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dalk 09-20-2001 10:45 AM

Help with email server setup..??

Linux newbie need some advice on procedure for email server migration.... (or at least some good links).

...i am supposed to be replacing a mail server (with zero budget), cause we just got a lease line (static ip) into work (small business) and the old software aint up to the job etc etc

Because of the lack of budget i've decided to go the linux route and recycle some old computers. Now, i am no nix head. I know a little bit (but close to nothing). Also I have never set up a mail server before so i am kinda ignorant of the procedure. (Yes maybe my employers should pay someone to do it!). But i am very willing to learn.

Now i have decieded to use Engarde Secure Linux ( ) as the mail server and Smoothwall as the firewall ( ), with the server sitting on a DMZ. (I decided on those distros cause they looked (and actually are, now that i've tried them) relatively easy to configure, use and update). Excellent software....

So far so good.

This is the way i am setting up the 2 boxes . PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG. Firewall forwards all outside SMTP traffic to mail server box on the DMZ (using port forwarding). Computers on the network connect to the mail server on the DMZ using secure POP3.

Is that all that is needed to get email through?

Is there a way to test that this is working? I mean Outlook *seems* to be connecting to the POP3 server simply cause it aint
complaining about not finding a POP3 server. How can i test whether the firewall is forwarding the traffic and that the mail server is recieving it before the switch over?

Do i need to set up a DNS server on the box (or is using an external DNS server ok)? (You have to register DNS servers, is that correct)? And if so do u allow only people from the inside network use it or make it public? I havent been very successfull in finding really basic information about DNS and what to do....

Also assuming the mail server is working, whats the best way about migrating from our current mail hosting to the new server (it is a .ie domain)? ...Inform our present email relayers of our discontinuing of the service, go to fill out the request for SMTP traffic for the domain name to be forwarded to the outside address of the firewall and wait? Is that all that is required?
Also our domain website is hosted elsewhere, does that make any difference? I mean can DNS direct HTTP traffic to
one address and SMTP traffic to another address, both of which have the same domain name?

Anything that i have missed out on?

...sorry its more of an essay than a question ;)

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.



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