routing protocol. i want to compare the different routing protocols working in underwater wireless sensor network. is there any source from where tcl file of different routing protocol will be available.

tmsherazi 01-18-2015 01:44 AM

Sir i also want to install the aquasim3d, please give me instruction and software source

thanks in advance

knudfl 01-18-2015 04:56 AM

← #9 .

The command $ sudo cp ns-aqua /usr/local/bin/
.. is not a command that can make a folder or copy a folder.

1) 'sudo make install' makes a copy of the executable 'ns' to /usr/local/bin/.
2) 'sudo cp ns-aqua /usr/local/bin/' copies the 'ns' backup copy = 'ns-aqua'
to /usr/local/bin/. 'ns-aqua' is just another executable :
Please have a look into /usr/local/bin/.
* /usr/local/bin/ is a folder for executable´s only.

* Using 'ns-aqua' for the simulations is to prevent any confusion,
if you have another file by name 'ns' somewhere on your OS.


knudfl 01-18-2015 06:09 AM

← #10 .

Aqua3d :
$ sudo apt-get install g++-4.4 libwxgtk2.8-dev freeglut3-dev

Download Aqua3d-1.0.0.tar.gz

$ tar xvf Aqua3d-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd aqua3d-1.0.0-src/
... and then replace the Makefile with the attached Makefile.txt →
Post #111 here
That's the Makefile for g++-4.4 : Rename Makefile.txt to Makefile .
( Or you can use $ make -f Makefile.txt ).
After running $ make ( or $ make -f Makefile.txt ) :
The executable 'aqua3d' is created.
And you can do : $ ./aqua3d


tmsherazi 01-19-2015 05:56 AM

Sir, i have replace make file but it show following message

tariq@tariq-HP-EliteBook-8440p:~/Desktop/aquasim3d/aqua3d-1.0.0-src$ make
g++ `wx-config --libs --cxxflags --gl-libs` -c main_src/Aqua3D.cpp
main_src/Aqua3D.cpp: In member function ‘virtual bool Aqua3D::OnInit()’:
main_src/Aqua3D.cpp:95:36: error: ‘wxSTRING_MAXLEN’ was not declared in this scope
wxString wxStrArg(argv[i], wxSTRING_MAXLEN);
main_src/Aqua3D.cpp:167:39: error: ‘wxSTRING_MAXLEN’ was not declared in this scope
wxString title(TITLE, wxConvUTF8, wxSTRING_MAXLEN);
make: *** [Aqua3D.o] Error 1

tmsherazi 01-19-2015 05:58 AM

Dear sir it show when i give ./aqua3d

tariq@tariq-HP-EliteBook-8440p:~/Desktop/aquasim3d/aqua3d-1.0.0-src$ ./aqua3d
bash: ./aqua3d: No such file or directory

knudfl 01-19-2015 07:27 AM

← #13 .

g++ `wx-config --libs --cxxflags ..... ...
OK, there may be a typo in the new Makefile.

Please use the one in post #111 here ...
→ Makefile.txt


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