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BigBrittDOGG 07-15-2003 04:01 AM

Mandrake 9.1 And modem
I just installed Linux Mandrake 9.1 and have windows xp pro installed also, I have a PC-Tel 56HP 56K modem and in the hardware section of the mandrake control center it is listed as an other device, so I go to connect and it says it cant find the device. The modem is in the third PCI slot on my motherboard, if someone can help me I would be grateful. I'm a newbie to Linux but a computer programmer so I think (and hope) I can pick it up quickly, any help would be greatly appreciated.

scmason 07-15-2003 04:26 AM

Generally speaking: internal modems are not supported in Linux (no one I know has ever made one work, but I have heared rumors). The problem is that internal modems, such as winmodems, are software driven. This means that they do not work using the Hayes Modem Command set, which is the standard for hardware driven modems. The manufacturers of these internal modems are not apt to release drivers for Linux, but there are some hacks out there.

This is a site that I played around with for quiet some time, with no luck. I finally went to the used computer store and bout a US Robotics external, for like $25.

Good Luck

juby 07-15-2003 04:26 AM

u can get a pctel work in linux. but it may need some pain..
for info on how i got a pctel working
my suggestion is try to get ur pctel exchanged for a connexant will work fine !
pctel modem drivers are said to be unpredictable eventhough i dint get any unpleasnt experiences while working with.. i use a motorola sm56 now ..

BigBrittDOGG 07-15-2003 03:48 PM

Thanks to both of you guys for the response.
Juby: will that driver download on your website work mandrake 9.1 because it says for red hat 8?

scamason: I'll go ahead and just probably buy an external modem (do you know of a good brandname?) as a last resort if i can't get it to work.

Thanks again to both of you guys for ur help

juby 07-16-2003 12:53 AM

(of course if u have enuf cash which u dunno what to do then go ahead.)
u can get ur pc tel work fine on redhat 8.. i used to use a pctel modem on redhat 8 .. i had exchanged it one of my friends..i had a mototrola sm56 earlier.. one day i got the idea why not install the 7.1 kernel and run rh 8 on it.. it worked fine & i switched back to motorola :)

pctels need a bit of tweaking to get it work..thats all we can get it work.. so dont worry :)

BigBrittDOGG 07-18-2003 09:51 PM

As i previosly stated i have Mandrake 9.1, will the "driver" work in cross-reference to Red Hat 8?

juby 07-19-2003 01:57 AM

Ya they should work .. bcoz u have to compile the drivers on ur machine after downloading it. theres no reason that it will not work coz i feel that the kernel will be almost the same.. on ly with slight differences..

BigBrittDOGG 07-19-2003 03:47 AM

I tried that link and it says the file "PCtel modem.txt" cannot be found. Was this an error on my part or is the file and link have different names? Also, please tell me how to install the driver as i do not know almost anything about linux (plus i have never installed anything on it yet either.

japiinvincible 07-19-2003 08:30 PM

Hi people!
Reading your views, i have some queries of my own too. Please humor me:
1. I have a Motorola sm56 spakerphone modem. 'juby' replies that ".. i use a motorola sm56 now ..". Hey Juby, did you get it to work with RedHat 8.0? If yes - save my soul. Tell me how to! I have an RPM available which was designed for RH 7.1 (driver version 5.1). But it doesn't work under RH 8.0. Help. :-)
2. I was thinking of buying a second hand external modem to use it under Linux (RH8). I was getting one (Creative ModemBlaster DE5625 External Modem), for Rs. 700. But i read on the Net somewhere that Rockwell/Conexent chip modems don't work with linux. And apparently this one has a Rockwell/Conexent chipset. So apparently this also wouldn't work under Linux. BUT, i had heard that ANY External modem could work under Linux. So, whats the catch?
3. Nowadays, these USB modems are raising a lot of hue & cry. Do THESE work ubder Linux, & what are their pros & cons vis-a-vis normal serial ones?
4. Tell me what to do. If i can make my internal modem sm56 motorola to work, well & good. If not, tell me what to look out for in an external modem if i have to buy one for linux. I'm not concerned with windows. sm56 goes like a breeze under Windows. I'm just longing to connect under Linux.
5. I borrowed a friends external modem GVC 56k speakerphone SF-1156V/R21 to test it, whether it would work under Linux. But Linux doesn't even detect it. And i can't find any Linux drivers for it. How to install it? I used the setserial command, but it doesn't even know what UART it uses. Just the Port no. Com1, & IRQ. Rest all i'm supposed to enter myself, & i don't know. I mean, how does one install a simple external modem under Linux?
Enough questions, i think for a day. Please enligten me somewhat!
P.S.-> Hey Juby, whats compulsory then? Indecision? Quagmire? (If neither Learning, nor Survival!)

juby 07-22-2003 11:15 PM

Ya sm56 will work on redhat 8 if u use the 7.1 kernel..

furhter refrence from
yet another way of getting ti t work is to get gcc 2.96 install it on redhat 8 and get a patch for the sm56 from follow the readme instns included..
it works for some but not for others

btw if u r using ext3 fs then the 7.1 kernel wont support it ..

use rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.2*** --force to install the 7.1 kernel and
edit ur grub.conf file to boot from the newly installed kernel. then install the rpm for 7.1 this is the way i get it work on rh8.. if u have time & patience try the patch on the 2.4.18 kernel that ships woth rh 8
good luck :)

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