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JTJ 1950 02-27-2024 02:29 PM

seeking a backup program
Still learning my way around this new neighborhood after a BAD experience with Ransomeware on my Windows PC.

I'm seeking a Backup utility that will copy from my download directory to a removable drive that does NOT attempt to sync the directories. I don't want anything deleted from the target directory, and I don't want anything added to the source, and I don't need anything already present in the target to be rewritten just because it's in the source. (I had such a system in Win called SyncBackSE, but can't find the Linux equivalent).

I'm running Zorin OS 17 Pro.


michaelk 02-27-2024 04:07 PM

Welcome to LinuxQuestions.

I do not know what backup utilities are available in Zorin's repositories but rsync which is a command line utility should be suitable. rsync has lots of options but is basically a copy program. It copies files from source to destination. If a file exists and is a newer version on the source, the destination is updated. No files are deleted on either the source or destination by default.

remmilou 02-27-2024 04:21 PM

As I understand your question, backintime wil do the job for you.
It's rsync based (a huge pro) and will retain all copies as hardlinks. Only deletes what you specify (if any).
It has a GUI, but can operate on the command line as well. You can schedule your backups easily. Restore is a breeze.
There are more (rsync based), but backintime is my personal preferred one.
As michaelk suggest (+1) it's perfectly possible with "bare" rsync. Harder, but you will learn a lot.

michaelk 02-27-2024 04:26 PM

I guess there is a "built in" backup utility.

beachboy2 02-27-2024 04:38 PM

JTJ 1950,

Welcome to LQ forums.

Have a look at FreeFileSync:

frankbell 02-27-2024 08:49 PM


rsync -a
Here's a good tutorial.

hazel 02-28-2024 12:22 AM

Have a look at this thread which I started.

As a result of all the help I got from this community, I now have a working rsync backup script for each of the three partitions that I want to dump.

JTJ 1950 02-28-2024 02:07 PM

I'm not fluent yet with command lines and terminal (although I suspect that will be coming), but I 'think' Grsync will keep things somewhat stable. Luckybackup looked to be a winner until it showed me (the hard way) that sync giveth, but sync also taketh away, without warning or recourse!

Beachboy2, filesync is on my list to check out, thanks.

Thank you all, I'm getting there!

Jan K. 02-29-2024 12:51 AM

Sync is not "backup"... as you probably discovered.

You'll have to be extremely careful with the -option list when using any (?) of the sync derivates. Otherwise it will do as the name indicates... delete a file on your working disc, sync to your "backup" disc and the file will be deleted here as well...

Carry on! :D

JeremyBoden 03-01-2024 11:46 AM

If you have sufficient disk space, I'd suggest the following:-

Reserve some separate disk space and run your backup to this space as an auto-run job.
It will be fast and require no effort.
With the right mount options, it should be safe from ransome-ware software, especially if you only install software from trusted sources!

Periodically, copy this backup to your external disk (to guard against your main disk failure).

JTJ 1950 03-04-2024 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by beachboy2 (Post 6486288)
JTJ 1950,

Welcome to LQ forums.

Have a look at FreeFileSync:

I looked at it, I liked it, I donated to it and I thank you from the bottom of my cold gray heart. I forgot to mention a GUI preference (rookie, I know...) but so far this thing has filled every box I have found needing filled.:)

beachboy2 03-05-2024 02:27 AM

JTJ 1950,

Excellent news.

I use FreeFileSync myself.

Please mark the thread as [SOLVED] by clicking on Thread Tools on your original post.

Jan K. 03-05-2024 03:06 AM

From the manual:


If one folder contains your work files and the other is for backup, then select the Mirror variant.
The left folder is the source and the right folder the target. The synchronization will create and delete files on the target as needed until it becomes an exact copy of the source.

If you only want to add files to your backup, but never delete, then select the Update variant.
Files deleted on the source side will not cause file deletion on the backup drive (e.g. after you've made room for new photos on a digital camera). On the other hand, files deleted on the backup drive will not be copied over a second time (e.g. after you have removed photos you don't want to keep).
The "Mirror variant" is very dangerous, please be careful! :hattip:

JTJ 1950 03-05-2024 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jan K. (Post 6487723)
From the manual:

The "Mirror variant" is very dangerous, please be careful! :hattip:

I learned that you can set up how files are copied (and optionally deleted) in Mirror and Update. Other apps just dumped some important files on me, thus my quest here, and my experiences with sync and mirror that FSS allows me to ‘Season to Taste’…

JTJ 1950 03-26-2024 03:46 PM

Agree - to a point
The Mirror function has the potential to cause a lot of file loss, intentional or unintentional, but before anything occurs there is, by default, a chart displayed that shows the quantity of data being moved and also indicating how much is being added AND DELETED on each side. If you’re not looking to delete anything, you’ve been warned to check your settings. This chart is also always displayed in the lower right corner. It’s easy to overlook, but you shouldn’t…


Originally Posted by Jan K. (Post 6487723)
From the manual:

The "Mirror variant" is very dangerous, please be careful! :hattip:

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