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Xanios 08-01-2010 10:40 PM

evolution setup assistant in ubuntu
i wanted to use this as an email server to receive and send emails from ubuntu server. i had nagios installed on my ubuntu, installed postfix too, so i thought i could somehow make use of this evolution setup assistant

but one thing i'm not sure is this:
take a look at this:

Under the receiving email, the server is shown as , what should i replace this with? And also under sending email, the server i should put as what?

my ubuntu hostname is ubuntu. username is xanios

linuxlover.chaitanya 08-02-2010 12:45 AM

Am I missing something or do I not understand you? You want to use your own Ubuntu server for sending and receiving mails, is not it? Then why evolution? You need to configure your Ubuntu server first for the job. And then your evolution client.
As for the evolution configuration,
receiving server is your imap or pop3 server that you have been assigned by the mail provider. And sending server is the smtp server name. Both should be provided by the mail provider itself.

Xanios 08-02-2010 01:06 AM

I want use Evolution cause i thought after installing postfix in ubuntu, i must have a smtp server. So i thought Evolution could be the smtp server.

What should be the server name? i mentioned in the first post. should i put the server name using my ubuntu hostname? eg. ubuntu. So server name is ubuntu.

linuxlover.chaitanya 08-02-2010 01:25 AM

You need to read more. Evolution is the email client. Not a mail server. Postfix is the smtp server. You do not need to install it if you do not intend to host a mail service.
Where do you have your email hosted? Or you use a mail service from gmail, yahoo or such?

Xanios 08-02-2010 01:39 AM

Hmm. First i just want to try send mail on the localhost (ubuntu machine) When that works, i want to try other mail services like hotmail,gmail etc. I'm using Nagios on ubuntu 9.10. Send email notifications when server is down in nagios

linuxlover.chaitanya 08-02-2010 01:44 AM

I am still not able to understand you then. If you have postfix installed, then you only have smtp server. Not the IMAP or POP3. SMTP will just allow you to send emails not receive them. Evolution will need both sending server as well as receiving server. And if you need to just send mails, postfix should be enough.
Read postfix documentation on how to configure it and then use mutt or email command line clients to send mails to check your configuration.
The default configuration for postfix should allow you to send and receive mails on localhost as far as my knowledge goes about postfix.

Xanios 08-02-2010 01:49 AM

Hi Chaitanya,

Yeah i did read documentation on postfix and have configured it.

But i'm faced with this issue:
Could you take a look at this thread?

linuxlover.chaitanya 08-02-2010 02:05 AM

You can not directly send mails from your internal server to gmail without any internet records. It will not work that way. To send mails to external server, you will need to use relay for the purpose. Check the documentation on how to set a SMTP relay with authentication in postfix.
I do not have lot of experience with postfix and have not used it extensively. So my help is going to be very limited.

Xanios 08-02-2010 02:07 AM

I know i can't just directly send mails to gmail/hotmail etc. For now i just wanted to let Nagios notify me when services are down in localhost (by sending an email to localhost). That will do for me (:

linuxlover.chaitanya 08-02-2010 02:16 AM

For that you will need to set Nagios to send emails where you want it to and from which server.

EricTRA 08-02-2010 02:18 AM


Just like linuxlover.chaitanya indicated, you'll first need to get the facts straight in order to understand how the mail system works. Here are some links to help you on your way:
Creating a Linux mail server (has a great image of the data-flow the mail follows)
Creating a Linux mail server II (very extensive guide) (almost copy/paste solution ONLY to send out mail to GMail)

I suggest you read the first link to get some understanding on the issue. If you want fast result so that you can get your Nagios notifications out the door, then follow the last link, and after that read the first to understand what you did ;)

Kind regards,


Xanios 08-02-2010 02:47 AM

Hi Eric,

Those are useful links. Thank you.

By the way, i created CA certificate (in the last link) but i typed some fields wrongly for the certificate, so how to delete the created CA certificate?

I tried to use this command again:


/usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newca
But it didnt prompt me to create a CA certificate anymore. The first time i typed it it will ask me for it.

EricTRA 08-02-2010 03:25 AM


To find out where your CA certificate is saved you can check your openssl.conf. I guess, since you're using Ubuntu that you can find it in /etc/ssl/.
Run this:

cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf | grep CA
You'll notice the header [ CA_defaults ]

[ CA_default ]
dir            = /etc/ssl/CA          # Where everything is kept
certificate    = $dir/cacert.pem      # The CA certificate

Delete the cacert.pem file and create a new one. You could also change the openssl.conf file to automatically present your data as default.

Kind regards,


Xanios 08-02-2010 03:44 AM


thanks :)

hmm, is this the right command to delete it:


rm -f -r $dir/cacert.pem
Just want to be sure. thanks again

EricTRA 08-02-2010 03:47 AM


No, the $dir variable only exist within the shell where openssl gets executed. You'll have to provide the full path or cd into the directory where the file is.

rm -r /etc/ssl/CA/

cd /etc/ssl/CA

Kind regards,


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