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!! hack-back !! 04-17-2013 12:17 PM

pptpd server
hello minds,
i installed pptpd server on centos
and i can connect to it from my windows laptop
the reason i made vpn server because i want to work on port is closed in my internet
the server is on softlayer
so is there any configuration to open the port on the pptpd server ???

warez74 04-17-2013 02:06 PM

Hello, can you explain a little bit better your configuration and what you actually want?

Which port is closed where?

You said you were able to connect from your laptop, so what's the problem then?


!! hack-back !! 04-17-2013 09:51 PM
and i check the port i want to use it said
Error: I could not see your service on x.x.x.x on port (80)
Reason: Connection timed out

but if i use free vpn i see it is opened so what i should do more ?
thank you

!! hack-back !! 04-17-2013 11:05 PM

it is iptables issue

warez74 04-18-2013 07:13 AM

So you want to open some ports? Which one?

I suggest you read the following thread:

!! hack-back !! 04-18-2013 08:32 AM

i make this rule but didnt work ,
i want to use port 81 through this vpn
any idea please??
thank you

!! hack-back !! 04-18-2013 08:36 AM

this is my iptables rules

PHP Code:

# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Wed Apr 17 23:44:22 2013
:INPUT ACCEPT [226:18889]
OUTPUT ACCEPT [2619:1038700]
acctboth - [0:0]
A INPUT -j acctboth
-A INPUT -i bond1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1723 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i bond1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i ppp+ -o bond1 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i bond1 -o ppp+ -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -j acctboth
# Completed on Wed Apr 17 23:44:22 2013
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Wed Apr 17 23:44:22 2013
# Completed on Wed Apr 17 23:44:22 2013 

warez74 04-18-2013 02:31 PM

I still do not understand what you want to do, but anyway try allowing the port 81 on INPUT chain for all interfaces:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 81 -j ACCEPT

!! hack-back !! 04-18-2013 02:58 PM

i want to use program work on port 81 and 3460
in my internet these ports is closed so i tested on it is solve
now i dont want to use free vpn and i have my own
but my own is closed to
clear now ??
thank you bro

!! hack-back !! 04-18-2013 03:02 PM

i used : iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 81 -j ACCEPT
and the same
give me
Error: I could not see your service on x.x.x.x on port (81)
Reason: Connection refused

!! hack-back !! 04-18-2013 04:12 PM

need help !!

warez74 04-18-2013 04:24 PM


i want to use program work on port 81 and 3460
Where that "program" is running? On the pptpd server or on your PC?

Does that program should be listening at port 81/3460?

BTW, you must explain the situation better if you want to get any help.

!! hack-back !! 04-18-2013 04:41 PM

it is running on my pc
Does that program should be listening at port 81/3460?
no thing else :(

warez74 04-18-2013 05:00 PM

Ok, the things are much more clear now.

What you need is the so-called destination NAT iptables rule.

Before I provide you with that, please paste here the part of /etc/pptpd.conf where the localip and remoteip are specified.

!! hack-back !! 04-18-2013 05:06 PM

localip x.173.180.202
remoteip x.4.252.69

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