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-   -   How do i insure that all ports are closed except 80 and 22 (

adamrau 09-27-2001 08:07 AM

How do i insure that all ports are closed except 80 and 22
Is there a way to make sure all ports are closed except certain ones.
Thanks in advance.

raz 09-28-2001 09:32 AM


First find out which ports are open.
as Root type:

netstat -natp

example output below shows only sshd running and open for all access*
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 511/sshd2

then switch off all the ones you don't want by going into the following directory.


create a directory in here called old


then move every service you don't want to this "old" directory.

mv wu-ftpd old
etc etc etc

then restart the inetd service.

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart

then type netstat -natp again to see what's left.
Any service that you don't want, might be started in other places by rc.local or other run level file other then xinetd.conf

so for example you see that sshd is running on port 22 and hasn't stop, if you wanted to stop it and don't know the location of the file that started it type this:

"or the port number of the service your looking for, in this case I'm looking for port 22"
fuser -n tcp 22

22/tcp: 511 13607

Now type the last number which is the pid number of the service.

ps -ef | grep 13607

root 13607 511 0 11:11 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/sshd2

now you know it's the sshd2 service running from /usr/local/sbin/sshd2

so type:
/usr/local/sbin/sshd2 stop

If this doesn't help stop the service required then it's run from run level 3 or started in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
Type this to show you the services started from the different run levels.

chkconfig --list

find the name of the service that is running, from the corresponding port number listed in the netstat -natp output and type it's name in the following format:

The example below is to stop auth port 113 service.

chkconfig --level 23 identd off

It's that easy. :)


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