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jjbuchan 10-24-2005 11:05 AM

Doesn't boot. Comes up with GRUB command line.
I have a dual boot system with Windows XP and Fedora Core 4.

I was using Parition Magic to increase the size of my Linux partition, then it came up with an error and I couldn't do anything. I restarted my computer and now when it starts up it wont boot into either Windows or Linux, but instead comes up with a command line thing for grub.

At the top of the screen it says the GRUB version and memory. Then below that it says "Minimal BASH-line editing is supported...".

I am a total newbie with Linux and have no idea what this is about. If someone could tell me what is actually wrong and then if possible how to fix it that would be great.

I've read that Knoppix can help with this, but since it will take a few hours to download any help within that time would be appreciated.

Paul7 10-24-2005 11:29 AM

look at my problem "update suse9.0 to 10.0"
but first try to start your system in recue mode.
call grub
grub > root (hd1,1) /* for sample 1 = second disk, 1 second partion */
grub > setup (hd0)
grup > quit
This should solve your problem.
If not check /boot/grub/menu.lst mybe it is corrupted
Hope this helps

WhatsHisName 10-24-2005 11:44 AM

jjbuchan: You can also run the grub “find” command first, if you are not sure where your /boot is located:

grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
grub> find /grub/stage1

Use the first “find” if /boot is part of the “/” partition and use the second “find” if you made a separate /boot partition. Or just run both of them if you’re not sure.

Grub numbering and other Grub concepts can be confusing in the beginning, so look at the Grub Manual if something isn’t clear:

Whatever you do, try following Paul7's instructions before you try anything drastic, like reloading windows or linux.

jjbuchan 10-24-2005 12:43 PM

Thanks! That worked perfectly.

Paul7 10-24-2005 01:00 PM

OK, That makes me happy

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