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KitKlay 02-19-2013 12:49 PM

couldn't be more of a newbie if I tried
Okay guys, I'm really new to Linux. I installed Windows 8 (what a mistake) but now I have it. My family still wants to use it. I installed Ubuntu 12:10 and of course it boots first. I understand I need to reset the DEFAULT=0 to where the Win Sys is but of course I cannot edit the grub menu. One post said to type in "SUDO apt-get install startupmanager" or "emacs /boot/grub/grub.conf" at a terminal. So, I guess my question is "how do I get to the terminal or find a program to edit and save the grub file? Told you I was new.

EDDY1 02-19-2013 12:51 PM

You can substitute nano with your text editor

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

spiky0011 02-19-2013 12:53 PM


Have a look at this I posted earlier

EDDY1 02-19-2013 12:55 PM

You can also change the amount of time before it selects default OS

suicidaleggroll 02-19-2013 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by KitKlay (Post 4895302)
So, I guess my question is "how do I get to the terminal or find a program to edit and save the grub file?

You should be able to find a terminal emulator in the menu. I don't use Ubuntu so I don't know what it's called. It might be called xterm, or konsole, etc. Just look for anything that has "term", "terminal", or "console" in the name and that is probably it. From there, you can edit the file with any number of editors...emacs, kate, pico, nano, vim, whatever you like.

spiky0011 02-19-2013 01:11 PM


On ubuntu the top left launches the side bar, in the search bar type terminal then click on the black terminal screen that appears that will be your terminal, for running commands.

suicidaleggroll I forgot to mention how to get terminal up.

KitKlay 02-19-2013 02:33 PM

thank you

Originally Posted by spiky0011 (Post 4895326)

On ubuntu the top left launches the side bar, in the search bar type terminal then click on the black terminal screen that appears that will be your terminal, for running commands.

suicidaleggroll I forgot to mention how to get terminal up.

Thank you for all the help. I need to log out of windows to try it. Have to admit, some of the acronym's have me confused but I'll try and sort it out. Thank you again

spiky0011 02-19-2013 02:45 PM


Just ask if your unsure there are many members that will help

KitKlay 02-19-2013 06:04 PM

Okay, I know I'm a bit slow with this stuff but I'm not so sure I'm pleased with Ubuntu. What Linux OS is good for a beginner. Years ago when Windows 3 came out I went to a Linus OS called just that I believe which seemed easier to learn. I know it's probably not your position to do so but is there an OS you would recommend? I remember one that was close to DOS which I used before Windows took over.

chrism01 02-19-2013 06:19 PM

If you can tell us what issues you're having in detail, we'll be able to help you better.

Normally Ubuntu is one of the recommended distros for beginners; another (possibly more so) is Linux Mint.
You may want to read this

Welcome to LQ :)

spiky0011 02-20-2013 03:00 AM


Going back to the Original post about making windows the default loading, you will have to set this up on most distros, as most mainstream OS come with grub2.

You say your not happy with Ubuntu as mention it is a good place to start, I ran it for a few yrs brfore moving on. If it,s how gnome3 ("I dont like gnome3") is setup/looks then there are other versions,
Burn a cd of Kubuntu or Xubuntu, They can be run as a live cd WITHOUT installing to hard drive and you can try them out 1st

Using terminal would/will be very minimal most times, but some times it is nessecary i,e to gain root privilages to edit root files.

KitKlay 02-20-2013 03:35 AM

Many thanks
You know, years ago I was good with Dos 3.0 and such but that Ubuntu. I don't know. The reviews are good. Each to their own. I unloaded it and made a LiveCD from PCLinux OS 2013. I used it years ago nad I liked it. Played with the LiveCD for awhile and installed it. I'm up and running. Sorry to be a bother and thanks again all for the help. Kit

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