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FireWolf 02-10-2003 02:13 AM

red hat on hd1 windows on hd2
Greetings All

I have two HD’s 1 is 10 GB the other is 40 GB I am going to use the 40 for windows 2000 I would like to know if I can have them both on the computer. And dual boot with linux on the 10 GB It being the primary HD if this is not possible then can I use VMware-workstation to run windows of linux (note that windows is on the 40 GB HD)

Thank you

annehoog 02-10-2003 03:07 AM

My config:

Hda (primary HD): Windows XP with grub as bootloader in the bootsection
Hdb (secondary HD): RH 8.0 with default partitions.

I wouldn't recommend putting Windows on a secundary HD that would only be making your life more difficult. (windows likes feeling important on the primary drive)
Also make sure you have good access to other IDE drives (e.g. cd-rom dvd) from both your HD's by putting both your HD's on the same IDE-portal.


Tih8710 02-10-2003 01:56 PM

As Anne said, that would be a good configuration. Just remember, that
Windows "really" wants to be the-number-one-os-installed, so do as it wants;
install it first. =) You'll make your life a whole lot easier..

Never trust an OS you don't have the sources for...
LinuxReg. #303866

FireWolf 02-10-2003 11:41 PM

Thank you
I got it installed and both hd's running but grub only shows linux how do I get it to open windows. (linux is on the second Hd)

Thank you

annehoog 02-11-2003 01:43 AM

During installation you should have gotten the bootloader install screen where you could configure grub to boot to windows as well (recognized as dos) did you get that?
If you can't see a dos option at all check the documentation on grub to get the commands you have to add to grub config. It's something like:
# section to load Windows 2000
title windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
Note that with grub hda is called hdo and hdb is called hd1.
A second partition on hda would be called hd0.1


FireWolf 02-11-2003 04:43 PM

Thank you

got it up and runing

Again Thank you

annehoog 02-12-2003 03:40 AM

Your welcome, and congratulations!


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