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ikiru 11-01-2022 11:44 AM

inetutils ftp "553 File name not allowed"
Hello, I am having issues transferring music to Foobar2000's music folder on my iPhone via ftp. previously, I was using Filezilla for this and it worked perfectly so I know that my file names are legal. some googling turns up that the issue might be with the path of the site: Linux for instance uses the user path instead of a universal FTP path, which I don't think is applicable here (the host is an iPhone). using ftp as root (which i know is bad practice) didn't change anything. the files I'm trying to move are on an external drive mounted to /mnt (which otherwise is working beautifully).

connecting to the server returns this success message:

Connected to
220 PPFTPD how are you gentlemen

and entering my username this:

230 User anonymous logged in
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

I am also unable to change my directory within my iPhone's site, trying to returns this:

421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
Here's what comes up when I try to send a file:

200 PORT command successful
553 File name not allowed

Both devices are connected to the same network, my desktop via ethernet and my phone via wifi. I'm unsure what other information is worth offering so please be patient

!!! 11-01-2022 12:04 PM

Maybe: debug/verbose (ftp options)

More obscure/deep: tcpdump & strace (I have no idea how to trace/debug the ftpd on the iPhone) (z-lib has .pdf)
Shows debugging your 421 error message

Added a few hours later (since OP=you hasn't been back to read this yet):
I forgot to say: welcome !!!

My web search: intitle:ppftpd iphone ios app
did not match any documents,
So maybe a more carefully detailed description of exactly what you're doing, such that anyone could reproduce it, would be helpful!!!

If you find a solution, please post it for future web searchers (and mark the thread solved)

ikiru 11-01-2022 04:54 PM

More testing seems to confirm that it's possible that spaces in file and directory titles may be problematic. Using quotes as is standard doesn't work either. This also wasn't an issue with Filezilla. if this is the problem, is there a way to patch this, or another (preferably command line) FTP program that doesn't have this issue? (one of Filezilla's requirments 404's right now.) Previously, I was trying to move files I was using wildcards with

, which would correctly call directories one-by-one like so (verbose, debug):


ftp> put /mnt/CONTENTS/MUSIC/*/*/*/*/*.mp3
local: /mnt/CONTENTS/MUSIC/downloads/#/12 Frozen Radios/[2014]ation/01 - Requiem for Dead Transmissions.mp3 remote: /mnt/CONloads/#/12 Frozen Radios/[2014] Signals in Isolation/01 - Requnsmissions.mp3
---> PORT ***,***,*,**,***,***
200 PORT command successful
---> STOR /mnt/CONTENTS/MUSIC/downloads/#/12 Frozen Radios/[20solation/01 - Requiem for Dead Transmissions.mp3
553 File name not allowed

anyway, typing out directories just does this:

ftp> put /mnt/CONTENTS/MUSIC/downloads/The/'The Skies Beg to Differ'/'[1996] The Skies Beg to Differ'/'03 - Bumblebee.mp3
ftp: local: /mnt/CONTENTS/MUSIC/downloads/The/'The: No such file or directory

I've also tested with some random home files:

ftp> put .xprofile
200 PORT command successful
550 Access denied

There isn't really an end to tcpdump. What or how much specific information do you need? I'd like to be as concise as possible for security reasons... nice that I can now spy on my family though... same goes for strace ftp. what am i looking for specifically? should i just pastebin all of it?


So maybe a more carefully detailed description of exactly what you're doing, such that anyone could reproduce it, would be helpful!!!
Okay... I am using Arch Linux, and the ftp command from GNU's inetutils. I am transferring files from a mounted external hard drive to my iPhone. foobar2000 is a free music player app with an inbuilt FTP function for transferring music to a specific 'foobar2000 Music Folder' folder on the phone. It does not use a named site, only an IP. Both devices are connected to the same network, the desktop by ethernet and the phone by WiFi. I connect by opening the server in the app, and on the command line on my computer, I use ftp ***.***.*.**, which successfully connects, as status happily reports. Using cd appears to cause the server to forcefully close for some reason. Getting a 500 Access denied when moving files without naming issues, as you're not really meant to put anything outside of that directory.

sorry if this was unhelpful. if there's one aspect of computing I'm most clueless about it's networking. black magic.

I forgot to say: welcome !!!
Thank you!! I've used this site many times to help solve other problems before so now that I have something I can't fix on my own, this seemed like as good a place as any to find help.

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