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-   -   Help me!!! I'm sooo confuse to use this Linpus Linux in my Acer Aspire 3000.. (

zethsuna 07-11-2006 10:34 AM

Help me!!! I'm sooo confuse to use this Linpus Linux in my Acer Aspire 3000..
I'm just bought my laptop Acer Aspire 3000, it's preinstalled with linpus linux OS. but, i never ever use linux before.. when i start my laptop, i don't understand because it's maybe "stuck" in booting like this :

[root@localhost /]#

what must i do ??:confused: :scratch:

please.. someone help me immediately :p thanx !

marozsas 07-11-2006 11:24 AM

May be your system is not going to the graphical interface.
Try to type in that prompt the commands:

[root@localhost /]# runlevel
and them,

[root@localhost /]# telinit 5
and tell us what happened, specially the output of runlevel command.

pwc101 07-11-2006 11:27 AM

try typing:

and tell us what happens...

zethsuna 07-12-2006 05:22 AM

thank you
thanx anyway.. but it's to late for it.
i'm just format my laptop and now i'm using Windows XP.. i better using Windows than linux because i'm :newbie: :cry:
i'm sorry Linux..:Pengy: :D :D :D

Sintu 07-12-2006 11:49 AM

You're a terrible person! :tisk: :p Actually, I don't even use Linux as my main OS, I just use Knoppix once in a while... I'm ashamed... my parents would freak if I wiped Winblows and put Linux on our comp...

sparton 07-12-2006 12:02 PM

startx probably would of took care of the situation. I doubt a pre-loaded laptop like that would be fully compatible video driver wise.

vanmonte 08-16-2006 11:54 AM

the same problem
hi guys, please help me....
i have the same problem with my linpus linux.... i would like to format my hdd, but i dont know how to do that - plesa help me....:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

hadesmanes 09-01-2006 11:18 PM

I tried to type startx...but nothing happened.What's wrong?plz help me

kulmis 09-06-2006 07:18 AM

(This might be a late reply, but perhaps it helps people having the same problem)

The Linpus in Acers doesn't have X (the graphical user interface) preinstalled. This is atleast the case with the Acers I've been dealing with but I'm not saying for sure that this would be the case with all Acers. If nothing happens with startx, you propably doesn't have X.
I'm not familiar with Linpus so I cannot help with installing X.

rumenovski 06-26-2007 06:24 PM

start up problem with linpus linux
Would you like to tell me how have you formated the linux and installed windows xp,I have the same problem and no solution

sundialsvcs 06-26-2007 06:49 PM

Gosh... if you're gonna ask for help, slow down long enough to allow someone to reply!

Turn the computer off, and go out and play a rousing game of tennis. Or maybe racquetball if you don't have a partner. The computer will still be there tomorrow, but your head will be clearer.

And you know, when you "plunge in" to the world of Linux, one thing that you must somehow prepare yourself for is that you will gain a new appreciation of just how good Microsoft is :eek: at what they do! They make it look easy. And furthermore this might well be the first time that you have actually tried to install an operating system on any computer: what do you expect, and are those expectations reasonable?

The most important bit of advice that I would give to anyone who "wants to try Linux" is that he or she should use a separate computer that you do not care about ... not your "main battle-axe!" At the very, very least, use a separate drive. (Gently unplug the power-connector from the Windows drive, with the power turned off, of course, so that it becomes physically impossible for "whatever you do with Linux" to affect anything that's on that Windows drive.) Give yourself an "out." Plan your "exit strategy."

j0hnnyb0y 06-26-2007 08:03 PM

I have a Acer 3680 that came with xp preinstalled. I added Simply Mepis 6.0. So now I dual boot with xp and Linux. The reason I use this version of Linux is that it works out of the box with my built in wireless internet card. That seems to be a difficult thing to get working if you are a relative newbie like me.
On preparing your computer for xp. One way to do it would be with the free program Gparted. You need to have the ability to download and burn an Iso file, Or you can buy a CD cheap on line. Put the CD in the Drive restart your computer and you will see an easy to follow guide to setting up your hard drive or hard drives. You want to format with NTFS for Xp if your hard drive is over 32gigs. Mine came with Fat32 and the hard drive already split into two 30gig partitions. After you get your hard drive prepared, slam in that xp cd restart and follow the on screen instruction.
If you ever do want to try Linux again, I suggest trying Live CDs that way you can see how the Linux works on your computer before installing it. Good luck!

rumenovski 06-26-2007 08:33 PM

start up problem
I'v done that but still nothing,thanks anyway

j0hnnyb0y 06-27-2007 01:25 AM

to rumenovski,
Hi, I am a little confused about your question. Did you just want to format your hard drive and install Xp or did you want to format your hard drive and install windows and linux? If you want to install windows and Linux you must install windows first. It must be the first partition on the first hard drive. If you have a floppy drive you can insert a windows boot disk and restart your computer. That should bring up a dos prompt. type this at the prompt "fdisk" (without the quotation marks). This should bring up a black screen with white writing. It should tell you the existing partitions on your hard drive. Select the partitions(s) and delete them. You might have to exit and restart the computer at this point. If you do reboot the boot disk and again type "fdisk" Now go in and create a new dos partition. At some point fdisk will ask you if you want to use large volume something or other, just type y. You may have to restart again. Restart your computer with the boot disk. Again at the prompt type "format c:" (without the quotation marks). This may take a while. It will ask you to label the volume. Anything will work. I would just type "WINDOWS" (again without the quotation marks, but use capitial letters.) WARNING DOING ANY OF WHAT I HAVE JUST SAID WILL PERMANENTLY DESTROY ALL OF THE DATA ON THE HARD DRIVE.

I am just guessing put if nothing happens when you place a CD in the drive and try to boot from it, you may not have your Bios set to boot from the CDROM first. Most modern computer boot from the CD first. If not you must push some key or combination of keys as your computer first starts up. Which key depends on the make of your computer. It would be helpful if you give the guys on the forum all the information about your computer so they can better answer your question. Do not despair you don't have any problem with a computer that someone else has already had and resolved. You can make it work!

If you want to dual boot Linux after you successfully installed windows pick your favorite Linux distro and put the CD in the drive and restart your computer. Different distros vary but remember Google is more than a good search engine, it is your free tech support online. Google something like (for example) "slackware installation" if you were wanting to install Slackware. Good luck!

joecool69 11-17-2007 12:31 PM

I have a few questions about linpus, I have tryed several distros and am having a lot of trouble finding drivers that do not interfere with the power management features in the bios (which i can't turn off because of the acer bios)
Anyway someone mentioned using the aspire 3000 which is basically the same thing as th 5000 model which i have.

So my question is does linpus fully support all drivers out of the box?

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