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linux_walker 02-17-2013 11:57 AM

Unable to install CentOS 6.3 using LiveDVD

I have downloaded CentOS 6.3 live DVD(64 bit) and burned the image to a DVD disc. Then went to install CentOS 6.3 using the burned image, but couldn't able to install it. Getting the below error while booting


Kernel panic - not syncing : Attempted to kill init!
Panic occurred, switching back to text console

I don't know how to proceed from here. Even i have tried with Live USB. but failed with on it too. Please help.

Thanks in advance.

John VV 02-17-2013 12:38 PM

Although centos 6.3 is the current
Red hat ( and the free rebuilds) use OLDER software
trading stability for "newness"

please post your hardware specifications

If it is VERY new, say a brand new windows 8 laptop or even a new win 7 laptop .
The hardware might not be supported .

centos like RHEL do not support laptops well

snowday 02-17-2013 12:40 PM

Can you boot to "live" mode? If not, then why not try some other Live distros and choose one that runs well on your hardware. Mint, Ubuntu, etc. are friendly for new users and support a wider range of hardware. :)

linux_walker 02-17-2013 12:53 PM

Hi John,

Yes, i am trying to boot in my brand new laptop. Please find the hardware config below,

OS : Windows 7 Home Edition 64 bit
RAM : 4 GB
HDD : 500 GB
Processor : Intel core - i3 -3110M CPU @2.40GHz

I would like to try CentOS, since it can run Oracle 11g database(not the other distro's run it nor certified). I should have gone for 6.2 instead bad mistake and wasted my weekend though. Thanks a lot for your help.

linux_walker 02-17-2013 12:54 PM

Hi Snowpine,

No, i am unable to boot also, getting the same error. How about CentOS 6.2 instead of 6.3?

I guess 6.2 is a stable distro.

snowday 02-17-2013 12:56 PM

If 6.3 doesn't work on your brand-new laptop, it's unlikely the older 6.2 will work any better.

Here is a list of Red Hat certified hardware (which should run CentOS equally well):

linux_walker 02-17-2013 01:07 PM


What is the pattern, that i should use to search in the hardware catalog. I really don't have any idea on this one.

snowday 02-17-2013 01:09 PM

I know nothing about your business needs; how can I make a hardware recommendation?

John VV 02-17-2013 01:42 PM

so you want to run a server class database on a laptop .
if you MUST use Oracle's server class db then it is advisable to use Oracles own operating system

it is specifically tweaked to run there 11g database server the best

now you can use centos6.3
RHEL6.3, CentOS6.3 have MySQL already installed and being used by the operating system

a word of warning on installing a server class OS and database on a laptop
though most laptops can ?mostly? run RHEL6.3 ,most will only mostly work correctly
there are likely to be issues with hardware
as in it is not supported

--- Possible common issues are ---
NO GUI - the graphics "chip" not supported
No sound -- the sound chip not supported
the mouse pad not working
the buttons on the mouse pad not working

but if you need 11g then please contact oracle sales and and buy there operating system for there DB

linux_walker 02-18-2013 04:14 AM

Hi John,

If not oracle 11g , i am fine to work with MySQL too. I don't want to put my project at risk because of the unavailability of distro's to support Oracle.

Also as you stated(warning), i don't want to proceed with CentOS or OEL. Need to sit back and choose another distro applicable for my hardware and which at least support MySQL. Any suggestions?

linux_walker 02-18-2013 08:45 AM


Just googled for best linux distro for Toshiba laptops. And figured toshiba doesn't support linux :(

Any idea on this one?

John VV 02-18-2013 11:15 AM

what make/model is this toshiba laptop is this

one of the main problems is some of the proprietary 3d "chips"

what 3d chip is in this laptop

RHEL and its rebuilds do not support laptops well
the current Fedora ( staying in the RPM red hat family ) has more support
so would Ubuntu12.10 or Linux Mint14 ( going over to the debian .DEB camp )

amani 02-18-2013 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by linux_walker (Post 4894388)

Just googled for best linux distro for Toshiba laptops. And figured toshiba doesn't support linux :(

Any idea on this one?

That is about commercial support.
Usually most distros would work perfectly.
It is advisable to use the install cd/dvd/usb image instead of live dvd versions.

DavidMcCann 02-18-2013 11:59 AM

The companies that buy Red Hat do own modern computers, and I know from experience that CentOS actually add more hardware support. It may be a silly question, but did you actually check the md5sum of the iso and then use the media verification feature on the disk? If it crashed before giving you the menu, then I think that definitely makes the disk suspect.

Actually the live version is not the most convenient: it installs both KDE and Gnome, which makes for very cluttered menus.

If you can't get CentOS to work, then you could try Debian Stable or Salix (Slackware + user friendliness). Both are high on stability and have MySQL. Personally, I'd prefer CentOS for (1) easy encryption of /home at installation, (2) SEL, and (3) better configuration tools.

linux_walker 02-18-2013 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by John VV (Post 4894479)
what make/model is this toshiba laptop is this

one of the main problems is some of the proprietary 3d "chips"

what 3d chip is in this laptop

RHEL and its rebuilds do not support laptops well
the current Fedora ( staying in the RPM red hat family ) has more support
so would Ubuntu12.10 or Linux Mint14 ( going over to the debian .DEB camp )

Please find the details below,

Model : C850-I0013

Product URL :

I am not sure about the 3d chip that you are asking for. I am glad to provide details, if you can tell me where to check it. I gotta try loading ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and post the results.

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