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wdhpr 01-10-2011 08:15 PM

How to recover a deleted file using the ext3 file system
I am finding answers to this question a bit lacking while using the forums search function. At least I'm not getting the answers I was expecting. Perhaps I just haven't been asking the right question. So I figured I would directly ask the good people at this forum:)

I used the ext3 format when I formatted my partition prior to installing Ubuntu10.10. I had accidentally deleted a file and began the process to get it back. It wasn't critical but helpful to recover the file.
To make a long story short I ran into to some unexpected road blocks. I tried to use PhotoRec to get the job done but with no success.

I'm just looking down the road in the event I might have to recover something important.
If it would be better going back to the Fat32 file system I would rather do it sooner than later.
Just as a side note I am dual booting between linux and windows.

Thanks in advance

silvyus_06 01-10-2011 08:48 PM

you don't want to switch to FAT32.

it is very limited , max file size 4GB , does not have required file permissions for linux.

frankbell 01-10-2011 08:56 PM

Here's one thing I found:

{BBI}Nexus{BBI} 01-10-2011 09:18 PM

Depending on how important recovering this file is to you, there's also SFDumper which is also included on the Caine forensic live cd.

wdhpr 01-10-2011 11:22 PM

And thanks for the help so far. I beginning to see there are some inherent difficulties associated with the EXT3 and 4 file systems. There also good things to be said as well. I may only delete something once in a great while. But if I do. It looks as though it will be a difficult process to retrieve it. SFDumper off a live cd like Caine's seems to be the more practical solution so far. From what I'm reading its important to unmount the partition your trying to recover the file from and like Windows you want to write the recovered file to another disk or partition.

I do maintain a backup image of my system but I was hoping to find an faster and easier way to recover a file.


wdhpr 01-11-2011 09:48 PM

I'm still looking for a solution
I'm still looking for a solution

Does this mean there is no easy solution for recovering a deleted file other than using a live cd?

If there is not one I will accept it. Its just surprises me thats all.

Thanks for the help :)


{BBI}Nexus{BBI} 01-11-2011 10:04 PM

It has never been an easy task recovering deleted files from a GNU/Linux filesystem. If this was done by design I don't know. I do know that it has encouraged me to be extra careful about what I am deleting. It also gives me an added layer of comfort to know that, if my equipment should get stolen or acquired by some other means, whoever it is has to put some real effort in recovering deleted sensitive info. I see this as a good thing.

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