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tia.lupo 10-28-2003 03:58 AM

SuSe and Asus P4C800 Deluxe
Hi all,
I've a BIG problem configuring my mainboard Asus P4C800 Deluxe with SuSe Linux 8.1. I can't configure the Promise RAID SATA Controller. I follow all the instruction to install the driver in the asus cd but when i finished to install all the packages linux doesn't start..........
Has someone resolved this problem?

another question:
Is this mainboard supported by SuSe 8.2 or 9????

bluephile 10-28-2003 04:58 PM

I'm not sure, but I think SATA is only supported starting in the 2.6.0-test9 kernel. You can try connecting it not through the controller (i.e. if there is a free "standard" parallel ata connector that isn't being used for cd/dvd drives) and see if that works. Sorry!


hindenbergbaby 10-28-2003 06:14 PM

I'm running a similar board, the ASUS p4p800, on SuSE 8.2. As was stated, think it might be a SATA thing.


tia.lupo 10-29-2003 01:51 AM

I can't use ata because I've 2 SATA hd (maxtor 120 GB) and I can't change.......


tia.lupo 10-29-2003 01:55 AM

The ASUS P4P800 has the same chipset (Promise) of my mainboard?
If you tell me that the RAID works with 8.2 I can use it.

bluephile 10-29-2003 03:42 PM

Well, the problem isn't really the raid controller itself, but the fact that it is SATA. SATA support was only included starting in 2.6.0-test9. If you're feeling adventerous (it isn't that big of a deal) you can try to compile & install that kernel -- there are tutorials all over the place.

Good luck!

tia.lupo 10-30-2003 02:22 AM

I want to install SuSe 9. I've read that it has the 2.4 kernel but with some features of the 2.6. I hope it has SATA support.

Thanks a lot

heinz.kroebel 10-30-2003 08:03 AM

Well, I just installed SuSE 9.0 on an Inter D865PERL (P4 2,8C, 1GB RAM, 9800 Pro). My sATA HD is recognized and I can install linux on it ...

... but the performance is abysmally low. It seems as if the performance gets worse the longer the machine is running. Additionally I have approx. 90% kernel CPU usage, even if nothing is running. This even happens in bootlevel 3.

My old Athlon 1400 (no XP or MP, just pure MHz) runs by factors faster.

Anyone having an idea where to start digging?

minck 10-30-2003 09:45 AM


Did you install Suse *on* the SATA drive, so it now boots from the SATA drive, or did you install it just so it can access the SATA drive? I'm in a similar situation, having bought a new system with one drive (SATA), and now might have to hook up the old ATA drive. Thing is, this rig's memory is about 1/5 the size of the old ATA drive (1gig/5gigs), does seem kind of silly. Like strapping a propeller onto an F-16.

heinz.kroebel 10-31-2003 02:05 AM

Hi Minck,

at first I installed SuSE on the sATA drive. At second I installed it on the ATA100 drive. At last I even disconnected the sATA drive to be sure not activating it.

In all three cases the performance was equally abyssmal.

On top of that I tried to replace the standard k_smp4g kernel (automatically chosen by Yast2) with the k_dflt and turning hyperthreading off in the BIOS. Guess what the effect was? Right, no change.

Maybe I should open a new thread for this ...

heinz.kroebel 11-01-2003 01:28 PM

I found a way to get it up&running - although it was rather the hard way. I noticed that when running Knoppix 3.3 my computer had a great performance. The only obvious difference was the kernel. Therefore I downloaded and compiled the official 2.4.22 (SuSE has got a customized 2.4.21) and almost everything worked at once.

The only missing thing (which is not that important to me) is the on-board sound. And I am not too sure about the speed of my sATA drive, but at least it's DMA and I can boot from it.

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