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-   -   version 6 Fedora: bad multi-tasking in standard, 64-bit buggy (

Timmi 04-04-2009 08:54 PM

version 6 Fedora: bad multi-tasking in standard, 64-bit buggy
Sorry, because this is a Linux Mint thread, I was referring to Linux Mint 6 codenamed Felicia. NOT fedora 6! I'm sorry if my title was misleading. I mixed up the names.

I'm a bit at a loss on what to do... I have a recent CoreDuo2 Toshiba laptop, and Linux Mint works with, to my surprise, excellent support for my special power management and other laptop's features. I was very impressed with that.

What I was less impressed about, was the decision to bundle OpenOffice 2.4 instead of 3 that had the improved user interface (and changing that, setting the repository for 3, was a pain in the butt for someone who likes things turnkey).

And even less impressed, that when I tried streaming video or just internet radio, it would PAUSE if I switch to another tab in my browser.
It did not seem to multi-task at all!

This made the normal edition not practical for me, not even viable, because I like to listen to a bit of internet radio while I do stuff, or like to be able to burn DVDs etc while doing something else.

I downloaded the 64bit version, and it worked for a while (well, the second install did, not the first), until it finally just wouldn't boot anymore.

I'm back to running Vista which I hate (but need to keep because I can't run AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Inventor under Linux), and I'm sort of in limbo wondering if I should retry Mint, wait for a new version of the 64bit Mint to be released, or if I should just try a different Linux distribution altogether. Well... I think I just answered my own question... but before I go and install SUSE... can anyone give me some advice or pointers before I do that? Mint seemed nice... I liked it, and would have been happy if it had worked to expectations.

frieza 04-05-2009 01:49 PM

if you want fedora, try fedora 10 (the actual fedora release), fedora 6 is like really old
fedora 10 has a newer kernel, openoffice 3 and firefox 3 etc..
fedora 6 doesnt even recieve updates any more its so old

John VV 04-05-2009 03:30 PM

why the heck would any one want to install the old and "dead and buried " fedora 6
fedora 11 will be out in 2 months .

Simon Bridge 04-05-2009 07:43 PM

We are thinking that "version 6 Fedora" refers to FC6 - but you know that's too old right? To add to the confusion - I do not see any references to fedora in the body of your post. That title is going to attract people helpfully informing you about the fedora release cycle.

I see Mint and SUSE mentioned.

Your main issue with mint was that the browser stank at streaming the media you wanted. That is likely something to do with the browser, the site, or the media - unlikely to do with Mint exactly. It seems odd to replace an entire system for the one component - though if you can find something exactly right out of the box then good for you.

Finally - I don't see any question, or anything which is likely to be helpful to someone asking a question ... perhaps some clarification is needed?

Timmi 04-05-2009 11:12 PM

Linux Mint 6 "fedora"

Originally Posted by frieza (Post 3499289)
if you want fedora, try fedora 10 (the actual fedora release), fedora 6 is like really old
fedora 10 has a newer kernel, openoffice 3 and firefox 3 etc..
fedora 6 doesnt even recieve updates any more its so old

No, the NEW/Latest Linux Mint is version 6, nicknamed/codenamed Felicia.
but I don't know what version of fedora if any it is bundled with... I'm referring to Linux Mint 6 (Mint nicknamed Fedora), as this is the Linux Mint thread, or so I thought.

Timmi 04-05-2009 11:28 PM

Linux Mint 6 codenamed Fedora poor at multitasking
My apologies for what I titled it originally. Because this is the Linux MINT distribution thread, I thought it was understood that I was referring to Linux Mint 6... but I accidentally got the codename wrong, that should have read Linux Mint 6 codenamed Felicia!

Forgive me for being blunt, but from a USER's standpoint: I purchased a Core2duo so it multitasks BETTER. And it multitasks just FINE, with ANY browser under Vista or XP (because I've had both installed on this machine). And by any browser I mean: Safari, Chrome, Avant, IE, Firefox... under windows that is. The way it stands now, my 2.4GHx Celeron desktop performs better under XP than my Core2duo laptop performs under Linux Mint 6.

I'm not sure that Firefox is that bad a browser that it is responsible for the poor multitasking on my machine under Linux, as it's a popular browser and I don't seem to be hearing other users complain of that. And I didn't do anything wierd or fancy to modify Mint... I just ran it as-is out of the "box", the way it came. As I was saying, the 32-bit version didn't multitask well, the 64-bit did, but crashed and burned. Now I'm trying out the latest Ubuntu to see if it's more stable (at least I don't have the frustration of Mint shipping with the antiquated user interface of oo2.4!). But if the problem were resolved, I'd like to go back to Mint... there's something about that distribution that I really liked.

John VV 04-06-2009 12:46 AM

here is a quick mini " how to " to optimize FF3

Husse 04-06-2009 07:58 AM

One of the really important things about asking for help is to at least have a minimal understanding so you can ask a proper question
Fedora is another Linux distribution
Linux Mint 6 is called Felicia
At least you got Fe right
Case closed for me

Timmi 04-07-2009 01:58 AM

I'm very sorry about that. Glad there are smart moderators!
Could we rename the original title to reflect the correction?

Simon Bridge 04-07-2009 01:18 PM

Your comments remind me of this:

Lousy Streaming Video in Firefox? Don’t Blame the Browser.

Try running top (watch CPU use) next time you experience this problem.

Timmi 04-07-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Simon Bridge (Post 3501486)
Your comments remind me of this:

Lousy Streaming Video in Firefox? Don’t Blame the Browser.

Try running top (watch CPU use) next time you experience this problem.

OK, well, from my point of view, I DO blame the browser, because they don't ship a different plugin to replace the defective one from Adobe. It still boils down to a browser that doesn't work properly.
When I buy a car (and cars today are only assembled, made from parts made in sub contractor's factories and shipped to the automakers JIT), I don't care who's fault it is, for the faulty part. I expect the WHOLE to work as I expect it to. Same for browsers. If your plugin supplier isn't reliable, change plugin suppliers. It's as simple as that.

That having been said, what is the reason for the streaming audio (internet radio) stopping when I switch to anotehr tab, in 32-bit Felicia? I do believe it was doing this using the "webplayer" option, rather than some media player option.

Simon Bridge 04-09-2009 10:36 AM


I DO blame the browser, because they don't ship a different plugin to replace the defective one from Adobe.
That would be illegal.

When I buy a car ... I expect the WHOLE to work as I expect it to. Same for browsers. If your plugin supplier isn't reliable, change plugin suppliers. It's as simple as that.
If only it were.

Software is not like cars - adobe have a legal monopoly on supply for the plugin through the use of copyright and patents. (IIRC) Otherwise we would fix it.

There are free software projects to create a plugin to replace this one though:
Thus quoth mozillazine:

The Adobe implementation of the browser plugin is notorious for crashing Firefox. Fortunately there are alternatives, notably gnash (GPL license) and swfdec (LGPL license).
References on software patents:
... I have not looked to see if there are patents covering flash - I'm guessing. They'd vary from country to country anyway and you get the jist.


what is the reason for the streaming audio (internet radio) stopping when I switch to anotehr tab
There are a number of things it could be - did you check the cpu load while you did this?

There are too many variables to be sure what it can be.
Can you provide a link to an example stream which gives you problems?

McLovin 04-10-2009 04:29 PM

what are you using to stream? if it is the built in player that the web site provides, then check the settings for it on the web site, if it is mplayer, (the default player for web media in Mint), then check those settings, if it is adobe flash, there is nothing we can do about that, as stated before in this thread, we CANNOT alter the code for adobe flash player, it is illegal.
As for 64bit Mint being buggy, I have been using it for quite a while now, an have NO issues. If you are having major trouble, try posting in the forums on the Mint website, or here, BEFORE you start bashing Mint, or saying that the devs did all kinds of things wrong.
Now, as for why OOo 2.4 was used instead of 3.0, it is because when Mint 6 was first released as stable, OOo 3.0 was still in beta, and we DO NOT put beta software into the stable Mint releases, there are plenty posts on how to upgrade OOo to v3 on the Mint forums, all you had to do was look, the link is built right into Firefox when you install Mint.

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