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jabka 07-01-2006 02:57 PM

how to add magnet support to Firefox ?
many times i see link named magnet link (for dc or azureus) when i click on them it tries to connect to magnet:// and i get and error that there is now program that associted with that protocol.

how do i assoiate program to protocol :
magnet:// -> azureus
IRC:// -> xchat
and so on

comprookie2000 07-01-2006 03:39 PM

Look at the part;
Registering additional protocols

linmix 10-22-2006 09:11 AM

Great link! I'd read it before but list it and your post helped me find it again.

Even so, it took me a while to figure out exactly how to get it done . For the sake of convenience (probably my own in case I ever need to do this again) I'll write down how I got it done:

type "about:config" in the

right-click on any link and select "New->String"
string name:
string value: /usr/bin/azureus

right-click on any link and select "New->Boolean"
enter name: network.protocol-handler.handler.external.magnet
enter value: yes

Restart firefox and you're ready to go.

This method has worked fine for magnet links, but is supposed to work for any protocol you wish to link to an external application.
I haven't been able to get it to work for ed2k though...

dragonmere 11-27-2009 09:25 PM

While I'm assuming that this worked before Firefox 3.5, it no longer does. However, this post is still among the top google results for this subject. I managed to find a reputable source that helped me resolve this problem, and I thought I might as well pass along the information to anyone else who would stumble upon this several-year-old thread.

Again, open a new tab, type about:config

Right-click -> New -> Boolean -> Name: network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet -> Value -> false

Next time you use the magnet protocol, it will give you the familiar "associate application" box. Navigate to your magnet-compatible client, (probably /usr/bin/azureus or /usr/bin/vuze but I don't know for sure, as I don't use that program) and there you go.



piemmm 12-19-2009 12:44 PM

Another update
Also found this quite high up on Google, however as time has progressed, so a slightly different fix is required:

instead of /usr/bin/azureus, the path to the file should now be /usr/bin/vuze

habtool 02-02-2010 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by dragonmere (Post 3771961)
While I'm assuming that this worked before Firefox 3.5, it no longer does. However, this post is still among the top google results for this subject. I managed to find a reputable source that helped me resolve this problem, and I thought I might as well pass along the information to anyone else who would stumble upon this several-year-old thread.

Again, open a new tab, type about:config

Right-click -> New -> Boolean -> Name: network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet -> Value -> false

Next time you use the magnet protocol, it will give you the familiar "associate application" box. Navigate to your magnet-compatible client, (probably /usr/bin/azureus or /usr/bin/vuze but I don't know for sure, as I don't use that program) and there you go.


Thanks, worked like a charm in firefox 3.6

wilberfan 02-04-2010 08:11 PM

Sadly, this did NOT work for me with FF 3.6.2pre under Debian. When I click on a magnet link, I still get the "magnet isn't associated with any program" message.

[edit] I've noticed that despite the fact that I entered "false", when I quit Firefox and restart it, the "false" is somehow automatically changed to "true".

Djalal 11-27-2010 01:37 AM

It didn't work for me either (using Firefox 3.6 in Gentoo Linux). I found the solution here!

Good luck!

alpha_hack 01-01-2011 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by dragonmere (Post 3771961)
While I'm assuming that this worked before Firefox 3.5, it no longer does. However, this post is still among the top google results for this subject. I managed to find a reputable source that helped me resolve this problem, and I thought I might as well pass along the information to anyone else who would stumble upon this several-year-old thread.

Again, open a new tab, type about:config

Right-click -> New -> Boolean -> Name: network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet -> Value -> false

Next time you use the magnet protocol, it will give you the familiar "associate application" box. Navigate to your magnet-compatible client, (probably /usr/bin/azureus or /usr/bin/vuze but I don't know for sure, as I don't use that program) and there you go.



This works fine on Slackware 13.1-x86_64, firefox 3.6.8 :)

Thanks for sharing it!

Sniper7 03-30-2012 12:05 PM

Many thanks to dragonmere for the great tip given on this issue. I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx, with FF 11.0 from repos and Vuze from GetDEB. The fix works great on it.

tonytraductor 07-03-2012 07:18 PM

Doing anything in about:config did nothing for me (iceweasel 12.0 on debian stable).
I use transmission, however, and found that I can simply copy the magnet link, and in transmission do file->add url, then paste in the magnet link, or
in cli, do

transmissioncli -a $magnetlinkurl

jimbo312 11-04-2013 04:23 AM

Thanks to those posting various fixes.

Dragonmere's fix posted 11-27-09 worked for me, first thing I tried.

Running Firefox 25 on Ubuntu 12.04.3 64-bit and using qbittorrent (which is one excellent client, btw.)

buhal 07-30-2016 04:16 PM

This worked for me, FF 47, Debian 9, KDE 5:
1. In about:config find "network.protocol-handler.expose-all", change to "false";
2. Click on some magnet link - a file browser pop-up should appear, show it full path to the executable (/usr/bin/qbittorrent for ex.);
3. Change "network.protocol-handler.expose-all" back to "true";
4. Download the world.

dammad 10-16-2017 04:29 PM

magnet link in firerox

Originally Posted by buhal (Post 5583458)
This worked for me, FF 47, Debian 9, KDE 5:
1. In about:config find "network.protocol-handler.expose-all", change to "false";
2. Click on some magnet link - a file browser pop-up should appear, show it full path to the executable (/usr/bin/qbittorrent for ex.);
3. Change "network.protocol-handler.expose-all" back to "true";
4. Download the world.

This works in firefox 56 on win-seven as well


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