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Xiangbuilder 07-05-2003 08:35 AM

apache question
I have select "everything" during installing Redhat 7.2.
In home folder, there is no "httpd" folder,
so I add it, and add a simple *.html file in it.
I have applied the web address:
but when I type "" in http address box,
"The page not find" appears.
What is wrong?
And what should I do?
Here is the detail:

[root@xiangbuilder root]# /etc/init.d/httpd start
Starting httpd: [Fri Jul 4 22:51:55 2003]
[alert] httpd: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name,
using for ServerName
[ OK ]
But I have opened the file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
and modified the "servername localhost" to "servername"

[root@xiangbuilder root]# ./apachectl configtest
bash: apachectl: command not found

Does this mean apache has been installed successfully in my OS?

Thank you.

trickykid 07-05-2003 11:15 AM

About the html folder, you can't just create one and assume your httpd.conf file is going to recognize it? Where does your httpd.conf file state the default root directory is for your web server? I do believe in Redhat 7.2 they still had it in /var/html or /var/www

apachectl command is usually in your /usr/sbin directory by default in most cases, not your /root directory.

The servername is usually what the actual name of your server is, like and if you have some DNS server pointing to your actual IP address with that name, that should work.

I would suggest reading some of the howto at or at

Xiangbuilder 07-05-2003 07:14 PM

"Please do not post the same thread in more than one forum. Picking the most relevant forum and posting it once there makes it easier for other members to help you and keeps the discussion all in one place.

//moderator.note: closed cuz of Xiangbuilder cross posting it:"

Sorry for that.
I will read some of the howto at or at,
if still have troubles, then post here.
Thank you.

Xiangbuilder 07-05-2003 09:33 PM

I have downloaded apache-2.0.46.tar.gz and installed it with no errors.
This is my process:

$ gzip -d httpd-2_0_NN.tar.gz
$ tar xvf httpd-2_0_NN.tar

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2
$ make
$ make install
So far the process is well, it seems.

Many links in, for example, say:
Customize: $ vi PREFIX/conf/httpd.conf
Test: $ PREFIX/bin/apachectl start
but there is no "conf" subfolder in /usr/local and /usr/local/apache2 folder,
there is no file similar to apachectl in /usr/local/bin.

What is wrong?
Thank you.

jhorvath 07-05-2003 09:56 PM

here is one command that solves damn near all of my problems when i can't find something

`locate` (note:: the first time it is run it may say something about ::slocate.db , no such file or directory :: or something similar, in which case , as root run `updatedb`)

eg. `locate httpd.conf`
`locate apachectl`

usually the httpd.conf file is in $PREFIX/apache2/conf (that is, with a default location , unless another was specified during ./configure) and the apachectl is in $PREFIX/apache2/bin directory...anyway the locate command (man locate)
should find that for you...

(oh...another note:: when trying to `locate` something that was newly installed you must run `updatedb` , because `locate` has no clue of what files were added since the last `updatedb` was performed)

enjoy :)

JanRigter 07-06-2003 12:48 PM

apachectl doesn't work for me neither
apache2ctl does however...


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