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glamdring 10-23-2003 01:17 PM

dhcpcd blocks kde-startup
good day to all, i've got a rather odd problem:

since i last updated my portage tree and emerged a system update my kde startup is terribly slowed down (10 minutes on my 1.8 pIV 512mb box) and when loaded konqueror or other native-kde progs start very slow too.

i tracked the problem down to the dhcp-service i'm forced to use because of my cable modem. network down --> everything's fine, network hardconfig -> everything's fine, network on dhcp --> kde blocks

using gentoo1.4-release kernel 2.4.20-gentoo-r7, kde 3.1.4 and dhcpcd 1.3 (everything the newest sources) compiled with gcc 3.2.3 and pIV - optimization. tried to compile dhcpcd without optimization and tried alternative dhcp clients, but the problem is still here.

i also recompiled the whole system from scratch an the problem is still holding me up.

it has to be the dhcp-client, because when i kill it, everything is loading at normal speed.

anybody an solution for this weird thing?

greetings, glam

p.s.: apologizes for my poor english, i'm no native speeker

dorian33 10-23-2003 03:00 PM

Switch to the console mode by changing 'initdefault' number from 5 to 3 in /etc/inittab file and look at the messages. Each service start is shown during booting. Then you'll see the service which hangs or makes slow system start.
Above is for confirmation that it is dhcp-client which is responsible for your problem.

glamdring 10-23-2003 03:08 PM

call me an idiot...
i solved the problem... now i know the reason, thx for your replie

accidentially i removed the network loopback from my boot-runlevel, and kde tried to resolv the localhost over my i-net-dns-servers which rejected the request. so a dns-timeout blocked my system.

two weeks of tracking the problem down and compiling a new sys... :newbie:

greetings, glam

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