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daniel-uy 06-02-2015 10:21 AM

An error occurred during the file system check
Hi all!! Im new in this forum and also new at linux !!

I am installing an application that includes automatically the instalation of CentOS 6.3.

The server that hosts this application and OS had a power outage and then when i turn on the server again i get the error that you can see in this picture:

I have 2 disks in the system, 1 for the application and SO and other to store call recordings (thats what the application do, record calls!).

If I re-install the system it has no problem!! But i dont want to re-install the system every time i have a power outage because i lost too much and important information.

I have installed this application in other server and had no problem with power outage. In this server the diference is that it originally had raid and i "remove it" frome the BIOS. Maybe here is the problem??

Anyone can help me?? Remember im really new in linux !!

translator1111 06-02-2015 10:41 AM

dear daniel-uy,
you wrote

I have installed this application in other server and had no problem with power outage. In this server the diference is that it originally had raid and i "remove it" frome the BIOS. Maybe here is the problem??
probably yes.
can you take back the raid?
you can see line 2
/dev/sda2 is in use
and then the error

daniel-uy 06-02-2015 10:44 AM

translator, thanks for your help.

I think i could make raid again, the problem is that i dont need that raid! I need 2 independent disks.

suicidaleggroll 06-02-2015 10:59 AM

Sudden power outages are hell on computers, corrupted filesystems are often the result on any OS (OSX, Linux, or Windows). The solution is to use a filesystem with better journaling (what are you using now?) and purchase a UPS to ride though brownouts and shut down the machine gracefully when you have an extended outage.

daniel-uy 06-02-2015 11:04 AM

Yes, they are buying a UPS, but this problem do not happen in other site (with another server) iam really sure that the problem is in the RAID not in the OS or file system as you say, but i dont know how to solve it!!

I have no idea what file system i am using, i just clicked next next in the OS system ha

Thanks in advance!!

suicidaleggroll 06-02-2015 11:15 AM

Filesystem corruption due to a sudden power outage does not mean there is anything wrong with that machine, it has nothing at all to do with the RAID, and the fact that it didn't happen on another system is meaningless.

It all depends on what, exactly, the system was doing at the exact moment the power was cut. If it was idle, chances are it will be fine. If it was in the middle of writing a file, there's a good chance the file itself will be corrupted, and possibly the filesystem as a whole, depending on what stage of the write it was performing when the power was cut. It's all a game of probability.

There is nothing at all you can do to "fix" it, because there is nothing to fix (since you already reinstalled and replaced the filesystem). All you can do is not cut the power while the system is running.

I believe CentOS 6 defaults to ext4, that's usually pretty resilient, but no filesystem is perfect when it comes to abuse like this.

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