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Marcus Rowland 12-15-2008 01:29 PM

Best Linux version for HP Mini-Note 2133?
I'm a complete novice to linux - I bought an HP MiniNote 2133 (UK build) with SuSe linux installed a few days ago, but I'm running into endless problems with it (can't install programs even if I act as root, can't install fonts, can't connect to the file server on my network although I can get internet access, etc. etc.) which I think I can only blame on my lack of Linux knowledge.

I'd greatly prefer to stick with Linux, rather than going to Windows, since one of my main reasons for getting the machine was to get a little more linux experience, but I'm rapidly losing patience and would really like to use it to do a little work!

Several friends have suggested that there are some problems with the SuSe install, especially for a naive user like me, and that I would be better off installing Minbuntu (a version of Ubuntu tailored for the MiniNote) which is allegedly more user-friendly. I'm prepared to try this and have downloaded it - just waiting for a USB CD-ROM someone is lending me before I try to install it.

While I'm waiting, has anyone tried Minbuntu? If so, was it actually any better than SuSe, or does it have problems of its own? And how easy would it be to re-install SuSe if it doesn't work out?

pengyu80s 12-16-2008 07:58 AM

Frankly speaking, there is no best linux version for HP mini-note 2133 or any other netbooks.

After you install a linux distribution on your netbook, you need to set some options and install some patches in my opinion.

I find a post in FedoraForum that introduces how to install Fedora10 on Epc 1000H, maybe this article can help you.

farslayer 12-16-2008 08:28 AM

I don't know that I would switch to aProject that is inactive as my choice of OS>> yes Ubuntu is active but this particular fork isn't


The mini-buntu (a complete install cd) is Lee's project, now inactive.
In other threads here, you can find that mini-note specific kernel packages are being built, they need people to test.
I would go straight ubuntu with LXDE desktop or maybe the Ubuntu Netbook remix if you wish to go the Ubuntu route.

Either way heres the Ubuntu Notes and install guide for use on the HP2133 Mininote

Carlos_J 12-16-2008 06:38 PM

Hi Marcus,

I bought one a few days ago as well and have (had) the same set-up as you. Same problems with upgrading Suse Enterprise Desktop. The problem is, it comes with version 10 and from what I have found versions before 10.3 arn't supported anymore. I didn't spend ages looking, but even the mirrors are empty of any updates for 10 (The last version of suse I tried was 7 I think...) I contacted Novell and didn't find them very helpful, so Suse had to go.

So, I haven't got around to installing it yet but am planning on giving it a go at the weekend. I've basically found any how-to for installing linux on netbooks helpful, not just 2133 specific. However for ubuntu the forums have a howto and tips for installing ubuntu on a 2133. If you haven't got a USB CD Drive (Mine died about 2 months ago...) you need to install from a USB Memory stick and it's got links on how to set this up (I've done it before on a different netbook. It's a lot easier than it sounds.) The howto also has a link in the helpful links section to a 17 page thread on ubuntu on the 2133, but check the dates on the posts because I think a lot of issues have been fixed in kernel / driver updates.

When I have a go I'll post up results.

farslayer 12-16-2008 11:01 PM

OpenSUuse 11.1 will be avail for download in two days, maybe that will address the Suse issues.....

Marcus Rowland 12-17-2008 04:20 AM

Thanks to everyone who has commented - I'm still waiting on the drive to arrive but when it does I'll post on my progress (if any).

Marcus Rowland 12-18-2008 08:08 PM

Sorted the drive, so I've installed the Minbuntu package and so far it's looking pretty good - I've updated its components, connected to WiFi and the network printer and file server very easily indeed, installed a couple of other programs (most notably Open Office and VLC Media Player, which work well, and Celestia, which has problems and I've uninstalled for now). Wireless and wired networking work, everything I've tried so far seems pretty good and considerably better than with SuSe. The part that gave me real problems was installing the fonts I wanted, three or four methods I tried didn't work, but eventually I found a package called Fonty Python that took care of it.

For now, at least, I'm pretty happy - and if it wasn't 2AM and a work day tomorrow I would be playing with it a lot more, as it is I'm headed for bed.

Next phase is to try using it to do some actual work. The horror!!!

ddclutch 12-19-2008 04:05 AM

I have also been struggling with problems with my new UK - bought hp Mini-note 2133. It is really nicely made and was a good deal from Misco but I have since found that the version of SLED that it is running is quite old at 2.6.16. I think this may have a lot to do with the problems.

My question is this - is it possible to install a more recent version of ubuntu from an external USB Drive. Or does it have to be from a CD drive (which of course I don't have!)

Marcus Rowland 12-19-2008 05:03 AM

You can apparently do it but the install is a little more complicated. The link above to the Ubuntu netbook remix explains how.

After my last post I tested the camera (works fine) and if I can borrow some Bluetooth equipment I'll give that a try. But I think my problem is solved for now.

You can get a CD drive conversion kit (turns any standard internal CD or DVD drive into an external USB drive) for about £8 on eBay UK. Doesn't include a casing and it'd be ridiculous to carry around all the time, but it's good for one-off install jobs if you happen to have a spare CD drive knocking around.

ddclutch 12-19-2008 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Marcus Rowland (Post 3380989)

You can get a CD drive conversion kit (turns any standard internal CD or DVD drive into an external USB drive) for about £8 on eBay UK. Doesn't include a casing and it'd be ridiculous to carry around all the time, but it's good for one-off install jobs if you happen to have a spare CD drive knocking around.

Thanks Marcus Probably easier to just buy a new memory stick - I just checked and hadn't realised that the larger ones were so cheap now!

ddclutch 12-19-2008 06:24 PM

Well I borrowed an external USB CD drive. But unfortunately the hp mini 2133 doesn't recognise this from the BIOS so I couldn't get it to boot from the CD.

Marcus, did you have to do anything other than change the boot sequence in set up in order for it to recognise your external CD drive?


Marcus Rowland 12-20-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by ddclutch (Post 3381672)
Well I borrowed an external USB CD drive. But unfortunately the hp mini 2133 doesn't recognise this from the BIOS so I couldn't get it to boot from the CD.

Marcus, did you have to do anything other than change the boot sequence in set up in order for it to recognise your external CD drive?


That's not how you do it - no need to go into setup at all. You reboot the PC with the drive plugged in and hit F9 when the startup options appear on screen (which is only a second or two) and press the key which tells it to boot from the CD-ROM.

I think that's how the memory stick boot works too, but it needs the stick to be formatted in a special way so that it's a bootable device and I haven't tried it.

ddclutch 12-20-2008 10:16 AM

[QUOTE=Marcus Rowland;3381962]That's not how you do it - no need to go into setup at all. You reboot the PC with the drive plugged in and hit F9 when the startup options appear on screen (which is only a second or two) and press the key which tells it to boot from the CD-ROM.

Yep Marcus, that is what I meant.
That is exactly what I did and it doesn't "offer" the CD Drive as a choice. Presumably because the BIOS doesn't recognise the CD Drive.

I have now bought a 2Gig flash drive so will try that instead

Marcus Rowland 12-21-2008 10:05 AM

Sorry - no idea. Mine just worked, I didn't do anything to change it. It's a full-sized CD-ROM drive from an old desktop PC mounted in an external casing, all I did was plug it in and reboot.

mike_44 12-21-2008 08:02 PM

Hey guys, I'm also having trouble configuring my wireless connection with my HP 2133 mini.
My current kernal version is I done some research and I saw a document that I thought was sure to work from When I get to the step to "ifconfig", the output I get is:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1F:29:9E:DF:10
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1F:29:9E:DF:10
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Interrupt:58 Base address:0xc000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:106 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:106 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:6860 (6.6 Kb) TX bytes:6860 (6.6 Kb)

does anyone have an idea why I didn't get an IP Address? Or where I can find steps that work. All the documents I read up on didn't work.

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